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Poring King

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Everything posted by Poring King

  1. Here try this i just made it not tested but i hope you get the idea i try to make it more informative so you can understand prontera,x,y script Test 99{ mes "Welcome"; mes "Let me check if you have zeny"; next; //To check if the player have zeny if ( Zeny > 5000){ // This is the condition if true then proceed if false then end the conversation set Zeny,Zeny-5000; // Deduct 5,000z mes "I see you have zeny now what should i do?"; next; switch(select("Process:Exit")){ case 1: mes "You select Process this is the start for the menu process"; end; case 2: mes "You select Exit this is the start for the menu exit"; end; } end; } mes "Sorry you dont have zeny to process"; end; // To end conversation }// End of script
  2. Spend time reading the rAthena-Master/doc/script_commands.txt to answer your question find this inside the file *stopnpctimer
  3. Check your connection carefully in char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf
  4. Goto rAthena-Master/doc/script_commands for guide everything you need for scripting is there Ex: switch(select("This is Label and it will go to Case 1:This is Label and it will go to Case 2")) { case 1: mes "You said yes!"; break; case 2: mes "Aww, why?"; break; } close;
  5. I say that because you can grant all player a reward thru SQL or You can make a NPC and do some scripting like create npc ingame that will accept a reward from Beta test . Meaning if the account is register during beta they are allowed to get a reward from npc
  6. Get all player register with in this date up to end of beta . Run sql or click and NPC with a code that will grant them a Item or its up to you how you do the tweek
  7. Do you mean when a monster die it will announce to the server ?
  8. This is how we made a tweek on event This is how we do the controls OnInit: .Event = 0 // Meaning 0 = close | 1 = Open end; So that mean when the event start we will do like this . We set .Event,1; to make it open set .Event,1; After this you will add broadcast right ? after the broadcast countdown when the broadcast say it close this time we will set it to 0 This time the event is now close. set .Event,0; Now we will add condition statement if (.Event = 1){ mes "Add something here if the event is Open"; mes "Ok i will warp you now to event warper }else{ mes "Add something here if the event is close"; mes "Sorry the event are now close"; end; } end;// to end the statement
  9. Try this i just made this on my phone mes "Welcome Admin"; next; switch((""+((!$EVENT)?"^ff0000Start Event!^000000":"^00AA00Finish Event^000000")+"^000000:Exit")){ case 1: set $EVENT, ((!$EVENT)?1:0); if ($EVENT == 1){ mes "Event Started"; warp "mapname",x,y; announce "test",BC_ALL; sleep 5000; end; }else{ mes "Event Ended!"; end; } end; } end; case 2: end; }
  10. Then create a new post for this matter Source support
  11. I think its worth to try to your self so you know the difference
  12. Yes to be exact 20151104 is the most stable if im not mistaken
  13. Get system folder from chris https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  14. Used renewal item_db.yml or import it if you are using pre-re server setup.
  15. rAthena support 2 things . Our developer is trying to replicate all kRO updates . But doesn't mean everything on rAthena is 100% same as the original . I think rAthena is 1-2 years away from kRO . But rAthena is the most stable and close to kRO pre-re = Classic RO renewal = Base on kRO
  16. If im not mistaken there is a thread that below 2015 will be unsupported and remove from rAthena
  17. Well for me even you are from old eAthena rAthena is also using the item_db.txt you can specifically find it but now its YML format more informative than bunch of txt . Item_db2 is always at the import folder same thing at eAthena -.-
  18. Check this section on your item_db.txt / item_db.yml # Script Script to execute when the item is used/equipped. (Default: null) # EquipScript Script to execute when the item is equipped. (Default: null) # UnEquipScript Script to execute when the item is unequipped or when a rental item expires. (Default: null)
  19. Diff / Hex it using Nemo-Master Select Restore Cash Shop button all related to Cash shop button Adding Cash Shop Button Item To add item inside your cash shop you need to go to item_cash_db.txt // Structure of Database: // Type,ItemID,Price // Cash Shop Database // Contains the items sold in the ingame cash shop. // // Structure of Database: // Type,ItemID,Price // // Type: // 0: New // 1: Hot // 2: Limited // 3: Rental // 4: Gear // 5: Buff // 6: Heal // 7: Other // 8: Sale // // Price: // Item cost, in cash points (#CASHPOINTS). Ex: 8,7227,10 // 8 - Sale Tab // 7227 - TCG Card // Cost - 10 cash points
  20. Go to your server.grf find clientinfo.xml or sclientinfo.xml if the client is 2018 + onward. Below 2018 will use only clientinfo.xml . Then use American use langtype 0 if below 2018 client version . if client version is 2018+ use langtype 1
  21. Login IP Char Athena char IP: Your VPS HOST IP / Your IP login IP: Map Athena char IP: Map IP : VPS HOST IP check your clientinfo.xml / sclientinfo.xml inside your server.grf check the IP and the langtype Lang type 0 = Below 2018 Lang type 1= 2018 Onwards IP = your server IP Use American instead of Korean
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