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Everything posted by Skorm

  1. Well he would have to change it in a few other places as well... Why not just use rAthena. x_x
  2. Here's a quick example npc I'll probably finish this one up later today. prontera,150,150,5 script Anti-bot-tests#1 100,{ mes "[^FF0000Anti Bot Checking^000000]"; mes "Are you a bot?"; mes "You have 5 minutes to follow the directions bellow and verify your a real player."; mes "Choose the correct colour and number to enter."; next; .@correct = rand(.length); copyarray .@colour$, .colour$, getarraysize(.colour$); for( .@a = 0; .@a < .length; .@a++ ) { for( .@b = 0; .@b < .numbers; .@b++ ) .@part$[.@b] = ""+rand(10); .@r = rand(getarraysize(.@colour$)); .@answers$[.@a] = ( .@a_c$[.@a] = .@colour$[.@r] )+( .@parts$[.@a] = implode(.@part$,""))+"^000000"; deletearray .@colour$[.@r], 1; mes " "+.@answers$[.@a]; } while( getstrlen(.@c$) < .numbers ) .@c$ = .@c$ + "#"; mes "The correct answer is: "+.@a_c$[.@correct]+.@c$; set .@input$,""; input( .@input$ ); if( compare( .@answers$[.@correct], .@a_c$[.@correct]+.@input$+"^000000" ) ) { mes "Correct!"; } else { mes "Wrong!"; } close; OnInit: setarray .colour$, "^00FF00", "^FF0000", "^0000FF", "^0FF0FF", "^CCCCCC", "^CBCBCB"; .length = 6; //Length of the list. .numbers = 6; //Length of the numbers. }
  3. This can also be done with an array. Up to 128 npcs. prontera,100,100,5 script Fishing#0 100,{ .@a = atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ); if( .init[ .@a ] ) end; .init[ .@a ] = 1; progressbar "0xFF0000",5; getitem 501,1; .init[ .@a ] = 0; } prontera,101,100,5 duplicate(Fishing#0) Fishing#1 100 prontera,102,100,5 duplicate(Fishing#0) Fishing#2 100 prontera,103,100,5 duplicate(Fishing#0) Fishing#3 100
  4. Thank you I'm glad you like it.
  5. View File guildgetitem2 & guildgetitembound2 This command sends items to the guild storage without the need of server restart. Example: prontera,100,100,5 script guildgetitem2 100,{ //guildgetitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>}; switch ( guildgetitem2(1218, 1, 1, 1, 10, 4305, 0, 0, 0) ) { case 1: dispbottom "Item added to your guild storage."; end; case 0: dispbottom "Unknown Error."; break; case -1: dispbottom "Cannot open both storages."; break; case -2: dispbottom "Player doesn't have a guild."; break; case -3: dispbottom "Player doesn't have a guild storage."; break; case -4: dispbottom "Guild storage being used by someone else."; break; case -5: dispbottom "Guild storage is full."; break; } end; } Works much like getitem2 and it uses the attached players guildstorage. Submitter Skorm Submitted 10/18/2014 Category Source Modifications Video Content Author Skorm  
  6. Skorm

    Help! edit

    Here's an updated version... @follow.patch
  7. Version v1.5


    This command sends items to the guild storage without the need of server restart. Example: prontera,100,100,5 script guildgetitem2 100,{ //guildgetitem2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>{,<account ID>}; switch ( guildgetitem2(1218, 1, 1, 1, 10, 4305, 0, 0, 0) ) { case 1: dispbottom "Item added to your guild storage."; end; case 0: dispbottom "Unknown Error."; break; case -1: dispbottom "Cannot open both storages."; break; case -2: dispbottom "Player doesn't have a guild."; break; case -3: dispbottom "Player doesn't have a guild storage."; break; case -4: dispbottom "Guild storage being used by someone else."; break; case -5: dispbottom "Guild storage is full."; break; } end; } Works much like getitem2 and it uses the attached players guildstorage.
  8. Maybe try it like... if (isloggedin(.@acc[.@j],.@char[.@j])) { if ( !checkvending( rid2name(.@acc[.@j]) ) ) { for(set .@k,0; .@k<getarraysize(.Reward); set .@k,.@k+2) getitem .Reward[.@k], .Reward[.@k+1], .@acc[.@j]; message rid2name(.@acc[.@j]),"You have been rewarded for conquering "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+"."; } } } }
  9. Skorm

