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Everything posted by Aerie

  1. Yes, there is some cameo from BG2. Also various maps like Gnoll Fortress, Copper Coronet, Davaeorn Mines and Brynnlaw. Some quests also have link with BG ones. There is also some characters from Dragonlance another world of D&D ans the main inspiration is from hellenistic Faiyum (Topography and divinities) ;D
  2. You have to go in datatextureeffectand replace those files by newest one (rename) : - aurafloat.tga - auraring.bmp - freezing_circle.bmp Here for more auras : http://rathena.org/board/files/category/21-auras/
  3. It depends of the class / kind of weapon, you refer to the sprite bilbe for more informations : http://code.google.com/p/aerie-pinkpanther/downloads/detail?name=riot_bible.txt&can=2&q=
  4. You can increaze the view_id limit by diffing your client.
  5. Did you enable view_id upper than 999 ? Try first with a lower ID. Also how did you put files in your data ? (sprites)
  6. Did the sprite appears when you're not attacking, I mean different actions ? Sometimes some animations are missing. How did you add your custom weapon ? (There is specific folders and also id)
  7. I see for folder but I guess you install all correctly .. It's the error shown in your map-server who had an interest for me ;D Also if you only install Schallmar, you have to make a warp from your maintown to "ile_tantale" map where the story start. And I have also check scripts for get languages you have to had in configuration.txt those lines for languages and some other stuffs : - script EP7_Configuration -1,{ OnInit: //====================================================================================== //Choix des langues : //Cette section est pour activer les langues (au niveau des annonces globales) //This part is for activate different language (for global announces) //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|1; //Français set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|2; //English //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|4; //Español //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|8; //Tagalog //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|16; //Russian //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|32; //Portuguese //Cette section est pour désactiver les langues (au niveau des annonces globales). Il vous suffit de décommenter la ligne de la langue que vous souhaitez désactiver. //This secton is for desactivate languages (global announces). You only need to uncomment the line of the language you want to disable. //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-1; //Français //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-2; //English //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-4; //Español //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-8; //Tagalog //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-16; //Russian //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-32; //Portuguese //Choisir la langue pour les WaitingRoom : (0 = Français / 1 = Anglais / 2 = Espagnol / 3 = Tagalog / 4 = Russian / 5 = Portuguese) //Choose the language for WaitingRoom set $EP7_LANGUE,4; //====================================================================================== //Attention : Le nombre de joueurs maximum pour une Waiting Room ne change pas lors d'un simple Reloadscript. Il faut soit //relancer le map-server, soit lancer au moins une fois l'instance. Mais le changement de nombre de joueurs est effectif avec //un simple reloadscript. // Note: The maximum number of players for a Waiting Room does not change during a single Reloadscript. You must // restart the map-server, or run at least once time the instance. But the change of number of players is effective with // a simple reloadscript. //Régler le Nombre de joueurs requis pour lancer une instance (Quêtes). [Defaut : 5] //Set the number of players required to launch an instance (Quests). [Default: 5] set $EP7_InstJoueurs,1; //Régler le Nombre de joueurs requis pour l'Arène (Mode MvP et Assaut). [Defaut : 4] //Set the number of players required for the Arena (MVP mode, and Assault). [Default: 4] set $EP7_AreneJoueurs,3; //Régler le Nombre de joueurs requis pour les Quêtes Zombies. [Defaut : 4] //Set the number of players required for Quests Zombies. [Default: 4] set $EP7_ZombieJoueurs,3; //Commenter cette ligne pour activer le NPC qui donne toutes les variables (Alberta 218,35) [Defaut : Uncomment] //Comment this line to activate the NPC who gives all variables (Alberta 218,35) [Defaut : Uncomment] disablenpc "Testeur#ep7"; //Annonce des instances : 0 = Local / 1 = Serveur //Announce for the coming on the server : 0 = Local / 1 = Server set $EP7Annonce,1; //Annonce pour l'arrivée sur le Serveur : 0 = Local / 1 = Serveur //Announce for the coming on the server : 0 = Local / 1 = Server set $EP7DAnnonce,0; //Pour introduction, régler le Nom du Serveur : //For the Introduction, fix your name server : set $EP7ServName$,"Sacre de Lunedor"; //Pour introduction, régler le Nom de la Capitale du Serveur, Nom de la carte et coordonnées (Pour l'arrivée après l'intro) : //For the Introduction, fix the Capital Server, Nme of the map and coordinates (For come to the capital after the Introduction) : set $EP7CapiName$,"Prontera"; set $EP7map$,"prontera"; set $EP7x,156; set $EP7y,202; //Il faut une monnaie globale à Arsinoé, par défaut Arsinois. Attention de pas mettre un objet pouvant être droppé. //Global Current of Arsinoé, per default Arsinois Coins. You can change it but be careful don't use common items set $ep7_Tcoins,29180; //Nombre de personnes affichées par Titre : Ne doit pas dépasser 127. //Choose the size of Title Board. Don't go upper 127 (Array limit) set $EP7_TitreNbP,30; //Configurer l'heure de la Guerre du Soulavein. [Defaut : Mercredi 21-23 Heures] //Configure Soulavein's War Horairs. [Defaut : Wednesday 9-11 pm] OnClock2100: OnClock2300: if ((gettime(4)==3) && (gettime(3)>=21 && gettime(3)<23)) {donpcevent "EP7_WoESoulavein::OnStart"; end;} if ((gettime(4)==3) && (gettime(3)==23)) {donpcevent "EP7_WoESoulavein::OnStop"; end;} end; }
