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Mr BrycE

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Everything posted by Mr BrycE

  1. i tried this, with an rA script version and correct mysql tables, but after a day of trial, the account didn't expired, even if i delete the account on vip gold,vip silver vip platinum, it doesnt turn back to normal.. is someone has this kind of problem. EDIT: My bad, i renamed something that cause the script malfunction.
  2. still waiting for the update
  3. ohh, thats more easier thanks again man.
  4. thanks man! ohh as for that loadevent, because i want players to notice that npc has quest on it..
  5. Basically, i try to make an NPC that you must first answer her question right. but i lost it by putting too much cases( close enough ), will someone guide me through this.. the answers: yes, she is a woman and she wears a female necklace by his tribe. niflheim,212,182,5 script Mysterious Man? 474,{ mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Hmmm..."; next; mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Mysterious Man? you say?"; next; mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "If you can Answer my Question,"; mes "I will let you take this Quest."; next; mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Well? are you up for my Question?"; next; switch(select("Yes","No, Eww")) { case 1: mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "I'm Glad that you say Yes"; next; mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Don't Worry its only a 1 Question"; next; mes "Am I a Boy or a Girl?"; next; switch(select("Girl","Boy","Isn't that obvious?")) { next; case 1: mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "EEEEEEEEEENG!!"; mes "Get outta here you bastard!!"; atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0); close; break; case 2: mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "EEEEEEEEEEENG!!"; mes "Your to immature to undertand don't you?"; mes "or your IQ is just below Average?"; atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0); close; break; case 3: mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Obvious? and why do you say that?"; next; switch(select("a Woman, your wearing Female Necklace from your Tribe","Man, you have Tattoos","That your Gay?")) { next; case 1: mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "Wow, Im Amazed in your Skills"; mes "your like a Detective, HAHA..."; next; mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "Im happy to announce that you passed!"; mes "I will tell you the Requirements for this item."; next; mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "This Full Hallow Mask is very sacred for me."; mes "But because you answered my question maturely, I will help you build it."; next; mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "Remeber this items, i need this"; next; mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "^cc0000120x --> Helm (1)"; mes "2x --> Black Dyestuffs^000000"; next; mes "Go get them!."; next; mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "Do you have the items for the mask now?"; next; switch(select("Show her the items.:Don't give her yet the items.")) { case 1: if( countitem(999) >= 120 && countitem(983) >= 2) { mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "This is what i need!"; next; mes "Give me a Moment to build it"; next; mes" Clink..Clank...Clunk! "; next; mes "Here you Go!, Please Take care of that mask"; delitem 999,120; delitem 983,2; getitem 2292,1; // Full Hallow Mask close2; break; case 2: mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "EEEEEEEEEENG!!"; mes "Get outta here you bastard!!"; atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0); close; break; case 3: mes "[ Mysterious Woman ]"; mes "EEEEEEEEEENG!!"; mes "Get outta here you bastard!!"; atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0); close; break; case 2: mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Ok, Suit yourself"; close; break; } else { mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Are you mentally disable or something? Check your Items again, Its not Complete!"; close; } case 2: mes "[ Mysterious Man ]"; mes "Do whatever you want"; close; } case 2: mes "Good bye then"; close; } OnPCLoadMapEvent: showevent 1,0; end; } } } market mapflag loadevent
  6. @nanakiwurtz how about the ep 14 quest, its a lua/lub file right? do you have a translated version of it? im trying to translate it but my english language sucks, so i cant rephrase it that good
  7. +1... Be Patient,Wise, Stay Focused and Keep Shipping
  8. If they are aiming for a million dollar, they need employees, as for me , i need "TRUST" for a billion dollar.

  9. Hi, i notice that your quest is showing English, is your Episode 14 quests are also in English?
  10. File Name: HoN's Seductive Female Announcer File Submitter: Mr BrycE File Submitted: 06 Oct 2012 File Category: Other Content Author: Mr BrycE Tired of Hearing DoTA Voices? well, try this, if your using Anieruru dota script, this one have it. Simply replace the files with this one and your done. Click here to download this file
  11. where can i find all of its SQL? the one that you shared ,im still getting an error that SQL table doesnt exist, but im using rAthena. you said i dont need to put sql's but the sql script that you modified in the script doesnt work, what do you think is the problem? im using the latest revision of rA now 16815
  12. Version 1.0


    Tired of Hearing DoTA Voices? well, try this, if your using Anieruru dota script, this one have it. Simply replace the files with this one and your done.
  13. @Rage, is your SVN always up to date? if yes, i can try adding it manually
  14. Mr BrycE

    Pvp Timer

    OHHHHH!! its on PK, now that explains it
  15. Mr BrycE

    Pvp Timer

    Help me about pvp timer, when i try to add @pvpon on a map, the timer and how many players in the map must be there right? but in my case its not... i have my count.spr on my files
  16. extract the folder named "¸ó½ºÅÍ" in your data.grf it is on "data/sprite/¸ó½ºÅÍ" using Grf tool "http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=download_tool" then use spr conview(for spr file inside ¸ó½ºÅÍ ) to check them out.
  17. i saw these on search in google, so i would like to share how its done, if you are using luafiles514, just copy your lua files in luafiles514 folder and just convert the necessary files ( acce id/accname if an NPC or Mob jobname/npcidentity etc.. ) to ".lub" if you dont know how to convert to lub, just save with an extention name .lub, and tah-dah.. ".lub" file is created.
  18. no, it is set to, use_sql_db: no what to do? bump bumps bumping along like a pingpong ball.. bumpster [ FIxed ] luafiles514 problem
  19. the hard part is when i have to know the story line and i must rephrase it ahahah.... ( this is going to be a long night )
  20. if i have spare time, yeah!, and im really eager to have that quest window complete
  21. its gibberish, how can i make it to korean text?
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