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Everything posted by llchrisll

  1. hmm according to your request you want an Last "Party" Standing Event :I (Last Man Standing xX) Is that correct? :I Hi Emistry, What if the party leader would be setting the prize and the npc will hold it. Both teams gonna put their bet let's say zeny or an item (not necessary that the items are the same) then whichever team wins will get the prize. Thanks.. Well that is possible, cause I tried it once for my Guild Ranker System but dropped the idea, because of exploiting or how to call that. Regards, Chris
  2. Hmm do you got an pvp script already? So we can make an ladder for it, in case you have. Gold Room: Well I have an private gold room where you have to fight for it The battle occures every 2nd day and you can visit ur gold room as often as you like but you get kicked out of an specific time. But making an Gold Room everyone can go into isn't that hard in my opinion..., I know this is Request Section but just saying . Regards, Chris Edit: Heres my freshly scripted Gold Room, which drops the gold already on the floor, untested though :I. If you prefer monsters to be killed, tell me. prontera,150,180,4 script Gold Room 110,{ mes .n$; mes "Welcome, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Do you want to be warped to the Gold Room?"; if(select("- Yes:- No") - 1) close; next; mes .n$; mes "Fine, let's go."; close2; warp "new_zone04",0,0; end; OnInit: set .n$,"["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; while(1) { makeitem 969,1,"new_zone04",rand(88,111),rand(168,191); sleep2 1000; } end; } // Mapflags // Just delete or uncomment lines which should not be loaded new_zone04 mapflag pvp off new_zone04 mapflag nosave SavePoint new_zone04 mapflag nowarpto new_zone04 mapflag nowarp new_zone04 mapflag nomemo new_zone04 mapflag noreturn new_zone04 mapflag no
  3. Just two questions: 1. @NOTE2: Something like deatmatch? 2. What is the player limit per team? Regards, Chris
  4. Like Emistry saied, EVERY $@, like in $@SatanReward and $@SatanRewardItems. So each line those variables appear. Regards, Chris
  5. Datav3.0: yes thats fine. Lub: Same as long its in the data folder. Here are some screens of my root folder - @imageshack.us Nope the src folder is mainly for you or if your client uses the "Load Lua before Lub" diff then use that. But it's recommended to use lub files because of the resolution bug with luas, but by renaming lua to lub it works just fine.
  6. Datav3.0 Basic Complete Renewal Data English Folder: This is the 2nd requirement of an server, the data folder where all the client files goes. Copy the "AI","AI_sakray","data" and "System" folders into your RO root/install folder, so where your exe is. ( I'm not sure which date that was, but the file I have was "data_v3.0.rar", or if it had been updated again. ) Download the "2012-04-10 Lub+src" file and unpack it somewhere: data folder: Copy and paste this folder into your install folder also, if he wants to import since an data folder already exists, just do it. Only the "luafiles514" folder with its content will be copied. src folder: Those are exact files like above the only difference is those are lua files, which you can compile with the necessary program (luac5.0.2.exe on Aerie-PinkPanther's SVN) to compile lua to lub files. But since the 2012-04-10 client doesnt accept the header in the lub files after compiling, just rename lua to lub if you don't have the diff "Load Lua before Lub".
  7. Add the edits in accname.lua not in accname_eng.lua. Because the client doesn't read that file (well atleast the older clients don't). Thank you. So, what I did was I went and got my custom items in another .grf. I got all the descriptions, display, etc, on the client-side all good. What I did differently was change the ID name, I made sure I changed the IDs in all the files, so the client-side files can correspond with the server-side files. On the client side, I changed the display, desc., resname, and viewid. On the server side I changed the view id and the item id. What am I missing? From what i understand, You don't see a particular headgear on the character when the client does not find the filename for the item's view id. This happens if there is no entry in the accname.lua for that view id or if the view id itself is not there in accessoryid.lua. 1) You said you had the server & client working before, so where you able to see this item on the character before you updated the ids. 2) Make sure you have added the edits in accname.lua and accessoryid.lua - Dont use accname_eng.lua Omfg, thanks that helped, but for what is accname_eng there for . Regards, Chris
  8. I have got the same issue, the sprites are in the correct folder and are shown correctly except the sprite which is used to show the headgear on the character. No Sprite error, my lua files: accessoryid.lub: accname_eng.lub: Note: Since I have accname.lua and accname_eng.lua in my luafiles514/lua files/datainfo, I used accname_eng.lua. But I already tried to use accname.lua only as well, no change. Item_db2.txt - I only show the 1st entry 29000,Traveler_Hat,Traveler Hat,5,20,10,200,,2,,1,536870910,7,2,256,,1,1,1500,{ bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bMaxSPrate,10; bonus bCastrate,-15;},{},{} Those whole entries are copied from my old eAthena server where it worked just fine, just changed the Item ID and the View ID. If someone could help me, I tried everything already which I could think of. My Client has "Increase Headgear View ID" 2000 diffed. Regarding the lua files: I had to rename the accessoryid.lua and accname/accname_eng.lua into .lub cause I undiffed the "Ignore Missing Sprite Files" in my client, in case I made an mistake or something had changed in the structure of the data folder. After I started it, I recieved the following error: ]buf: bad header for precompiled chun I searched for this error and found the solution above. But now... I'm at the end of my knowledge. Regards, Chris
  9. Hmm, tested with my 2012-04-10 client and it works fine. No error and the equip will be shown. Maybe you are missing the files for it, got the latest data folder and lua/lubs? Regards, Chris
  10. Try this: prontera,150,180,4 script WarpGM1 45,3,3,{ end; OnTouch: if(getgmlevel() < 30) { dispbottom "You are not allowed to use this Portal, only GM's are."; end; } warp "map",x,y; end; } // Warp back to town map,x,y,0 warp WarpGM2 3,3,prontera,150,180 You just need to exchange the map,x,y with the map you require. Also don't forget to exchange the spaces in NPC Headers with an "TAB" @Off-Topic: I know this is support but before I start explaing how to do it I will script it completely ;I, sry Mods <3. Regards, Chris
  11. Does the Map server say anything? Any error? I tested it and the script wrote it in the SQL table correctly. Checked that via the ranking. Regards, Chris
  12. nope just moved on by svn, seems like forgot to link it http://llchrisll-scripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/released/packed_files/
  13. Login Commands v1.0 Try this one :I, @autoloot, @noask and @main If you want another, PM me I will try my best to make modifications, but I'm busy the next weeks at work so I only have a little time. Regards, Chris
  14. llchrisll

