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  1. you cant remove the "system" folder or put it on the grf, the client reads its from the RO folder.
  2. you need to use the client 2015-11-04 or newer. Sorry for the english.
  3. Good to know that people like my buttons! http://prntscr.com/gdc34k
  4. I am using the latest rAthena and i can't confirm this issue. Try to update your git or check your mods. I recommend you to check the equipments again and make sure their scripts are all "normal".
  5. There is a pull request on our git, they will implement rebellion awakening soon.
  6. A question: If i donate some money, ill get the "Donator" title on forum?
  7. Aconselho nocw3, suporte brasileiro, boa qualidade e preços bons também.
  8. Check the paid services threads. https://rathena.org/thirdpartyservices/
  9. yes, here is not the right session to report it, people need to start use github.
  10. i am using the 4f99567e41935987a99ac729104557c77a7d137b and it dont work as intended. You can CAST the skill on the land protector, but the skill effect's don't work. Officially you can cast the skill on the LP and the graphic effects works on the LP but you dont get damage. What's happens is: You can cast the skill, but the graphic effects dont work on the LP. The graphics efffect only work outside, what is wrong.
  11. Are you using latest rAthena? If yes, please report it on the github on issues tab. Btw, i have reproduced that on my server and its not working as intended. I can confirm your issue if you report on github.
  12. The "not available" its on msgstringtable.txt i think. The background you need to change on your grf too, creating a new one and converting using this tool http://rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/login_background/ and merging with your grf.
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