    Heal zone

    I think you have the right idea but maybe like this? prontera,155,313,5 script Box_Healer 742,5,5,{ end; // <-- Remove this line if you want clicking the npc to work as well. OnTouch: if( MaxHp == Hp && MaxSp == Sp ) npctalk "You don't need me."; if( MaxHp != Hp ) { itemheal MaxHp, 0; specialeffect2 209; } if( MaxSp != Sp ) { itemheal 0, MaxSp; specialeffect2 208; } }
  10. Limited is a poor choice in words... Complicated but not necessarily limited is how I would describe it.
  11. This is probably a pretty convoluted way of doing it... But I've found with SQL things are either extremely easy or nearly impossible. LOL DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dowhile $$ CREATE PROCEDURE dowhile() BEGIN DECLARE v1 INT DEFAULT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `item_db2_re` WHERE `equip_locations` & 769 AND `script` IS NULL); DECLARE v2 INT DEFAULT FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) * 10 ); DECLARE v3 INT DEFAULT FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) * 100 ); WHILE v1 > 0 DO CASE FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) * 2 ) WHEN 1 THEN UPDATE `item_db2_re` SET `script` = CONCAT( 'bonus bStr,', v2, ';' ) WHERE `equip_locations` & 769 AND `script` IS NULL ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1; WHEN 2 THEN UPDATE `item_db2_re` SET `script` = CONCAT( 'bonus2 bAddEle,', v2, ',', v3, ';' ) WHERE `equip_locations` & 769 AND `script` IS NULL ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1; END CASE; SET v1 = v1 - 1; SET v2 = FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) * 10 ); SET v3 = FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) * 100 ); END WHILE; END $$ CALL dowhile();
  12. The script isn't exactly optimal but I removed the previous message and added a download link. Sorry about that.
  13. So basically this was going to be something of a surprise. I've been working on this script since January, not constantly just occasionally. It works - kinda... The script runs fine if I don't include the heuristic... But when I do it stops about half way through ama_dun01. I think without the heuristic It takes approximately 3 minutes to complete ama_dun01. Why am I posting this here? Well simply put I don't have enough time to work on it at the moment, and it's just going to disappear forever if I don't. So what I'm asking is for anyone to optimize this and maybe help me figure out why it's stopping with the heuristic value. Before anyone says it, if they even do. Yeah it would be faster on Hercules because of unlimited arrays and ++.@r but that's obvious. I want this to work on rAthena . I'll try to update this topic when I get some more time. ( I've got a few other projects to finish first. ) Thanks in advance any input on this is appreciated. ( There are a few bits I left out because they were mainly for debug/or were part of the main event which I felt wasn't developed enough. ) //Diagonal = 14 //} G //Adjacent = 10 //} G function script abs { //.@v = getarg(0); //.@mask = .@v >> 4 * 8 - 1; //return ((.@v + .@mask) ^ .@mask); .@i = getarg(0); return ( (.@i < 0) ? -.@i : .@i ); } function script max { .@i = ((getarg(0) > getarg(1)) ? getarg(0) : getarg(1)); return .@i; //return getarg(0) ^ ((getarg(0) ^ getarg(1)) & -(getarg(0) < getarg(1))); } ama_dun01,233,9,3 script npc_go 100,{ OnGo: setarray .@dx, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1; setarray .@dy, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1; .@x = 233; //Start Pos .@y = 11; //Start Pos .@s_x = 233; //Start Pos .