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Gidz Cross

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Everything posted by Gidz Cross

  1. Hi guys. Is i possible to make traps walk able? For instance me and my team mates were defferending the kriem castle. Ofcourse we will put traps in the last portal. But the problem is me and other team mates cannot go outside because it was filled with traps. I saw this thread with no answer So basically what i want is for everyone to walk in the same cell as where the traps are. Thanks!
  2. Hi rathena peeps. How can i edit the Gates of Hell skill that is forced to neutral property? I tried changing it via skill_db.txt but it doesnt work. So maybe its source edit? Thanks!
  3. Try this trunk\src\custom\defines_pre.hpp // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP #define CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP #define PACKETVER 20140305 /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #endif /* CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP */ Add this Let us know how it goes.
  4. I have tried this at the very beginning. And it will not work. Because what im talking about is a REFLECTED DAMAGE. Not actual damage of the skill. Any how i already modded it to my likings. Thanks everyone!
  5. Ohhh! can you provide me the link? Thanks! ♥
  6. Ofcourse i know that. But like i said it doesn't work.
  7. Hello rathena people. Its me again. My server setup is 255/120 highrate. Death bound is very OP. How can i nerf this? I want to decrease the reflect damage of it. Here is the source: if (sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND] && skill_id != WS_CARTTERMINATION && skill_id != GN_HELLS_PLANT_ATK && !status_bl_has_mode(src,MD_STATUS_IMMUNE)) { if (distance_bl(src,bl) <= 0 || !map_check_dir(map_calc_dir(bl,src->x,src->y), unit_getdir(bl))) { int64 rd1 = 0; rd1 = min(damage,status_get_max_hp(bl)) * sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND]->val2 / 100; // Amplify damage. *dmg = rd1 * 30 / 100; // Received damage = 30% of amplified damage. clif_skill_damage(src, bl, gettick(), status_get_amotion(src), 0, -30000, 1, RK_DEATHBOUND, sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND]->val1, DMG_SKILL); skill_blown(bl, src, skill_get_blewcount(RK_DEATHBOUND, 1), unit_getdir(src), BLOWN_NONE); status_change_end(bl, SC_DEATHBOUND, INVALID_TIMER); rdamage += rd1 * 70 / 100; // Target receives 70% of the amplified damage. [Rytech] } } As for my understanding. rdamage += rd1 * 70 / 100; // Target receives 70% of the amplified damage. [Rytech] This is the i need to meddle with. But i have tried changing values of it. Specially the "70" value. I tried lowering it but still the same. Am i missing something here? Thanks guys!
  8. @Narutokun! Its working now. So i need to lower it not raise it. Thankyou!! ♥ Oh very detailed i love it! Thank you as well @Litro Endemic. More power to you guys! Its working now as intended to my likings!
  9. Oh my oh my! Will try later. Will give feedback after @Narutokun ♥ Hi @Narutokun. I have tried changing the the 50 into different number. Im trying 1000 at the moment still it doesnt work. Hmmmm. Am i missing something here? Bump! Anyone?
  10. Hello guys. My server setup is 255/120 and the max stat parameters is 255. This is about EXTREME VACUUM skill. The thing is its pretty useless on my server. It works as intended dont get me wrong. But i want to buff it so it can be usable in my server setup. If i have 180 STR. The skill wont work anymore. if i have 1 STR = the skill will last 12 seconds if i have 100 STR = the skill will last 6 seconds My concern is this. Since my server is high rate. I want to buff it so it will work for those who have 255 STR. Here is the skill.c about the skill case UNT_VACUUM_EXTREME: if (tsc && (tsc->data[SC_HALLUCINATIONWALK] || tsc->data[SC_HOVERING] || tsc->data[SC_VACUUM_EXTREME] || (tsc->data[SC_VACUUM_EXTREME_POSTDELAY] && tsc->data[SC_VACUUM_EXTREME_POSTDELAY]->val2 == sg->group_id))) // Ignore post delay from other vacuum (this will make stack effect enabled) return 0; if (unit_bl2ud(bl)->walktimer == INVALID_TIMER) // Apply effect and suck non-walking targets one-by-one each n seconds sc_start4(ss, bl, type, 100, sg->skill_lv, sg->group_id, (sg->val1<<16)|(sg->val2), ++sg->val3*500, (sg->limit - DIFF_TICK(tick, sg->tick))); break; What should i change here? Im pretty clueless. Tried to explore it little bit but no effect. Thanks for the help friends!
