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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. the script is not supported anymore , and it does not support random option , i suggest you create a script that does only what you need instead of using any type of "all in one" scripts however , this should make the random options work sader_s_enchant_V2.6_(with random option support).txt
  2. i suggest you apply the patch manually , track the changes , remove them , re-apply manually .
  3. for faster help , I suggest uploading your script.cpp file
  4. try BUILDIN_FUNC(getskillname) { int skill_id; //get input skill_id if (!script_hasdata(st, 2)) { script_pushconststr(st, "null"); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } skill_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if (!skill_get_index(skill_id)) { ShowError("script:conv_str: Unknown skill_id supplied.\"\n"); script_pushconststr(st, "null"); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } script_pushstr(st, skill_db.find(skill_id)->desc); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; }
  5. try this prontera,0,0,0 script tttest 444,{ if(getarraysize($FIRSTREWARDNPC_IPs$) < 20){ if(inarray($FIRSTREWARDNPC_IPs$,getcharip()) !=-1 && !#FIRSTREWARDNPC){ $FIRSTREWARDNPC_IPs$[getarraysize($FIRSTREWARDNPC_IPs$)] = getcharip(); #FIRSTREWARDNPC = true; getitem 502,1; mes "you got a reward!"; close2; callsub OnInit; end; }else{ mes "you already got the reward"; close; } } end; OnInit: if(getarraysize($FIRSTREWARDNPC_IPs$) => 20){ hideonnpc strnpcinfo(3); } end; }
  6. I would guess your issue from "Force use icons only from stateiconimginfo.lub" in nemo , I suggest to not select the patches that you don't know what would do.
  7. I don't support this script anymore , it still work with rathena to this date (but it does not have random option support), if you want to use it and have a problem in it , you have to fix it your self. however I don't suggest using any kind of "all in one" scripts , you can just create a small and much better script that work specifically as you wish instead of using some kind of "all in one".
  8. remove the enchantment is not intended to give it back to the player, it just remove it from the item , this is not a problem in the script.
  9. I suggest then creating categories instead of one shop - script impossible_shop_command -1,{ OnCommand: .@s = select("shop0:shop1:shop2:shop3:shop4:shop5:shop6"); callshop "impossible_shop_" + .@s,1; end; OnInit: bindatcmd("brindes",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCommand",0,99); end; } - pointshop impossible_shop_0 -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20; //put the items here; - pointshop impossible_shop_1 -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20; - pointshop impossible_shop_2 -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20; - pointshop impossible_shop_3 -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20; - pointshop impossible_shop_4 -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20; - pointshop impossible_shop_5 -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20; - pointshop impossible_shop_6 -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20;
  10. like this ? - script impossible_shop_command -1,{ OnCommand: callshop "impossible_shop",1; end; OnInit: bindatcmd("brindes",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCommand",0,99); end; } - pointshop impossible_shop -1,impossible_shop_points,502:100,503:20; //put the items here?
  11. You use SQL or txt database for your cash shop ? or you mean you want to put the items you want , not necessarily the cash shop ?
  12. what you mean by "demonstrating them" ?
  13. check what your drop rates are , and edit it to your needs https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/97372ff42352cdfbe7bbe6031ab5008e4ec419c4/conf/battle/drops.conf#L68 I don't see where is the issue , if you want it less , lower the drop rate.
