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Everything posted by Rebel

  1. try langtype 18 and make sure you check Enforce Old Official Background and Ony 1st Background
  2. When you turn your normal headgear to custom stats bonus will be removed.. also refine bonus and cards attached will removed..
  3. Try this rathena.org/board/topic/82370-costume-npc-and-costumeitem/
  4. try this in skill.c look for skill_castend_nodamage_id(src,src,TF_HIDING,1,tick,0); change TF_HIDING to AS_CLOAKING havent tested yet
  5. player.conf // Prevent logout of players after being hit for how long (in ms, 0 disables)? prevent_logout: 10000
  6. bump make this work please
  7. Its working fine on my end.
  8. //-- HW_MAGICPOWER 366,700,0,0,30000,0,0 red : casting time blue : after cast delay change the red to your desire.. 1000 -> 1 second
  9. Well Im just the one who's using this client. and I dont know that show woe damage option is. i cant remember that i use that option on my client. Edit : I got fixed it now. Somehow when I update my data folder with new version available in client releases, i think it doesnt support my client.. idontknow.. important thing is.. its not showing now the damage.. appreciate all of your help guys. thank you! godbless!
  10. try to change // Required level of bNoMagicDamage before Status Changes are blocked (Golden Thief Bug card). // For example, if left at 50. An item can give bNoMagicDamage,40; // which reduces magic damage by 40%, but does not blocks status changes. gtb_sc_immunity: 60
  11. its not working on mine T_T can you help me..
  12. Manually means you need to copy and paste each added lines in your respective source.. ++ add -- delete
  13. check your patcher configurations.
  14. By default kriemhild and swanhild had this mapflag.. prtg_cas01 mapflag gvg_castle prtg_cas02 mapflag gvg_castle but why i can still see a 1 damage everytime i attack the emperium? fyi im using the latest svn..
  15. can you share to me your emperium database.. the one that not showing damage to the players.. even just 1 .. thanks.. i thinks its like a plant type thats why when i attack damage shown as 1.. but i can kill the emperium easily.. it only have ~63k hp.. and its not a plant type emperium..
  16. in latest revision.. 17420.. why i can see damage in woe? normal character.. i disable renewal.. i change hide_woe_damage : to yes but look. . ican still see 1 dmg.. help me to clear that out.. thanks
  17. How do you restart your server? Close login char and map console then run it again..
  18. how can i make all skills of mechanic usable while mounting in MADO and also if not mounting. thanks. i see a battle config in 3ceam but nothing here. thanks
  19. check your groups.conf
  20. Bounded Items now cannnot be converted. - OK Normal Items too. - FAIL it says "This is bounded items." even if its an normal headgears you can find the whole npc and patch here. http://rathena.org/board/topic/82370-costume-npc-and-costumeitem/?hl=costume
  21. Rebel

    loginlog error

    // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: ragnarok log_db_pw: ragnarok log_db_db: ragnarok <-- your log database name log_codepage:
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