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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. I love the colors! For me the color combination is good already.
  2. @Akkarin The first time I noticed this issue about reputation was this day: http://rathena.org/board/topic/78717-codebox-is-broken/?p=179854 I remember that before that maintenance, it was working just perfect. Perhaps you can have an idea by checking what changes were done that date.
  3. No, its not working. You should have 10,000,000 of reputation points, if not more
  4. You would need an exporter of granny to max. Which sadly its something I can't give you too much tips about since I have only tried to import external 3d in Granny, not vice versa. Although, if you google, there're plenty of exporters of granny to max like this one. However, I've never tried it and I think it doesn't supports animation. If you have luck to extract it, then I can give you support to import it in Ragnarok, which is what I can deal with. So basically you have to: take the model+animation+textures, apply the new texture in 3d, and then export a new gr2 file with the right version. As a note, the textures on these models are particulary hardcoded in the file, you don't have too much options besides the one I'm saying, unless someone knows/share a way of how to decompile the texture in that file. Edit: I remember now that there is a rsm emperium model inside the RO data. You can easily take it with animation if you follow my tutorials and then export it with a new texture as a new gr2 model.
  5. its not a map issue, its how the client renders it, he can't fix that
  6. Using the global height edit mode and pasting all to a bigger sized map. I guess you should keep a backup, and beware that gat can't be copied this way. Also, you should try the smooth lightmaps before, since its more easy to test.
  7. Take a look at this topic: http://rathena.org/board/topic/75507-map-problem-marks-at-corners-of-textures/ That kinda happens with maps that have a high amount of white textures. I found a way to fix it, and the author of that thread also mentioned another way to get rid of that issue.
  8. Olrox


    Oh I falled in love with those drawings... sorry! but now I claim them to be mine! mine! mine! x:
  9. This is the first time I saw this tool and I love it I know a girl that had waited for something like this for years... I must run and tell her about this!
  10. Well, still not possible to comment from here although, seems we have mod permissons over nominations now, which I'm not sure if it should be right.
  11. Thats okay, but as I told you before, you should enable the comments for all the staff. Not only managers. Regarding the approval of the nominations are fine for only managers.
  12. Olrox

    3D models

    Sketchup doesn't support UVW map coordinates natively only map colors per faces. This design program is more oriented for architectural designs not in gaming where map textures are a must. You can always use it to have a mesh you want tho, and texturize it by yourself. Btw, In Syouji browedit tutorials, you can find some examples of what are you asking too.
  13. Olrox

    3D models

    The option to export as 3ds comes with the google sketchup program, not by max. You have to open these ones with sketchup and export as 3ds, then begin to edit them in max
  14. Olrox

    3D models

    Those are Google Sketchup models. It support 3ds at the time you want to export, so you can import it in max easily.
  15. Thats cool I want to try my luck on Github by having this new feature now.
  16. Thats neat, thanks a lot for adding this.
  17. Oh it looks much better with the new triforce.
  18. That would be really hard to make xD I remember also how you helped with some script stuff I'm glad to see you around this board after 2 years aswell.
  19. Actually, I'm more glad to read you around here again, after a lot of years it has been a while! Man thank you haha, wow I remember the old times when you did your time to review all the work around here. Thats neat! Hello miss Najara, you said in fb that you'd catch around later to talk! and that day never came! </3 haha you noticed it, it is cause I rendered the video at half of total frames (I usually render at double ntsc that is around 80k of frames/s, this tame was around 20k I think) which gives that sensation.In fact ... I was going to create a new video, cause I did it at 720p by an error, but I was too lazy Regarding if I edited only the textures, well, nope! the buildings are new, also, the way how they are placed is different ... and some ground areas changed, to place some benches for example. nah I'm stunned of how you forget your friends XD
  20. 1. Concept I've been working with a plenty amount of maps, and, here I'm glad to show a revamped version of the original Rivendel map that I did almost 2 years ago (wow time has passed really fast!) the original topic of rivendel can be found here . This is rivendel as you already know it And this is how it was before. 2 years ago, that was a pretty quite challenge for me, It was maybe my 2nd time in my life I tried to work in 3D and I was really limited around the area. Those days I didn't know anything around how to handle my own models, I didn't know about optimization, about low poly modeling or mapping textures. It was a long journey to learn these things, but I'm glad to have the chance to rework on this one, with what I can do nowadays. This map is the first one of a big update that includes a vending area, a field, a dungeon and a lot of stuff. Its really a big project I'm working for one of my customers. 2. Features Rivendel Renovation is the same rivendel. it keeps everything as before but it changes: structures, mapping in structures, white style to brown/gray colors, ground, grass and other things. 3. Video *watch in HD 1080p* 4. Screenshots Some screenshots. There isn't a particular order or purpose on the screens here, just some overview screenshots and maybe some others that has to do with close ups.
  21. 1 - Ragnarok is an old game, but that doesn't means it will be public just for that reason. It is developed every day just as how it was everytime. Its like if you say that World of Warcraft that is almost old as RO, would be public one day... no way. 2 - Well.. very hard. You need plenty of people with specific skills to work together and reach a goal like that. 3 - The fact that you have been away of the emulator doesn't means RO has died as I said, it has updates every week maybe? and how possible Gravity would abandon his -prior- and more rentable game? 4 - Nope they were not a failure.
  22. Dude, how are you doing? wow it has been a while. Thanks for passing by around this thread! I always appreciate your rating. I'm gonna release something soon. Ohh! hello beautiful~ <33 that was the maximum size I could make it fit! how ruuuuude x:
  23. It was a nice month. We can sense the activity back from all of you
  24. 1. Concept These days I've been working on a plenty amount of maps. Mind you, I don't show all the requests I have everytime, I kinda try to only show the ones I consider have something new to offer. Here comes a request I had, that is about a recreation of the starting city of Sword Art Online (SAO) Some screens of the reference. The screen #1 shows the idea of a circular map, with a square shaped water area on center. The screen #2 the main plaza and one structure made of gold or bronze I guess, that has a clock on it. The #3 shows the main idea of the houses, main roads, colors, nature eviroment. Last, the screen #4 shows the black mansion, a more detailed view of the arcs aswell. 2. Features this ended up by becoming a big map, x225 size. A lot of work around modeling from scratch (the arcs, the black structure, the clock structure, those houses, fountains, etc) however, this is the first time I tried to improve more in the texturizing to fit a more RO style. 3. Video *watch in HD 1080p* 4. Screenshots Some screenshots. There isn't a particular order or purpose on the screens here, just some overview screenshots and maybe some others that has to do with close ups.
  25. I love the lights and the idea of a prontera style pvp map with a different look. Thanks for sharing!
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