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Everything posted by Rebel

  1. Your picklog table has 13 columns but inserted data only have 12.
  2. Rebel


    Why the output always "Nobody is selling it now." Is this really working?
  3. Thank you for answering I just change it to this line: "SELECT $col FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.`char` AS ch INNER JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.`pvpladder` AS ph ";
  4. Hello. Im using the latest FluxCP here -> https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/ and I tried to add this PVP Ranking here -> https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2380-free-flux-themes-design-no-3-v14/This is what i got: module: <?php /** * * Pvp Ranking Module Section * * @package GTheme * @author John Gerome "Gerome" Baldonado * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013, jiidesignstudio.com * * Please do not redistribute my work without * permission and leave all credits in tact. */ if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $title = 'PvP Ranking'; $classes = Flux::config('JobClasses')->toArray(); $jobClass = $params->get('jobclass'); $bind = array(); if (trim($jobClass) === '') { $jobClass = null; } if (!is_null($jobClass) && !array_key_exists($jobClass, $classes)) { $this->deny(); } $col = "ch.char_id, ch.name AS char_name, ch.class AS char_class, ch.base_level, ch.base_exp, ch.job_level, ch.job_exp, ch.kills, ch.deaths, ch.streaks,"; $col .= "ch.guild_id, guild.name AS guild_name, guild.emblem_len AS guild_emblem_len"; $sql = "SELECT $col FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.`char` AS ch "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild ON guild.guild_id = ch.guild_id "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->loginDatabase}.login ON login.account_id = ch.account_id "; $sql .= "WHERE 1=1 "; if (Flux::config('PvpHidePermBannedCharRank')) { $sql .= "AND login.state != 5 "; } if (Flux::config('PvpHideTempBannedCharRank')) { $sql .= "AND (login.unban_time IS NULL OR login.unban_time = 0) "; } $groups = AccountLevel::getGroupID((int)Flux::config('PvPRankingHideGroupLevel'), '<'); if(!empty($groups)) { $ids = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($groups), '?')); $sql .= "AND login.group_id IN ($ids) "; $bind = array_merge($bind, $groups); } if ($days=Flux::config('PvpCharRankingThreshold')) { $sql .= 'AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, login.lastlogin, NOW()) <= ? '; $bind[] = $days * 24 * 60 * 60; } if (!is_null($jobClass)) { $sql .= "AND ch.class = ? "; $bind[] = $jobClass; } $sql .= "ORDER BY ch.kills DESC, ch.streaks DESC, ch.base_level DESC, ch.char_id ASC "; $sql .= "LIMIT ".(int)Flux::config('PvpRankingLimit'); $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute($bind); $chars = $sth->fetchAll(); ?> Can anyone explain to me why it has error? I dont understand it, i tried figuring how can i make it work. also tried Xantara's Flux CP, But no luck that's why I decide to ask here in rA forums instead. Thank you! sql: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pvpladder` (char_id int(11) not null default '0' primary key,name varchar(30) not null default '',streaks smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',kills smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',deaths smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',streaktime datetime) engine = myisam; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ownladder` (guild_id int(11) not null default '0' primary key,name varchar(24) not null default '',currentown smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',highestown smallint(6) unsigned not null default '0',owntime datetime) engine = myisam;
  5. Here's my OnPCLoginEvent, im using AnnieRuru Dota PvP Ladder and @aura by Zephyrus ~ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( .maptrigger$ != "all" ) query_sql("select char_id,name,kills from `pvp_ladder` ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 3", .@char_id, .@name$, .@kills); for(set .@i,0; .@i < 3; set .@i,.@i+1) { if(getcharid(0) == .@kills[.@i]) { dispbottom "Congratulations, You're in the Top 3 PVP Players!"; // this line doesn't show after log-in ~ atcommand "@aura "+(.@i+3); end; } } end; well its not working and i dont know why.. no error on map console though. any help will be appreciated!
  6. Hi Emistry, can you change to announce the accumulated every 60min and not every minute? Thanks ~
  7. may binago ka ba sa conf? latest na rathena ba gamit mo?
  8. There's nothing wrong with the code.. I even use the v1.3 in my post and also tried it in the latest revision.
  9. How to change Body Relocation skill delay? I can't find it in the skill_cast_db, skill_castnodex_db.. thanks im using Pre-Re..
  10. Rebel

    R> GM script

    why dont you just change your gm's name an add [ GM ] or whatever in your sql database so it will be permanent forever.. no need for script.. just the one for the players who make character with a GM letters ..
  11. Rebel

    R> GM script

    why dont you just change your gm's name an add [ GM ] or whatever in your sql database so it will be permanent forever.. no need for script.. just the one for the players who make character with a GM letters ..
  12. Rebel

    R> GM script

    why dont you just change your gm's name an add [ GM ] or whatever in your sql database so it will be permanent forever.. no need for script.. just the one for the players who make character with a GM letters ..
  13. bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,n,x; Increases damage of n element magic by x%. n: 0=Neutral, 1=Water, 2=Earth, 3=Fire, 4=Wind, 5=Poison, 6=Holy, 7=Dark, 8=Spirit, 9=Undead
  14. Navigation is not translated even with using the DLL of TranslateClientToEnglish
  15. yes the problem in cash shop list.. like if you put 3 items in the 1st tab.. only 3 items will be shown in the other tab.. and the rest will be just an apple.. and the navigation in 2012-04-10 is not translated.. dont know my shin diffpatcher is not reading the WDGTranslateClient the one with a .txt file..
  16. WDGTranslateClient not showing in Shin's Diff Patcher i have WDGTranslateClient
  17. just try it. the client version is very stable. and if i'm not mistaken the navication system is already translated. EDIT : I got it working now.. using 2012-04-17aRagexe.. Thanks. But the problem is the Cash shop List.. i hope there would be a fix for that..
  18. @Brynner is navigation system translated here? And can i use this client on live server? Thank you.
  19. Does it mean that any headgear turn into Costume, it only have appearance(no bonus, cannot refine, cannot add card) ? Yes.
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