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Chemical Crush

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Everything posted by Chemical Crush

  1. This is not entirely true, there are some servers who still use the old novice grounds, plus it was a request. Simply showing off what was requested of me, I dont feel that updating older maps is a hassle or anything. Sure there is the new izlude map, but I always loved the old novice grounds. Thanks though.
  2. Thank you so much! Thanks! Awe thanks Sto, Idk, thats a good question though! If you have an updated grf, with the NEW prontera, these models and textures should be there. Thanks!
  3. Estoy usando google translate, así que por favor perdóname si esto sale mal. Puede obtener archivos actualizados abriendo su BrowEdit, abrir un mapa de su GRF, ir a File> Rebuild Texture File y luego hacer File> Rebuild Model file. Luego cierra BrowEdit, abre la copia de seguridad y debería arreglarse, es decir, si tu GRF está actualizado, si no, entonces te sugeriría que actualizas tu GRF. English: I'm using google translate, so please forgive me if this comes out wrong. You are able to obtain updated files by opening your BrowEdit, open up a map from your GRF, go to File > Rebuild Texture File and then do File > Rebuild Model file. Then close BrowEdit, open it back up and it should be fixed, that is if your GRF is up to date, if not, then I would suggest updating your GRF
  4. Awe thanks! The interior is exact, no gats were messed with, except maybe around the bookshelves. As for the outside of the 1st part, the gats were altered because of more decoration / moved decoration. Thank you! Thanks Radian!
  5. Hey Guys! I haven't posted here in a good bit, just wanted to show off the old novice grounds that I've redone. I hope you guys like it. It's really just more recent models and textures. For the indoors, I kept the original Gravity lighting, you may see some errors in the shadows because of this, but its not too noticeable.
  6. rAthena is probably your best bet, I dont even think eAthena has any kind of support anymore to be honest with you, which is probably why you get errors, its not up to date. I also noticed you posted about an error setting up the rAthena client, please PLEASE refer to https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki This is our Wiki, use it, as well as https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Install-on-Windows ( if you're using windows). It will answer most of your questions, a little reading goes a long way! If you have any questions about specific things, if you cannot figure them out from reading up on them first, please don't hesitate to ask. Most things you can probably do a quick google search, forum search or wiki search! Welcome to rA!
  7. Oh my gosh Sage this map is amazing! I always love seeing your showcases, I was just talking to Azura the other day about how great your maps are! I can't wait to see more from you.
  8. /kis

    1. Azura Skyy

      Azura Skyy

      Stahp. I don't even get this kind of love in PM. What is this?

    2. mrlongshen


      This is call show off /oops

  9. D'aww Lunatics are my favorite RO mob, next to Mavka! They're so fluffy and cute!
  10. All you need to do is get your post count to 1. Which means posting in another thread that is not in Off Topic! That should do the trick. Welcome to rA btw!
  11. I thought I commented on this! I love this map, it truly is gorgeous, the colors are very nice and it actually fits RO very well! I wish they offered more 'autumn' like tones as well, it's one of my favorite seasons! Keep up the good work, I cant wait to see anything else you decide to showcase!
  12. Chemical Crush


    Nah, Its a little broken on my end. Can you find a fix? Cause, I need it fixed. Like, right now, its important @Akkarin, so do some work and fix it. Thanks.
  13. Heya @Cyric! It's always great to see new faces, welcome to rA!
  14. This is definitely not a lightmap issue. Lightmaps dont reflect or land on models, this is a model issue. I'm not sure what exactly because I don't use custom models, but it is definitely a model issue. The only thing shadows appear on are textures, or walls, which are textures regardless. I think there are some guides about custom models on Syo's channel but I'm not sure it brings up this issue, sadly.
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