  11. As per irowiki and ratemyserver, once you soul link a wizard class the maya card reflect shouldn't be working anymore. Thus, it will consume 1 crystal fragment if the reflect pushes through and will result to “miss” i am using latest pull from git dated december 2019. It seems the effect is not working. Can anyone help me with my query? Thanks in advance! for more in-depth info, i saw this another thread but its already outdated. Check it here:
  12. I guess it works. As i didnt cameback to this thread. Will backtrack how did i do it.
  13. Sorry for mentioning you twice. I have tried several mods but still no avail 1 if( tsc && tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW] && wd->flag&BF_SHORT && rnd()%100 < tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val2 ) { //ATK [{(Target HP / 100) x Skill Level} x Caster Base Level / 125] % + [Received damage x {1 + (Skill Level x 0.2)}] int64 rdamage = 0; int ratio = (int64)(status_get_hp(src) / 100) * tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1 * status_get_lv(target) / 125; if (ratio > 500) ratio = 500; // Maximum of 5000% ATK rdamage = battle_calc_base_damage(target,tstatus,&tstatus->rhw,tsc,sstatus->size,0); rdamage = (int64)rdamage * ratio / 10 + wd->damage * (3 + tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1 * 10 / 5) / 5; skill_blown(target, src, skill_get_blewcount(SR_CRESCENTELBOW_AUTOSPELL, tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1), unit_getdir(src), BLOWN_NONE); clif_skill_damage(target, src, gettick(), status_get_amotion(src), 0, rdamage, 1, SR_CRESCENTELBOW_AUTOSPELL, tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1, DMG_SKILL); // This is how official does clif_damage(src, target, gettick(), status_get_amotion(src)+1000, 0, rdamage/10, 1, DMG_NORMAL, 0, false); status_damage(target, src, rdamage, 0, 0, 0); status_damage(src, target, rdamage/10, 0, 0, 1); status_change_end(target, SC_CRESCENTELBOW, INVALID_TIMER); } 2 if( tsc && tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW] && wd->flag&BF_SHORT && rnd()%100 < tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val2 ) { //ATK [{(Target HP / 100) x Skill Level} x Caster Base Level / 125] % + [Received damage x {1 + (Skill Level x 0.2)}] int64 rdamage = 0; int ratio = (int64)(status_get_hp(src) / 10000) * tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1 * status_get_lv(target) / 125; if (ratio > 500) ratio = 500; // Maximum of 5000% ATK rdamage = battle_calc_base_damage(target,tstatus,&tstatus->rhw,tsc,sstatus->size,0); rdamage = (int64)rdamage * ratio / 10 + wd->damage * (3 + tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1 * 10 / 5) / 5; skill_blown(target, src, skill_get_blewcount(SR_CRESCENTELBOW_AUTOSPELL, tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1), unit_getdir(src), BLOWN_NONE); clif_skill_damage(target, src, gettick(), status_get_amotion(src), 0, rdamage, 1, SR_CRESCENTELBOW_AUTOSPELL, tsc->data[SC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1, DMG_SKILL); // This is how official does clif_damage(src, target, gettick(), status_get_amotion(src)+500, 0, rdamage/10, 1, DMG_NORMAL, 0, false); status_damage(target, src, rdamage, 0, 0, 0); status_damage(src, target, rdamage/10, 0, 0, 1); status_change_end(target, SC_CRESCENTELBOW, INVALID_TIMER); } Tried them but still no luck. I suck.
