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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. The last revision of browedit is the rev 620, that you can get here: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/3026-browedit-revision-620-last-stable-revision-pre-configured/ About your issue, I think I've never seen something like that.
  2. Just use NEMO Patcher with the same diff of enable 3d bones for 2013 clients.
  3. Creo que se refiere a este servicio de pago: http://rathena.org/board/topic/84803-scripting-lessons-in-english-and-german-permanent-discount-of-5-euros-for-all-lessons/
  4. The only tool I know to deal with STR stuff is this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ce8aob1k6ke5bh1/TranslatedROSTRviewer.rar
  5. With the intention to keep the proper use of this forum, please, follow these rules before posting: Arts & Writings is not a forum to promote or sell paid files. Authors: please use the Paid Services forum or Nexus for that use. Same goes for members, which they will be on their own responsibility by contacting someone and pay for a file being in showcase here. You might use this forum only for asking feedback or ratings for your artworks. Members who are interested in someone's work, please avoid to ask for pricing in the topic. Use the PM system instead. Any kind of paid related actions should be only at the Paid Services forum or Nexus. Therefore, members are responsible by contacting someone to pay/hire someone for a file/commision out of the mentioned scheme. Failing to follow these rules may entail your topic or post be unapproved. Thank you.
  6. Unless you are a spriter and you can create the blank eyes to each particular custom/new hairstyles further than the #27. That -hat- is not a normal hat like all the others,
  7. Olrox

    any one ?

    Unless you can develop your own client/graphic engine for it, then you would. Very few people are capable of doing that, and even so, they have stopped/paused their related projects about it. If you expect that people will give you an offer for such a huge work, I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but nobody would make that work for a particular guy.
  8. If you saturate browedit to attemp to save a big amount of ground tiles at once, it will stop responding. When you say, "give a new map floor" means, you are using the option "fill all tiles with selected texture" in browedit? or what? please be more especific Have you tried by loading an official map (load file from GRF) then, using the tool "clear map" in browedit, and try to save?
  9. Sorry, thats not possible by a map. Moved to script support.
  10. This reminds me of someone. I think, me? Haha This is really good work. I really had to review this one, cause I was really impressed by how precisive and detailed is this work, in all the aspects: like terrain, models and such. All of this together, reminds me a lot of the official maps style. Personally, I'm sure I'll learn a lot from this. We are thankful for this free release and your dispossal to give us more.
  11. Yep the client will always crash with a high polygon model, no matter what date the client is. Regarding multi textures, browedit 3ds to rsm allows to write a rsm file with multiple textures, as long as the original file to convert has the textures as different materials. So there is no issue here for me.
  12. Oh this one is more clean Again colors are nice. Keep improving
  13. Olrox

