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Everything posted by Technoken

  1. Yep. Replace the lure entry with that one.
  2. Try 2775,Lure,Lure,2,20,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{},{},{}
  3. Try to check this out rathena/db/re/skill_cast_db.txt // Structure of Database: // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time //-- GS_TRACKING 512,600:700:800:900:1000:1100:1200:1300:1400:1500,1500,0,0,0,0,600:700:800:900:1000:1100:1200:1300:1400:1500
  4. Any errors? And are you sure that the script is loaded?
  5. Can you give a screenshot of your console errors? Have you also set the username and password on your database? And try to use localhost ip on these: char_athena.conf // Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip: map_athena.conf // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: subnet_athena.conf subnet:
  6. There's no rathena10.sln bc it was removed from this update But you can check this guide to compile your trunk
  7. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Max-Level
  8. On login_athena.conf // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server? new_account: yes just change it to no You need to install your fluxcp and allow access to your server database. There are lot's of guides on the forum
  9. On view column of your item_db, add the view id which is 107. Currently it is NULL.
  10. You can do it via sql query query_sql( "UPDATE `guild_member` SET `position` = "+.@position+" WHERE `char_id` = "+.@char_id+" LIMIT 1" ); Hmm. But why would you use an npc based while guild leaders can change the guild member positions via guild tab(alt + g) ?
  11. Remove the comment // on your npc/scripts_custom.conf https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/scripts_custom.conf#L13
  12. Yep. Nemo supports 2015 clients, however some patch are not updated so you can't use it. Like custom jobs and custom aura patch.
  13. You can try to add callsub under the script after creating instance. case 1: if( instance_create(.@md_name$) < 0 ) { mes "Party Name: "+ getpartyname(.@party_id); mes "Party Leader: "+strcharinfo(0); mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000- Reservation Failed!"; close; } //mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+"^000000 - Try to reserve"; //mes "After making a reservation, you have to talk to NPC behind and select the menu 'Enter the Dungeon' to enter the dungeon."; //close; callsub L_Enter,0,1,1; end;
  14. It's working on me though
  15. Just make sure that when you warped the whole party, all of them should go thru 'setquest' and set the variables that is needed when the player entered the instance. I think you should also use "instance_enter" instead of "warp" to make sure they are on the right instance map. I recently made an instance that warps the whole party when the party leader enter the instance for the first time. I use the script from endless tower and modified the warping part. This one was the script. PS: I removed some checking part bc it was long so i wont recommend just copy pasting this one. Just wanted to give u an idea how warping was made .@party_id = getcharid(1); .@md_name$ = "Dragons Dungeon"; .@dragon_timer = checkquest(25000,PLAYTIME); // Cooldown 24 Hours .@dragon_timer2 = checkquest(25001,PLAYTIME); // Time Limit 3 hours if( !instance_check_party(.@party_id,2) ) { mes "Make or join a party with more than 1 member and try again."; close; } switch( .@dragon_timer ) { case -1: if( getcharid(0) == getpartyleader(.@party_id,2) ) { mes "Confirmed the party has been made. Would you like to reserve entrance to the Dragons Dungeon?"; next; switch( select("Generate dungeon "+.@md_name$+":Enter the dungeon:Cancel") ) { case 1: if( instance_create(.@md_name$) < 0 ) { mes "Party Name: "+ getpartyname(.@party_id); mes "Party Leader: "+strcharinfo(0); mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000- Reservation Failed!"; close; } mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+"^000000 - Try to reserve"; mes "After making a reservation, you have to talk to NPC behind and select the menu 'Enter the Dungeon' to enter the dungeon."; close; case 2: callsub L_Enter,0,1,1; case 3: close; } } switch( select("Enter the "+.@md_name$+":Cancel") ) { case 1: callsub L_Enter,1,1,0; case 2: end; } case 0: case 1: if( .@dragon_timer2 < 2 && getcharid(1) == dragonq_partyid ) { mes "If you have the dungeon generated already, you can enter it. "; next; switch(select("Enter the "+.@md_name$+":Cancel")) { case 1: callsub L_Enter,0,0,0; case 2: close; } } else { .@dun_lim_time = dragonq_timer + 86400; // 24 hours .@dun_cur_time = gettimetick(2); .@dun_ent_t = (.@dun_lim_time - .@dun_cur_time); .@dun_h = (.@dun_ent_t / 3600); .@dun_m = (.@dun_ent_t - (.@dun_h * 3600)) / 60; .@dun_s = .@dun_ent_t - ((.@dun_h * 3600) + (.@dun_m * 60)); mes "You cannot enter the Dragons Dungeon right now, " + .@dun_h + "hours " + .@dun_m + "minutes " + .@dun_s + "seconds left to enter the dungeon."; close; } case 2: dragonq_timer = 0; erasequest 25000; erasequest 25001; mes "^0000ffThe records related to the Dragons Dungeon have been removed. You can generate and enter the Dragons Dungeon again.^000000"; close; } L_Enter: switch( instance_enter("Dragons Dungeon") ) { case IE_OTHER: mes "An unknown error has occurred."; close; case IE_NOINSTANCE: mes "The Dragons Dungeon does not exist."; mes "The party leader did not generate the dungeon yet."; close; case IE_NOMEMBER: mes "You can enter the dungeon after making the party."; close; case IE_OK: if( getarg(2) ) { .@myRID = getcharid(3); .@myPID = getcharid(1); mapannounce "prontera", "The party, "+ getpartyname( .@myPID ) +", is entering the Dragons Dungeon.",bc_map,"0x00ff99",FW_NORMAL,12; addrid(2), 0, .@myPID; if( getcharid(3) != .@myRID ) { if( instance_enter("Dragons Dungeon") == IE_OK ) { dragonq_timer = gettimetick(2); dragonq_partyid = getcharid(1); setquest 25000; setquest 25001; end; } else { mes "An unknown error has occurred."; close; } } } else mapannounce "prontera", strcharinfo(0) +" of the party, "+ getpartyname( getcharid(1) ) +", is entering the Dragons Dungeon.",bc_map,"0x00ff99",FW_NORMAL,12; if( getarg(1) ) { dragonq_timer = gettimetick(2); dragonq_partyid = getcharid(1); setquest 25000; setquest 25001; } if( getarg(0) == 0 ) close; else end; } This one was the warping part case IE_OK: if( getarg(2) ) { .@myRID = getcharid(3); .@myPID = getcharid(1); mapannounce "prontera", "The party, "+ getpartyname( .@myPID ) +", is entering the Dragons Dungeon.",bc_map,"0x00ff99",FW_NORMAL,12; addrid(2), 0, .@myPID; if( getcharid(3) != .@myRID ) { if( instance_enter("Dragons Dungeon") == IE_OK ) { dragonq_timer = gettimetick(2); dragonq_partyid = getcharid(1); setquest 25000; setquest 25001; end; } else { mes "An unknown error has occurred."; close; } } }
  16. Based from the clients date that you provided. I'll go for 2012-04-10 client.
  17. https://rathena.org/jobs_available/
  18. you need to apply upgrade_20170509.sql or execute this on your sql ALTER TABLE `char` ADD COLUMN `last_login` datetime DEFAULT NULL AFTER `clan_id`;
  19. Have you replace #define MAX_LEVEL on map.h? This link my help too. -> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Max-Level
  20. Check map if pvp_noparty mapflag is enabled.
  21. If you're still having problem with adding them manually. You can ask it on google.
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