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Poring King

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Everything posted by Poring King

  1. Here - script InvisibleOnLoadEvent -1,{ OnPCLoadMap: mes "This is me when you use loadmap event"; next; mes "Ok lets do some checking"; next; if ( getgmlevel() >= 1 ) goto L_Notice; mes "You are normal player thats why you reading this"; end; L_Notice: mes "Your group id is greater than 1 so you are a GM and GM are now allowed here"; mes "Now you see how i pass the condition to warp you if you are not gm"; next; warp geffen,x,y; end; } prontera mapflag loadmap Once a char warp or load the prontera its either GM or Player he/she will go for checking
  2. Add this on your cashpoints array "#" to make it work your custom points Ex: Answer: Points$,"#IMCUSTOMPOINTS"; For the guide on scripting go to your rAthena-Master/doc/script_commands.txt everything you need about scripting is there
  3. YourGRF/data/lua files/signboardlist.lub To remove do this IT_NONE = 0 IT_BMP = 1 IT_SPRITE = 2 IT_SIGNBOARD = 3 SignBoardList = { } To edit find the town and the x,y coordinate inside the SignBoardlist Ex: SignBoardlist = { prontera,x,y/armory.bmp } Not correct format but you should understand it . Because im pretty sure your signboardlist have a data . I remove mine because i don't want to use signboard to my server
  4. Here prontera,x,y,3 script testGM 99,{ if (getgmlevel() <= 90 ) goto GM_Menu; mes "[ Test NPC ]"; mes "This is where it go if you are normal player"; switch(select("Menu 1","Menu 2","Exit")){ case 1: mes "Menu 1 dialog"; end; case 2: mes "Menu 2 dialog"; end; case 3: mes "Exiting Bye"; end; } end; GM_Menu: mes "[ Test NPC ]"; mes "You are now in GM Menu"; switch(select("GM Menu 1","GM Menu 2","Exit")){ case 1: mes "GM Menu 1 dialog"; end; case 2: mes "GM Menu 2 dialog"; end; case 3: mes "Exiting Bye"; end; } end; }
  5. to check if VIP if (vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)) { mes "Ok im VIP what should npc do next?"; end; } else { mes "Sorry, You are not a VIP or your VIP is expired."; end; } end;
  6. if( #Daily != gettime(5) ){ dispbottom "Gained Daily Items ..."; getitem 607,1; set #Daily,gettime(5); }
  7. If im not mistaken i already provide or made a guide to fix skillinfoz on 2018 clients
  8. Then get Gepard from @Functor to avoid data.ini modification
  9. What if we combined those 2 ? Make the number colored depends on user counts ? Well didn't work on my part . My Client Version is 20180620
  10. Copy the monster add it to your custom mob db files like import folder or just add it to your main mob_db and add it to the bottom make sure to use a different ID
  11. There is a lot of GRF that use to minimize the skill effect if im not mistaken its a very popular on lowrate server
  12. OVH We don't recommend to use a pre-made server
  13. if u just want to reduce the damage by rate, rAthena implements this Skill Damage Adjustment (originally by @Lilith) db/skill_damage_db.txt npc/mapflag/skill_damage.txt, doc/mapflags.txt#L286 Source code:
  14. If you want to get what you want on client.exe then get a clean or unpacked clients Add gm client thru this on your clientinfo.xml Example: <yellow> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> <admin>2000003</admin> </yellow> 3. If you want to hex / diff your clean client use nemo-master by 4144
  15. Use Nemo-Master 2020 files and select disable 1rag1 type parameters
  16. Just extract the file that you downloaded then paste it to your RO folder then do the patch simply run the .exe you downloaded
  17. poring catcher start 1:15mins OnMinute90 - OnClock1315: dice event start 50mins OnMinute70 - OnMinute50: disguise event start 40mins OnMinute50 - OnMinute40: clucker event start 30mins OnMinute30 - Correct Location: rAthena-Master/doc/script_commands.txt Line: 857 uptp 866 Structure Format: OnClock<hour><minute>: OnMinute<minute>: OnHour<hour>: On<weekday><hour><minute>: OnDay<month><day>: This will execute when the server clock hits the specified date or time. Hours and minutes are given in military time. ('0105' will mean 01:05 AM). Weekdays are Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat. Months are 01 to 12, days are 01 to 31. Remember the zero.
  18. Since you have already a updated files then simply open the data.grf and copy what you are missing !
  19. This is the mob structure // Monster Database // // Structure of Database : // ID,Sprite_Name,kROName,iROName,LV,HP,SP,EXP,JEXP,Range1,ATK1,ATK2,DEF,MDEF,STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK,Range2,Range3,Scale,Race,Element,Mode,Speed,aDelay,aMotion,dMotion,MEXP,MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per,Drop1id,Drop1per,Drop2id,Drop2per,Drop3id,Drop3per,Drop4id,Drop4per,Drop5id,Drop5per,Drop6id,Drop6per,Drop7id,Drop7per,Drop8id,Drop8per,Drop9id,Drop9per,DropCardid,DropCardper // Note: Keep the Sprite_Name field as it is in the game client.
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