  14. --------------------------------------- *setd "<variable name>",<value>{,<char_id>}; Works almost identically as set, except the variable name is identified as a string and can thus be constructed dynamically. This command is equivalent to: set getd("variable name"),<value>; Examples: setd ".@var$", "Poporing"; mes .@var$; // Displays "Poporing". setd ".@" + .@var$ + "123$", "Poporing is cool"; mes .@Poporing123$; // Displays "Poporing is cool". NOTE: 'char_id' only works for non-server variables. Player with Character ID 'char_id' must be online. --------------------------------------- *getd("<variable name>") Returns a reference to a variable, the name can be constructed dynamically. Refer to 'setd' for usage. This can also be used to set an array dynamically: setarray getd(".array[0]"), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Examples: set getd("$varRefence"), 1; set .@i, getd("$" + "pikachu"); --------------------------------------- example: setarray .@x,1,2; setarray .@x1,10,20,30,40,50; setarray .@x2,100,200,300,400,500; for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@x);.@i++){ for(.@m=0;.@m<getarraysize(getd(".@x" + .@x[.@i]));.@m++){ debugmes "" + getd(".@x" + .@x[.@i] + "[" + .@m + "]"); } }
  15. didn't test it , but i guess this would work 5% .@rate = 5; .@s = ((BaseExp + NextBaseExp)/100); getexp2 (.@s * .@rate),0;
  16. as an admin , you shouldn't have heart (¬‿¬) you should reason first! if I follow my heart , I wouldn't give any warning for any violation of the rules in rathena xD , but ofc that wouldn't be reasonable! also sharing PMs normally makes you black listed for a lot of people, how about full private information xD? also how you like it if you didn't pay for the hosting in the next month , they just release all your information , or if you get ban on one of the forums they release all your information ? think about it ?
  17. English is dead. please ask your friends to write what you need for you , instead of, i don't really know how did you get to this result ? copy/paste ?
  18. i think it's you who reported about the issue in github , anyway for anyone who have the same issue , the fix is here https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/4552
  19. sader1992

    Warper help

    menu "Last Warp ^777777["+lastwarp$+"]^000000",-, " ~ Towns",Towns, " ~ Fields",Fields, " ~ Dungeons",Dungeons, " ~ Guild Castles",Castles, " ~ Guild Dungeons",Guild_Dungeons, " ~ Instances",Instances, " ~ Special Areas",Special; if (lastwarp$ == "") message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't warped anywhere yet."; else warp lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy; end; to what ever you want you want Towns, Fields and Dungeons menu "Last Warp ^777777["+lastwarp$+"]^000000",-, " ~ Towns",Towns, " ~ Fields",Fields, " ~ Dungeons",Dungeons; if (lastwarp$ == "") message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't warped anywhere yet."; else warp lastwarp$,lastwarpx,lastwarpy; end; for removing the maps that you don't want, you need to remove it manually for example if you want to remove Yuno from the town list it would be from this menu "Prontera",T1, "Alberta",T2, "Aldebaran",T3, "Amatsu",T4, "Ayothaya",T5, "Brasilis",T6, "Comodo",T7, "Dewata",T8, "Eclage",T9, "Einbech",T10, "Einbroch",T11, "El Dicastes",T12, "Geffen",T13, "Gonryun",T14, "Hugel",T15, "Izlude",T16, "Jawaii",T17, "Lasagna",T18, "Lighthalzen",T19, "Louyang",T20, "Lutie",T21, "Malangdo",T22, "Malaya",T23, "Manuk",T24, "Midgarts Expedition Camp",T25, "Mora",T26, "Morroc",T27, "Moscovia",T28, "Nameless Island",T29, "Niflheim",T30, "Payon",T31, "Rachel",T32, "Splendide",T33, "Thor Camp",T34, "Umbala",T35, "Veins",T36, "Yuno",T37; to this menu "Prontera",T1, "Alberta",T2, "Aldebaran",T3, "Amatsu",T4, "Ayothaya",T5, "Brasilis",T6, "Comodo",T7, "Dewata",T8, "Eclage",T9, "Einbech",T10, "Einbroch",T11, "El Dicastes",T12, "Geffen",T13, "Gonryun",T14, "Hugel",T15, "Izlude",T16, "Jawaii",T17, "Lasagna",T18, "Lighthalzen",T19, "Louyang",T20, "Lutie",T21, "Malangdo",T22, "Malaya",T23, "Manuk",T24, "Midgarts Expedition Camp",T25, "Mora",T26, "Morroc",T27, "Moscovia",T28, "Nameless Island",T29, "Niflheim",T30, "Payon",T31, "Rachel",T32, "Splendide",T33, "Thor Camp",T34, "Umbala",T35, "Veins",T36; so Yuno would be removed , "Yuno",T37
  20. default on account if you change #HourlyRewards += 1; to HourlyRewards += 1; it would be on char , with the points variable ofc HourlyRewards
  21. @BeWan no need for spamming please , use 1 post to reply
  22. use the map files from an older data/rdata
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