  8. I can't reproduce same issue and the script seems clear so the problem may come from another part. Is it the only character who didn't talk ? You can modify the script like this, it can works ... : ars_fild07,147,95,4 script Prêtre de Danifae#ep7 60,{ set @name$,"^66CCFFPriest of Danifae^000000"; if (EP7_DANIFAE == 0) goto sub1; if (EP7_DANIFAE == 1) goto sub2; if (EP7_DANIFAE == 2) goto sub3; if (EP7_DANIFAE == 3) goto sub4; if (EP7_DANIFAE == 4) goto sub5; if (EP7_DANIFAE >= 5) goto sub6; sub1: mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "No, I can not let you enter this cave, I can let you run your loss!"; mes "This is a cave temple dedicated to Goddess our Danifae."; close; sub2: mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "No, I can not let you enter this cave, I can let you run your loss!"; mes "This is a cave temple dedicated to Goddess our Danifae."; next; mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "Ah, you come on behalf of Julian the Apostate!"; mes "So you're aware of the disappearance of our divinity, and thus the transformation of triplets!"; mes "We do not know of anything that could happened, but this temple, one of Calliope has solved completely invaded by Demons ... The evil and powerful forces are behind this phenomena, we do not yet know what happened, but nevertheless, we will fight and help our Goddess! "; next; mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "Go into the temple, if you're brave enough, but I must encourage you to greater caution, if you find something, comes to see me because we're struggling to understand the situation ..."; close2; set EP7_DANIFAE,2; end; sub3: mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "No, I can not let you enter this cave, I can let you run your loss!"; mes "This is a cave temple dedicated to Goddess our Danifae."; next; mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "Ah, you come on behalf of Julian the Apostate!"; mes "So you're aware of the disappearance of our divinity, and thus the transformation of triplets!"; mes "We do not know of anything that could happened, but this temple, one of Calliope has solved completely invaded by Demons ... The evil and powerful forces are behind this phenomena, we do not yet know what happened, but nevertheless, we will fight and help our Goddess! "; next; mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "Go into the temple, if you're brave enough, but I must tell you to be cautious, if you find something, comes to see me because we're struggling to understand the situation ..."; close; sub4: mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "What a catastrophe, this abomination was Calliope! She is a daughter of Danifae, how is it that his mother disappears without warning and she is transformed into such a monstrosity! Besides our temple defiled by the Army of Shadows !"; next; mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "There are two other temples dedicated to Danifae in Arsinoe, I'm not talking of temples Euhéméria nor the city of Arsinoe, but the temples attached to girls Danifae in places where they have decided to make their homes. "; mes "But before you embark on such research, I advise you to go ask for some explanations to Julian the Apostate in his temple Euhéméria."; close2; set EP7_DANIFAE,4; end; sub5: mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "What a catastrophe, this abomination was Calliope! She is one of the daughters of Danifae, how is it that his mother disappears without warning and she is transformed into such a monstrosity! Besides our temple defiled by the Army of Shadows !"; next; mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "There are two other temples dedicated to Danifae in Arsinoe, I'm not talking of temples Euhéméria nor the city of Arsinoe, but the temples attached to girls Danifae in places where they have decided establish their homes. "; mes "But before you embark on such research, I advise you to go ask for some explanations to Julian the Apostate in his temple Euhéméria."; close; sub6: mes "[" + @name$ + "]"; mes "I am wholeheartedly with you that our prayers will accompany you along your travels!"; close; }
  9. It appears at private paste so I can't view it, can't you just send it in the topic or pm if you got some codebox issues ? Schallmar can work alone but there is some modifications to do, if I remember, because I've erase some files for be compatible with Arsinoé. Both didn't merge yet because spanish traduction haven't be made yet. I think the problem can came from the cinematique.txt file and configuration.txt probably. (I can't check yet, I don't get my files).
  10. Do you have any error message in your server-map windows ? What language did you use ? (All possibilities seems clear ...) What's your variable EP7_DANIFAE is for your character ? The folder is Arsinoe/quests/le culte de danifae.txt
  11. This can be the support topic ... - So, it's another scenario but linked with Arsinoé's one. Arsinoé was the 7th episode, Schallmar the 8th but the story happens in same time (You'll meet some similar boss). So you can play both in the same time. Schallmar's quests are more opened, less linear than Arsinoé's ones. Quests are also differents, I've tried to change modalities of play. - You can use Schallmar alone but yes it can had an error (cinematique folder maybe ...) It's impossible for me to read your link, can you repost it ?
  12. For enable english only you have to modifiy the code like this in Configuration.txt Restart your server or reloadscript. //Cette section est pour activer les langues (au niveau des annonces globales) //This part is for activate different language (for global announces) //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|1; //Français set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|2; //English //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|4; //Español //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|8; //Tagalog //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|16; //Russian //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice|32; //Portuguese //Cette section est pour désactiver les langues (au niveau des annonces globales). Il vous suffit de décommenter la ligne de la langue que vous souhaitez désactiver. //This secton is for desactivate languages (global announces). You only need to uncomment the line of the language you want to disable. set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-1; //Français //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-2; //English set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-4; //Español //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-8; //Tagalog //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-16; //Russian //set $ep7_LangChoice,$ep7_LangChoice-32; //Portuguese
  13. You're looking for treasure chest sprite ? It's in another repertory with *.gr2 files - sprites folder -. (3D)
  14. What kind of error did you have ?
  15. You don't have to delete the old one, just erase it by adding new ressources in the same GRF. Do you diff your client for enable more hairstyles ? And also what happens when you try different hstyle / ccolor / ... ? With class did you use for test ?
  16. Aerie

