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Everything posted by Rebel

  1. Its not working, always end up in "Your not wearing anything there..." even if im wearing full headgear equip. both normal headgear and bounded headgears.
  2. Thank you again Emistry for replying.. Honestly, i am having a hard time in inserting that code in my script. Here's my costume script: - script Costume Clown -1,{ mes "[Clown]"; mes "Here you can convert your headgears into a Costume Headgear."; switch(select("I want to convert.:No thanks.")) { case 1: next; mes "Please, select what to convert."; mes "Remember, cards and refine will be removed."; next; setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low"; setarray .@Position[1], 1, 9, 10; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + "]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ]; if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } mes "[Clown]"; mes "You want to Costume your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Part)) + "?"; next; if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear mes "[Clown]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear."; close; case 2: mes "[Clown]"; mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services."; close; } }
  3. Thank you very much Emistry. Godbless you. Hi Emistry, Thanks for that code. But what im asking is checking the equiped equipment of a player if its bounded.. not the equipment in its inventory.. like if the player is wearing a bounded headgear it cannot be turn to costume.. your code is checking the whole inventory if there is a bounded item and i cant turn normal headgears to costume.
  4. Hi can you provide a simple script on using that command to check if players item is bounded.. thanks i appreciate any kind of help..
  5. Why its not working?? I cant achieve any achievements i put in db. like for just killing 1 poring. it does not finished the achievement and the cutin is not showing.
  6. Hi Do we have a script command that check if an certain equipment like for example HEADGEAR is bounded to the player.. i want to make a script that checks if an certain equipment is bounded then it cannot be converted to costume. thanks.
  7. Hi can someone share the 75% overweight status icon and patch. thanks.
  8. Rebel

    Stasis Skill

    Is this normal when I Cast Stasis skill of warlock. I can still cast other skills? and the duration of stasis will be gone? using level 1 to level 5 same effect. still can cast skill. even though i have all stats 1, and all stats 125 thanks.
  9. Help with custom elemental converter ..how to make custom elemental converter?? what files should i edit thanks..
  10. Rebel

    FluxCP Installation

    still the same.. I even tried to change it to all "ragnarok" but still 'incorrect password' when im using flux before it was not like that.. Fixed. I just reinstall my wamp server and it works now.
  11. BUMP no one to help.
  12. Rebel

    FluxCP Installation

    still the same..
  13. Hi need help. always say incorrect password when asking mysql user and mysql password here is my settings application.php servers.php database cp
  14. Rebel

    Job Master

    Thanks Emistry. But I want to change the Third Job in which is only regular doesnt have trans skill.. to Trans Third job.. uses job id no 4060 and up and not kpb id no 4054 and up.. e.g. not Rune Knight (Regular) but Rune Knight (Trans) I need script that can change 2nd jobs to 3rd job instantly.. not by 2nd to transcendant then 3rd job trans.. i need 1st - 2nd - 3rd trans EDIT : Solved. I just use other scripts since no one can help me. Thanks anyways. Peace.
  15. Rebel

    Job Master

    Euphy Job Master.. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/npc/custom/jobmaster.txt
  16. Rebel

    Job Master

    Just a quick question about the Job Master here in rA. How can you change the Third Job - Regular to Third Job - Trans? Thanks.
  17. Rebel

    Anti-GTB card

    Try Epoque's Expansion Diff.. http://rathena.org/board/topic/62972-expansion-diff/ bonus2 bIgnoreGTB,r,n; r% chance to ignore GTB effect, dealing n% damage
  18. Try @alootid <item_name or ID> To add an item to the list, use "@alootid +<item name or ID>". To remove an item, use "@alootid -<item name or ID>".
  19. Follow Darristan Guide on adding Status Icons. http://rathena.org/board/topic/72715-unofficial-extra-status-icons/?hl=%2Bextra+%2Bstatus+%2Bicons
  20. Use the Charm System. This system works like what the topic start stated? Or this system has some other features? Same as the topic stated. http://rathena.org/board/topic/84251-liliths-charms-explain-more-briefly/
  21. Use the Charm System. Charms_.patch
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