    3D Models

    I already told you to add me in skype so I could assist you with some inquiries you were having before o_o
  14. Yea took a while to add the NPC haha, well all of that to make a nice video glad you noticed it! and yea, I have left only 7 days to finish at least 2 maps more. Thank you sir! Creio que esse mapa já esteja vendido, diz ele que já foi solicitado, ele só amostrou. Since I can talk spanish, I kinda understand this. Since ever, I try to avoid to mention "payments" on this forum, mostly cause I think it has the purpose to show your work and ask for criticism. Which is the right use. But if someone ask, I guess I'm allowed to answer, which is this case. So, for your inquirie, this map is not exclusive. If you are interested, look for me by PM or in my paid services.
  15. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OlroxMaps 1. Concept Today I'm showing around a small map I did. Its for an event script about racing, Which involves some peco pecos, thats why the name 2. Features This is a small map, that was requested as it. However, it has a lot of fun.. Added sound effects like crowd cheering, cannons. One trim area special for spectators. Some effects like fireworks and some party confetti that simulates like the crowd is having fun with the race. All the track is a custom model. The the spectators area, the color porings and that peco sign are models/textures by my own At the end I decided to add some blue sky, which looks nice at the high altitdue areas. 3. Video *watch in HD 1080p* 4. Screenshots Some screenshots. There isn't a particular order or purpose on the screens here, just some overview screenshots and maybe some others that has to do with close ups.
  16. Taking other people's works to earn money is against rA rules if this is work from someone who has paid services active in rAthena. We kinda afford when the authors are outside of rA (like renders, drawings, art in general) leaving that responsible up to the seller. However, as we confirm this, I believe then the issue is more of our concern, since its taking work from other members who offers active paid services inside rAthena (YHMWHY and Shiju Graphics) Nonetheless, perhaps, we have to wait if they claim something against this.
  17. Thanks seven Hey welcome back! thanks, and good luck with lumina RO I think is another, I'm not sure, if the effect is the #290 Thank you btw Thanks pal
  18. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OlroxMaps 1. Concept Hello everyone, here I'll show a map I've been working for quite a while. This is my fourth map of Naruto I have made so far (Konoha, Akatsuki Hideout, Sunagakure and finally, Kiragakure) There is still a few of maps of this anime I have to complete yet. As always your feedback is always appreciated Kiragakure - The land of Mist, is one of the main towns of this anime I have to complete. The image shows the reference of the town, that is mostly about high peak mountains and a condensed mist falling down . 2. Features Kiragakure, is one of my third generation maps, since it fits very well in the quality I've been aiming to reach for. The previous image, shows one example of modeling and texturizing of the reference, trying to fit it in the Ragnarok Style. All of this has been made by me from scratch. Special care in details around texturizing. Close camera details and decoration were improved here. Just had fun by trying new shadows/light angles kinda some complex gats around those bridges Credits to @curiosity who helped me with an issue I had around the mist effect thanks dude 3. Video *watch in HD 1080p* 4. Screenshots Some screenshots. There isn't a particular order or purpose on the screens here, just some overview screenshots and maybe some others that has to do with close ups.
  19. I agree with Sanasol, sadly this tool is easily bypassed at the moment. Its something I have heard of with some of my contacts, and yes I work for a lot of servers. Edit: and btw, you people, you should be more thankful that someone is taking its time to explain it to you, rather than being so refusing. Anyway, its your money at the end.
  20. Man, thank you a lot! the effect #229 loads accordly to gat altitude, which solved my issue since I can load it by my altitude of my map. If I have some free time, I think I'll give a try to the others sky effects.
  21. Hey man, thats an awesome release! yea we have been replacing the current official maps to have that sky effect til this day, I'll give a try to it later. Btw, talking about clouds, you know (or everyone?) by a chance how the @clouds effects loads on an especific altitude of a map? I mean, in official maps, no matter if they have a default high or lower altitude accordly to the map default height (you can tell by looking the water level) the effect loads correctly, but in custom maps I don't know where is that value especified. I've been trying the whole night by comparing mostly 3 examples attached above: height_10: official ro map, with alttitude 10, shows the @clouds effect fine. height_100: official ro map with altitude 100 (this means low altitude), shows the @clouds effect fine too, even with a huge different altitude height_-50: custom ro map, with altitude -50 (this means high altitude) shows the effect stacked in the height "0" no matter what I try (my issue) Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52175822/map.rar both 3 maps are cleaned up for comparing hex results, and they use the same name of an official map to test easily. Any kind of tip is appreciated.
  22. Perhaps, you can create a custom model, like a flat plane, and add the texture of your logo on its surface, by having its height/width accordly to the resolution of your image. The black area could be, transparency Hence, you can use the new model as an object and just place it anywhere you would like in the map? this way would be easier since you would not touch/edit the tiles on the terrain surface. If you don't know how to use browedit I'm sure you don't know then how to create custom models, but if you want I can do it for you, since it would be easy. However, I need to ask you to post in Graphics Support, not this thread. Oh wait. I'm reading a little more: I was refering about just adding that logo on your map. Now, If you want to create animated gifs in ragnarok maps, thats not possible o_o ... Regarding the way how the water shows that movement, is, a very special case of how the clients calls it, and it goes specifically for water... not other element in the map.
  23. Without editing the luas, there is no more warnings from your client?
  24. Its possible to load a -gray world- map with browedit and edit one tile by placing a custom texture like the one you show as you wish.
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