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Everything posted by Aerie

  1. You have differents options for announces. The best is to use the hexadecimal colors system : announce "TEXT",0,0xFF6600; The FF6600 contains the color, change it for get a new color : http://www.2createawebsite.com/build/hex-colors.html How get every 3 hours ? You can use a sleep2; command : - script announcer-script -1,{ OnInit: sleep2 10000; donpcevent "announcer::OnEvent"; sleep2 10800000; donpcevent "announcer::OnInit"; end; OnEvent: switch(rand(1,5)){ case 1: announce "This is announcement one.",bc_all,bc_yellow; break; case 2: announce "This is announcement two.",bc_all,bc_blue; break; case 3: announce "This is announcement three.",bc_all,bc_yellow; break; case 4: announce "This is announcement four.",bc_all,bc_blue; break; case 5: announce "This is announcement five.",bc_all,bc_yellow; break; } }
  2. When you start the story, first NPCs will ask you for choose the language. Did you configure as describe configuration.txt?
  3. 31 august 2002 for south Korea (I guess alpha & beta before). Near 10 years maybe time to think about an anniversary project for rAthena ? Some people interested ? Like quest script / map / new system ?
  4. How did you do ? An error about load 3 times the script ? Failed reloadscript ?
  5. Don't worry about those crash, I keep files but if I remember it was only copy of existing map so you miss nothing.
  6. Aerie

    req. points

    Emistry you was right about the typo error, sorry for it but impossible for me to edit without get EOL ;D I'll share many global system of points for WoE / PvP / (maybe BG but need more modifications) and login settings next for SQL. This seems to be asked many times.
  7. Nice moment for think about what a community project is ... Thanks to all contributors - emulator or client side - who have contributed since years to Ragnarok Online & rAthena/eAthena and make this gaming experience unique. Without all members and developpers this game may be forgotten since many years ;D
  8. Check the first chapter : http://rathena.org/board/topic/53281-guide-aeries-guide-for-browedit/ You can rework your map by copy/paste some plane area for border. Or also copy/paste your map (without border) in a new map.
  9. Same here but If I remeber there is a little be more stuff : [Map-Pack]RCW-2008-2011.rar
  10. Aerie

    req. points

    This is a simple script for count kills in a woe castle and only during woe. After its up to you to create a NPC that gives prize depending of number of points. - script Woe_points -1,{ OnInit: setarray$mapcastl$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05","gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05","payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05","prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; end; OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($mapcastl$); set .@i, .@i +1 ) if (agitcheck() && @map$ == $mapcastl$[.@i]) { set woe_points,woe_points+1; } end; }
  11. You need to add the OnPCDieEvent: for reset the killstreak value. You can also add a trigger to reset the value if the player leave the map. With a @ variable kind, the value is only rested when you log out. But with this part of script, I don't see why it adds 3 kills per kill if there is no other . Reduce the to
  12. Please use codebox for your script. If you don't use OnTouch label it's useless to wrote 22,22 If you're only looking for a warp, I think yhis will be enough ... animeresort,170,196,6 script Guide#mini 832, { end; OnInit: waitingroom "Mini - Games Event Room",20,"Guide#mini::OnMiniwarp",1; end; OnMiniwarp: warpwaitingpc "turbo_room", 128, 91; end; } For you error, it can comes from the fact that if you clicking in the NPC it'll launch the OnInit part, you have to put a end; first.
  13. Maybe you have some files with same name in your grf1 ... or some lua files that erase the updated grf2 one ...
  14. Here a reduce version of script that I'm using, it's only for SQL all stats can be saved. SQL lines to add in your data : //ALTER TABLE `char` ADD COLUMN `pvp_Kill` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `rename`; //ALTER TABLE `char` ADD COLUMN `pvp_Death` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `rename`; - script C_login -1,{ OnInit: //For set map used setarray $pvpmap$[0],"pvp_map1","pvp_map2","pvp_map3"; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; //For PvP maps for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($pvpmap$); set .@i, .@i +1 ) if (@map$ == $pvpmap$[.@i]) { set .@p,getcharid(0); //Char ID set .@q,strcharinfo(0); //Char ID //For killstreak, you can add more lines - Change announce. set @killstreak,0; set @deathstreak,@deathstreak+1; if (@deathstreak == 5) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@q+" : ["+@deathstreak+"] Kills without be killed !",bc_map;} if (@deathstreak == 10) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@q+" : ["+@deathstreak+"] Kills without be killed !",bc_map;} if (@deathstreak == 15) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@q+" : ["+@deathstreak+"] Kills without be killed !",bc_map;} if (@deathstreak == 20) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@q+" : ["+@deathstreak+"] Kills without be killed !",bc_map;} //Par Joueur query_sql("SELECT `pvp_Death` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@p+"'",.@countL); //Check name setarray .@countL[0],.@countL[0]+1; query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET `pvp_Death` = '"+.@countL[0]+"' WHERE `char_id` ='"+.@p+"'"; } //============================= Bottom if(killerrid==0) {dispbottom "You just killed yourself.";end;} set @killer$, rid2name(killerrid); dispbottom "You have been killed by "+@killer$+"!"; end; //================================================================================= OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($pvpmap$); set .@i, .@i +1 ) if (@map$ == $pvpmap$[.@i]) { set .@x,getcharid(0); //Char ID set .@y,strcharinfo(0); set @deathstreak,0; set @killstreak,@killstreak+1; if (@killstreak == 5) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@y+" : ["+@killstreak+"] died without kill !",bc_map;} if (@killstreak == 10) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@y+" : ["+@killstreak+"] died without kill !",bc_map;} if (@killstreak == 15) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@y+" : ["+@killstreak+"] died without kill !",bc_map;} if (@killstreak == 20) {mapannounce ""+@map$+"",""+.@y+" : ["+@killstreak+"] died without kill !",bc_map;} //Par Joueur query_sql("SELECT `pvp_Kill` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@x+"'",.@countX); //Verif le nom setarray .@countX[0],.@countX[0]+1; query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET `pvp_Kill` = '"+.@countX[0]+"' WHERE `char_id` ='"+.@x+"'"; } //============================= Bottom set @killed$, rid2name(killedrid); if(strcharinfo(0)==@killed$) {end;} dispbottom "You have kill "+@killed$+"!"; end; }
  15. You have to let some black border to your map. You can't use "S" or "F" keys at the border of the map.
  16. No really fresh news about Green Peach, the admin still missing but the logs of the dedicated server have been stolen, that's why the website have been erased.
  17. I think so, rAthena was a copy of eAthena rev. 15000 so all scripts are retro-compatible. If you find an error, let me know.
  18. Error of what ? If you have any question please open a new topic in graphics support.
  19. Are you speaking about Cebalrai ones ? : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=239484
  20. Fixed ... Lame error ;D New version : Battle-Royale-v.1.50.rar
  21. Not include in mine, nice done Bahmut !
  22. The colours of reins ? Never checked, but a spriter can have more informations about it. If I remember cloth palettes and mounts palettes are the same, so you have to edit the character one but I don't know what part change.
  23. What view_id did you used ? If it's upper 999 you have to diff your client.
  24. In your db/item_db.txt, you can enable those one : Others seems missing, they didn't existing. But you can easily create new ones, all cards using same sprite.
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