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Mr BrycE

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Everything posted by Mr BrycE

  1. Mr BrycE


    friend in real life eh? 1st time i caught my own cousin (GM),he also tells me that they got godly items but i never knew that he's the one giving them until i make a fake account .giving items on players... 2nd time i caught my BESTFRIEND giving items to my other friends. from that moment on, i don't trust anyone when it comes to the server.
  2. i would like to ask how to check if there's a player in map? for example.. "Dungeon Quest NPC" "Sorry it appears someone is still fighting the boss inside"
  3. sorry im not familiar with that, but i follow your rule .. when it's 8bit, only think of letters that will fit on 8bit. nothing more nothing less and i did use your tool..
  4. thank you sir...i always forgot about that || and && in giving params, thanks for reminding.
  5. this came from a script gen. and there's something wrong with it, even if i don't have the items...it still completes the quest.. here's the script..
  6. wow, this is cool, goodluck sir!
  7. maybe. Emperium Model issue. try to use mob_avail
  8. Mr BrycE


    but the effects for 3,2,1 will be gone , (it's cool) . is the 1st script bad for the server?
  9. untick the shared palletes. and try again.
  10. may settings ang bawat router pra sa portforwarding try mo i google name ng router mo meron yan
  11. 4046 = Taekwon 4049 = SoulLink you could also try removing...try to experiment!
  12. im not so sure by what you said about disabling but.. to edit, just change the first number to your desire max lvl. "99" //Base - Normal and Baby Jobs 99,0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:20:21:23:24:25:4023:4024 ....... same thing with the job lvl. "50" //Job - Soul Linker (Same EXP table as 2nd Classes & Baby 2nd Classes) 50,4049,1,144,184,284,348,603,887,1096,1598,2540,3676,4290,4946,6679,9492,12770,14344 ........
  13. check that out, i got mine from there http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Diff_Project/kRO/RagexeRE/2012/
  14. did you already try changing its script to 100%?
  15. check your client diff. maybe its because of the shared body palettes
  16. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/db/re/exp.txt find: for base - "//Base - Normal and Baby Jobs" < this is where Soulinker is based. for job - "//Job - Soul Linker (Same EXP table as 2nd Classes & Baby 2nd Classes)"
  17. ironman suit will also be awesome! JARVIS! )
  18. i believe that you can find them here. http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/
  19. i dunno about much scripting but.. this is not necessary guild_vs3 mapflag nowarp " } "
  20. i think you need to match the clientdate with mmo.h http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/common/mmo.h
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