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  1. ive been tryin to figure our what's the prob here. Im not that good yet in scripting /** * Jezznar * getskillname (skillid); **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getskillname) { int skill_id; char *skill_name; //get input skill_id if (!script_hasdata(st, 2)) { script_pushconststr(st, "null"); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } skill_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if (!skill_get_index(skill_id)) { ShowError("script:conv_str: Unknown skill_id supplied.\"\n"); script_pushconststr(st, "null"); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } skill_name = (char *)aMalloc(SKILL_NAME_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); memcpy(skill_name, skill_db[skill_get_index(skill_id)]->desc, SKILL_DESC_LENGTH); script_pushstr(st, skill_name); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; }
  2. @Ninja hehehe its been a while and I'm about to practice more here in rathena again XD. I remember why I need your diff here. coz with this I can call out the wav files while using skills custom and easier for newbies. like when using LORD of VERMILLION - the character is shouting the skills. I just got back on developing again all my old files are gone now starting new hehehe by the way I have this error here. using the latest revision. /** * Jezznar * getskillname (skillid); **/ BUILDIN_FUNC(getskillname) { int skill_id; char *skill_name; //get input skill_id if (!script_hasdata(st, 2)) { script_pushconststr(st, "null"); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } skill_id = script_getnum(st, 2); if (!skill_get_index(skill_id)) { ShowError("script:conv_str: Unknown skill_id supplied.\"\n"); script_pushconststr(st, "null"); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } skill_name = (char *)aMalloc(SKILL_NAME_LENGTH * sizeof(char)); memcpy(skill_name, skill_db[skill_get_index(skill_id)]->desc, SKILL_DESC_LENGTH); script_pushstr(st, skill_name); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } Anyways thanks for this. I cant make the skill name appear but, The skillused_id is what I need for skills shout. thank you
  3. Hi guys, How can i make my item when click opens the world map?
  4. I have diff may source using this and followed everything with no error. but still i couldnt trigger OnPCUseSkillEvent: and i couldnt find other guide or source from here some are directed to eAthena but the site is down. can anyone help me? TIA
  5. This works for me but can i disable the auto respawn when dead? because im doing a map with no restriction and will use battleground for a faction system.
  6. thank you so much guys.. I'm sorry that i didnt use the proper way of posting questions. I'm still new and learning. thank you for the response.
  7. If i use wavs from some sort of anime and implement on my server do i need permission even its downloadable at youtube or other open source site do i get sued? XD or can anyone give me link for the rules on creating my own server
  8. I can't seems to get this work XD i have the same error jawbreaker mention and change NPCE_ITEMUSE -> NPCE_SKILLUSE and came out with no error but still it doesnt work for me ? Quoting, waiting for your response
  9. This is Excellent.. but how can i put... Category list.. like = Consumable,Headgears, etc..
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