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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. any error on the terminal after starting the server ?
  2. is your char_conf.txt file empty ?
  3. i see you only changed the zeny from 0 to 1000 any other changes ? if only that what you want and you don't get the 1000 zeny on the new char try to add the line to conf/import/char_conf.txt start_zeny: 1000
  4. sleep for npc sleep2 for players i see here at the last of the script OnInit: goto Lwalk; end; Lwalk: sleep2 1000; npcwalkto rand(107,39),rand(60,99); goto Lwalk; end; OnInit = no player so use sleep not sleep2 check the script for more errors like that edit: as i see this would fix all the errors
  5. post your char_athena.conf (without the ip and user name and password)
  6. did you restart the server after you change it ?
  7. the hash is the size of the program so you can't just type it or change it as you want
  8. they need to run it as administrator for me im using Thor_Patcher[] no problem
  9. the two are equally Important and remember that NEMO support what lead to newer client and new clients = Refine UI
  10. i suggest you read this https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/8a93b120207c216711e8e7db4d2442ae97e232d0/doc/script_commands.txt#L428
  11. google it there is converters etc you just need to search for them
  12. i think it's here your_ro/System/Font folder
  13. open your grf with grf editor Tools > Advanced search your server ip in the search in the file filter put this *.txt;*.lub;*.log;*.xml;*.ini;*.c;*.h,*.lua and search and see the result what the files in your grf that have your server's ip in the next photo example i search for the ip here how it's look and edit the file that have your server ip if there is more then one edit them just to make sure
  14. you can't hide IP the PC need the ip to connect you can however make server like vpn and make the vpn connect to the real server and the ppl will see the vpn ip (the vpn ip will still there) player1 pc---------------------------------\ \ player2 pc----------------------------------- THE SERVER / player3 pc---------------------------------/ with 3rd party connection player1 pc---------------------------------\ \ player2 pc--------------------------------- THE VPN SERVER ---------------------------------------------- THE SERVER / player3 pc---------------------------------/ HOW you will do that ? i have no idea lol
  15. you need to edit the client info you use so it's in the data folder(only if you use the data folder) if not it's in your first grf (check your data.ini) if not it's the second grf etc
  16. those the account IDs that have the GM look so just add the Account IDs of the GM and remove the others Account id you can check it from the login database or by using @accinfo command in the game Example: i have new gm and his ID is 2000459 and i have your list of GMs then i add it like that <yellow> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000003</admin> <admin>2000843</admin> <admin>2002542</admin> <admin>2003544</admin> <admin>2009033</admin> <admin>2013734</admin> <admin>2000459</admin> <-- this the new GM Account --> </yellow>
  17. "defaultmap" : "lighttest", to "defaultmap" : "prontera", try to run as administrator
  18. i didn't get what you really want
  19. bindatcmd "maprecall",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMapRecall",70,70; the first 70 is the command level so no one under the group 70 can use the command
  20. i don't think you can as i see you can do something like @refresh so it will close it Example: prontera,153,170,5 script cotin 100,{ mes "Close this window to open the Dress Room window."; next; opendressroom(1); next; mes"close?"; if(select("yes:no")==1){ atcommand "@refresh"; } end; }
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