    Skill in map

    Hmm it is giving all jobs? Except Thief Job Row which already have.
  15. Since when does wings are being shown for others like headgears when they are garments and others? New in rAthena (Don't use rathena yet ;I, so I dunno lol...) As far as I know the only thing that are visible by others are Headgears and Costume Headgears and those lua files are as far as I know for costume. If I'm wrong please correct me. Regards, Chris
  16. llchrisll

    Skill in map

    Something like this? - script PvPSkills -1,{ end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) != "pvp_y_2-2") end; if(BaseClass == Job_Thief) end; attachnpctimer; initnpctimer; skill 150,1,1; end; OnTimer5000: if(strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_y_2-2") if(getskilllv(150) > 0) end; else if(getskilllv(150) > 0) skill 150,0; initnpctimer; end; } pvp_y_2-2 mapflag loadevent Remember to exchange the spaces in the NPC header with TABS . Regards, Chris
  17. Grad lachflash gehabt xX, sry Wenn du nicht den Unterschied zwischen einen Novicen und einen GM Sprite kennst, dann tust du mir leid. @Topic: Mach das was ossi0110 geschrieben hat. Grüße, Chris
  18. Just saying, but you know that an IP contains "." right? Those are not numeric so you need "$" at the end of "@RIDIP" > "@RIDIP$" Also query_sql "INSERT INTO On_ip_table ("+@RIDIP+")"; is wrong, well as far as I know. Correct format: query_sql "INSERT INTO `On_ip_table` (`last_ip`) VALUES ('"+@RIDIP$+"')"; Note: " ` " is an habit of mine to use them always, official format. :I Yours is the faster way , but well. I noticed also that "dispbotton" is false written > "dispbottom" Here is my version: - script Dont_allow_2_clients -1,{ end; OnPCLoginEvent: query_sql "SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"",@RIDIP$; // Checking if the IP isn't inserted into the On_ip_table if(query_sql("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `On_ip_table` WHERE `last_ip` = '"+@RIDIP$+"'",.@ip_check$) == "") // If not inserted yet, do it..... query_sql "INSERT INTO On_ip_table (`last_ip` ) VALUES ('"+@RIDIP$+"')"; query_sql "UPDATE On_ip_table SET ips_online = ips_online + 1 WHERE last_ip = "+@RIDIP$+""; query_sql "SELECT ips_online FROM on_ip_table WHERE last_ip = "+@RIDIP$+"",@TIMESON; if(@TIMESON >= 2) { dispbottom "[staff]"; dispbottom strcharinfo(0)+" you can't log with two windows opened"; dispbottom "I need kick you now"; sleep2 5000; // Just to the player read. atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: // No need for this line since the variable "@RIDIP$" will be cleared on logout or when you overwrite it, // and I don't believe that the IP changes while being ingame //query_sql "SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"",@RIDIP$; query_sql "UPDATE on_ip_table SET ips_online = 0 WHERE last_ip = "+@RIDIP$+""; end; OnInit: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS on_ip_table (last_ip varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',ips_online int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (`last_ip`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=2000000;// SET THE ENGINE MAKE THE TABLE BE ACESSED FASTER } That SQL code is in my opinion for people who have a better knowledge of MySQL. The Diff is against Dual Clients, but what about when someone has 2 Computers? Regards, Chris
  19. Update: 12/21-2012: Updated Security System v2.0 New Featuers: More dynamically Usage for TxT Servers made possible > See OnInit: "$@serv_mode" Added Prevention to skip the Passwort Insertion - Thanks to Peopleperson49 for this hint. Tested and working fine! Regards, Chris
  20. Finishing my Trainig System already ..... Damn don't wanna xD

  21. What do you mean by that? Regards, Chris Note: PMed you :I.
  22. Hmm it seems like I had an bug there. Fixed and updated, but only at my SVN so far. Direct Link: Click!! Note to myself: Maybe deleting all Download links from the 1st Post and putting my SVN Link. ;I Well, I kinda can't solve this problem, via SQL that is. Gonna take a look at the real Control Panels or if someone else can help me with that, feel free to do it ;I. Regards, Chris
  23. Well, instead removing you could use agitcheck() and agitcheck2() at the event files when they start. The problem is when the events are already running. You could add this: OnMinute00: while( (agitcheck() ==1 || agitcheck2() ==1) && <EventVariable> ==1) { donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::<EventOffLabel>; announce " The event <Event Name> has shut down duo WoE starting.",0; sleep 180000; // 30 minutes } end; Just edit the <EventOffLabel> to the label which shuts down the event. Also <Event Name> which should b obvious. <EventVariable> to check if the event is running or not. Regards, Chris
  24. Hmm you could use my InGame CP, which allows GM's to view other accounts plus their chars See Mu Script Collection in my Sig Regards, Chris
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