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Everything posted by Zell

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Apply the patch manually These commands allow you to create duplicates at run time. duplicatecreate("sourcename", "targetnameshown", "targetnamehidden", "targetmap", targetx, targety, targetdir{, targetspriteid{, targetxs, targetys}}); duplicateremove("npcname");
  2. Zell

    npcname_db null

    Never mind. Fixed, I'm stupid
  3. Hi! I updated my emulator and now my custom command that I created its not working anymore. The command duplicate a npc. Every thing is working fine, but when I use: strdb_put(npcname_db, nd_duplicata->exname, nd_duplicata); to save the NPC in db, "npcname_db" returns null. If I remove this line, every thing works fine and my duplicate spawn and execute my script. But I will not be able to remove it later. I transfered this line to npc.hpp to use in script.c static DBMap* ev_db; // const char* event_name -> struct event_data* static DBMap* npcname_db; // const char* npc_name -> struct npc_data* struct event_data { struct npc_data *nd; int pos; }; I know that my npcname_db is not null cause I can use commands like @unloadnpc to remove a static npc. So, any leads?
  4. Mas dessa vez ele nem foi mal educado
  5. You just changed comment lines. Try change your hair color and you will see you client crashing.
  6. Why not implement the "continue;" function to script loop engine?
  7. Thank u. I figure out what I wanted cause you.
  8. I have a doubt. When a user connect to the server with client the function called is "login_mmo_auth", until here ok. But when a player disconnect from selection char or in server select. Where we know that player disconnects?
  9. Using the last version I had this error every time I log out: http://prntscr.com/g4kugm Why?
  10. Thanks tokei! Works like a charm.
  11. Tokei explained that if the map do not exist the value returne by getmapusers is -1 and not 0.....
  12. In browedit2 source you can't find this formula?
  13. My table structure for house system is something like this: Table: house char_id = Id of a char (Primary Key) id = House ID status = 1 if placed and 0 if not map = Map name x = X (/where) y = Y (/where) intance_id = instance id
  14. Actually create a instance attached to a player and manipulate it is easy. What is your difficult?
  15. I made a House System like that and a can tell you that is not a simple thing for a beginner. A lot of situations that can bug and exploits depending of your server confs (no warp and etc).
  16. Here: And Here: What is my prize? @topic 4269
  17. Nice! So beauty. I use your el dorado map for my main city in my server and I love it!
  18. He is Brazilian. He was probably using google translator and missed the word in Portuguese. "niguem" must be "ninguém" that means "nobody".
  19. É só ter 1 post pra poder baixar doente
  20. Or https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3269-server-database-editor/
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