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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. i think you need different id
  2. on load custom lua file instead of iteminfo* .lub check there the problem must be there or you don't have the file you write it name there (use .lua not .lub file)
  3. yes you have to think where you want to put it and checkweight(969,.@gain) so it would be like this>> input .@gain; if (.@gain > gold){ // check if the player have the amount he want mes "you don't have that much"; close; }else if(checkweight(969,.@gain)){ getitem 969,.@gain; //give the player the item gold (the same amount as the input) gold = gold -.@gain; //take from the player the variable gold the same amount as the item gold }else{ goto L_OverWeight;}
  4. uncheck Change Walk To Delay Disable Walk To Delay in nemo
  5. - script autoloot_checker -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy .@ma$,.@ax,.@ay,0; if(.@ma$ == "payon") { atcommand "@autoloot 0"; } end; } payon mapflag loadevent
  6. getitem 969,.@gain; >>> this would give the player the amount he typed as item but you will need to check if the player have the variable gold or not so it's like that input .@gain; if (.@gain > gold){ // check if the player have the amount he want mes "you don't have that much"; close; }else{ getitem 969,.@gain; //give the player the item gold (the same amount as the input) gold = gold -.@gain; //take from the player the variable gold the same amount as the item gold }
  7. so you want from the npc to turn gold(the variable) to gold(the item) ?
  8. btw i did find the guide that file from if you want to follow it use the link in the guide as in the post the files size is +400mb and the kro files is +2gig
  9. i don't know this website but as i see it have a looooooot of ads i suggest you download rathena from github and find a guide to set up the server it's better for you there is a lot of guides to setup rathena server use google and you will find them like this you can find more here https://rathena.org/board/forum/24-installation-support/
  10. what the [ offline newbie package 2017] x.X ? git from here or download zip https://github.com/rathena/rathena
  11. delitem2 2589, 1, 1, .@refeq, 0, @card1, @card2, @card3, @card4; to delitem2 2589, 1, 1, .@refeq, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4; and .@card1 = getequipcardid(4,0); .@card2 = getequipcardid(4,1); .@card3 = getequipcardid(4,2); .@card4 = getequipcardid(4,3); to .@card1 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,0); .@card2 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,1); .@card3 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,2); .@card4 = getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,3); and getitem2 2589, 1, 1, .@refeq, 0, @card1, 0, 0, 0; to getitem2 2589, 1, 1, .@refeq, 0, .@card1, 0, 0, 0; not only on the reset option check all your script
  12. can you explain how you want your script to work ? what is (gold) ? i see it here it's var (it's not item it's variable) and why the *0 in (.@gain*0) if you can let us see the full script it would be better
  13. do you have the last kro ? (updated) ?
  14. from npc ? like this announce "hi",bc_self,0xFFFFFF, 0x190, 30; << 30 = size
  15. when you create account you choose male or female do you use the last rathena ?
  16. in this month alone there was 3 post the exact same as you use google plz you will find more then what you need
  17. put the english files in the first grf you use in data.ini or whatever you call it when diffing or in your data folder i think you have kro files in the data folder
  18. you can see the item scripts on ratemyserver you can edit the items script in rathena\db\pre-re\item_db.txt = pre-renewal rathena\db\re\item_db.txt = renewal if you use the database (you don't use them if you didn't edit the conf) item_db.sql = pre-renewal item_db_re.sql = renewal
  19. if you like mapping you can meet the god of maps here >> https://discord.gg/8gRk5E @Borf (browedit discord) and you will find all the Map designers there for the first question and for the effect i think it's hex edit ?
  20. you can just cut the line and paste it in one of the .conf files inside the npc folder
  21. you just find the npc line in .conf files and put // before the line or remove the line
  22. [jobtbl.JT_lif] = "lif" lif = the monster file name you need to add it to your client to use it lif.spr lif.act
  23. no you edit the lua/lub you already have
  24. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/wiki/Custom-Mobs#Client_Side
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