  14. @Mabuhay & @Litro Endemic So i have tried this SR_CRESCENTELBOW,1,7,-100 // In PVP and GVG, players deal -100% damage to other players with Crescent Elbow. I have somehow cloned the example for Asura Strike. But i still get damage from it. I put 7 to have it in all maps. I tried 6 as well but no to avail. And oh this txt file comes from db/import. *EDIT I have tried other skills such as ASURA STRIKE. It works! But CRESCENT ELBOW is not DAMAGE SKILL i think? Its a reflect thingy so editing the skill_damage_db.txt is useless for it. Correct me if im wrong. Thanks! I really dont this part. Hehe! Im sorry!
  15. I didnt know that we have that! Oh my! Thanks as always @Mabuhay! I have my of your scrips as well. Im using it for my server. Its called “item giver” Will look into this bro. Hey i know you! Yes you. Youre the one who helped someone about the disabling the achievement thingy. I have bookmarked it and will try later. Anyhow if @Mabuhay‘s method is working then its fine by me. I dont really want to hover with src’s. Thanks guys!
  16. Hello. My server is 255/120 high rate based. And i found out this crescent elbow is too OP. How can i reduce its damage? Im using latest SVN. I saw this post but its too old. The latest battle.c is somehow different. Can someone please help me? And please make the guide baby like. I am really not good at this stuff. Thanks in advance rathena people! ♥ Conditions: I want to reduce the damage taken and leave the knock back thingy.
  17. Yep i did this before you reply. I manage to get it working! now im inserting my 2 max deadly combo restriction. ♥
  18. Eyes getting blurry. 4361,B_Harword_Card,MasterSmith Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bBreakWeaponRate,500; bonus bBreakArmorRate,500; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"WS_OVERTHRUSTMAX",1,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MC_MAMMONITE",6,50; if(getskilllv("MC_MAMMONITE")==10){ bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MC_MAMMONITE",10,50; } } ,{},{} lets forget the 2 max deadly combo for now. My console says Invalid format (one_script colum)
  19. i am checking the WS Card script as of the moment. Will give you feedback. It seems the MAXIUM OVER THURST and the MAMONITE is not auto casting
  20. This is the most hardest part! WOoow! I will post my finish product after editing. I didnt copy your if(isequippedcnt(4357,4359,4363,4365,4367,4236)<1) script. Because as you see i have another script that handles my 2 max deadly combo. Got it somewhere around year 2014. Still works though.
  21. Wow thanks! Oh wow! Thank you so much @BeWan !
  22. Hello. I would like to ask someone make me an item script for these items. This is really not my forte. Thanks in advance guys! Name: High Priest Card Description: Adds a 5% chance of auto casting Level 4 Safety Wall on the user when receiving Physical Damage. Reduce resistance to Dark property attacks by 15%. Note : This card is part of the 2-Cards Max Deadly Combo restriction. Amon Ra Card is also part of the combo for this card. Name: Lord Knight Card Description: Enables use of Level 1 Berserk . Inflict 50% more damage with Hundred Spear . Maximum HP - 10%. Note : This card is part of the 2-Cards Max Deadly Combo restriction. Name: High Wizard Card Description: Enables its user to detect hidden enemies while decreasing both Atk and Matk rates. Drain 2000 SP as the headgear is unequipped. Note : This card is part of the 2-Cards Max Deadly Combo restriction. Name: Whitesmith Card Description: Add a 0.5% chance of breaking enemy's weapon and 0.5% chance of breaking enemy's armor when attacking. Add a 5% chance of casting Level 6 Mammonite (Level 10 if the skill is already learned) on target. 4% chance of casting Level 1 Maximum Over Thrust. Makes weapon unstrippable. Note: This card is part of the 2-Cards Max Deadly Combo restriction. *Additional Info I already have the 2 Max Deadly Combo Script. Except adding the Amon Ra to High Priest Card. Thanks guys!
  23. Arrrr!! It worked! I thank you guys! Upvote to each and every who reply on this matter. ♥
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