    Custom items

    I'm agree with rlt, you have to remove the "¿©_", who is for indicate that's the women repertory.
  17. There is also an alternative GM sprites in the client who looks like a robot but there is really few class sprite avaible ... Some ripped classes from DS RO ?
  18. Aerie

    Custom items

    It seems to be due to the idnum2itemresnametable.txtor your path in the grf is wrong (his structure). How did you link your new graphical ressources ?
  19. There is already a mapflag avaible for this. Got to conf/mapflag/novending.txt.
  20. For be read by the client a GRF must be linked in the data.ini. There is a priority of reading : 1= (It'll be the first one read and loaded) A GRF can have any name, but when you're diffing the executable, you have to enable the : "Read multi-GRF option". Generally we separate palettes from ressources because palettes are too many (more than20k files) so each time you want patch or edit your GRF it'll be long, very long ... For take effect a GRF must be read at first (if he replaces an existant file) or the oldest version of the file will be read. So if your using your main data for patch (If we refer to jTynne proposition, the 4= one) others GRF will be read first so effects can't be enabled is another version of the file existing in another GRF. Are you asking for make a patch ? There is some tools needed for make patches : http://rathena.org/wiki/Thor_Patcher
  21. I don't know if it's possible to desactivate it but you can easily change the sprite by another class or a custom sprite in your data then keep yellow name / chat.
  22. The rebuild mod will grab your grf and add an entry for each textures find. (Can also make doublons). From the rebuild file (romodels.txt / rotextures.txt), check lines that interest you (I guess, it's for latest towns) : Copy / Paste to your original file.
  23. How many palettes have you add to your server ? Maybe your script (pr server) allow more palettes than clients gets. Check your conf/battle/client.conf (for number of palettes) and also your stylist script. (How many did he allow ?) What pack of palettes are you using ?
  24. I don't think the problem comes from the server, the server only reads *.gat not *.rsw. rsw and gnd are only reads by the client, so problem may comes from the renam.
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