@s_y = 11; //Start Pos .@len = getarraysize(.@dx); .@e_x = .e_x; //End Pos .@e_y = .e_y; //End Pos .@map_size = 240*240; .@g = 0; dispbottom .@x+"!="+.@e_x+"&&"+.@y+"!="+.@e_y+"||"+.@q+"<"+.@map_size; debugmes "-------------Starting---------------"; set(.@time,gettimetick(0)); freeloop(1); setarray getd(".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y+"c"), 1, .@x, .@y; .@v = 1; .@ar[getarraysize(.@ar)] = .@v; while( .@q<.@map_size ) { LOOP4: set(.@x2,.@x+.@dx[.@a]); set(.@y2,.@y+.@dy[.@a]); .@mes$ = .@x2+" "+.@y2+" "+.@v+" "+.@a+"|"+.@x+" "+.@y; set(.@tmp5$,".@node_x"+.@x2+"y"+.@y2); //----------------------------------------------------> (".@node_x"+.@x2+"y"+.@y2) Temp string. copyarray .@tc_ary, getd(.@tmp5$+"c"), 6; //-------------------------------------------------> .@tc_ary = "Testing closed-list array(node)". if( !.@tc_ary ) { //.@a++; .@q++; continue; } //---------------------------------------------> Challenge closed node. if(checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,cell_chkwall) || checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,cell_chkcliff) || checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,cell_chkwater) || checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,cell_chknopass) || checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,cell_chknoreach)) { //---------------------------------> Challenge turf walk-able. .@mes$ = .@mes$+" Not valid turf!"; } else { set .@a$, .@tmp5$+"o"; //-------------------------------------------------------------> (".@node_x"+.@x2+"y"+.@y2+"o") Open-list node. copyarray .@to_ary, getd(.@a$), 6; //-------------------------------------------------> .@to_ary = "Testing open-list array(node)". set(.@m,!.@dx[.@a]||!.@dy[.@a]?10:14); //---------------------------------------------> Challenge diagonal. //dispbottom "Parent G: "+getd(".@node_x"+.@to_ary[1]+"y"+.@to_ary[2]+"c[0]"); //if(.@to_ary) { set(.@g,getd(".@node_x"+.@to_ary[1]+"y"+.@to_ary[2]+"c[0]")+.@m); } /*else {*/ if( .@to_ary ) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------> Testing open node. "True: Test if better parent to current closed node." set .@tmp$, ".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y; //---------------------------------------------> (".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y) Temp string. copyarray .@cc_ary, getd(.@tmp$+"c[0]"), 6; //-------------------------------------> .@cc_ary = "Current closed array". (Parent to testing nodes.) .@mes$ = .@mes$+" On open list... Testing!"; if( (.@cc_ary[0] + .@m ) < .@to_ary[0] ) { //--------------------------------------> Challenge current node g plus distance to parent less than testing node g. //dispbottom "New Parent: "+.@x2+", "+.@y2; .@mes$ = .@mes$+" shorter route!"; setarray getd(.@tmp$+"c[0]"), //-----------------------------------------------> (".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y+"c[0]") (.@cc_ary[0] + .@m ), .@x2, .@y2, //----------------------------------------> new g, new parent >Recalculate current closed node. ((.@cc_ary[0] + .@m ) + getd(".h_x"+.@x+"_y"+.@y)); //-----------------------> g + heuristic = new heuristic. killmonster "ama_dun01",strnpcinfo(0)+"::On"+.@x2+"-"+.@y2; monster "ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,"New Parent",1936,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::On"+.@x2+"-"+.@y2; killmonster "ama_dun01",strnpcinfo(0)+"::On"+.@x+"-"+.@y; monster "ama_dun01",.@x,.@y,"New Child",1935,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::On"+.@x+"-"+.@y; copyarray getd(".@node_x"+.@x2+"y"+.@y2+"c[0]"), .@to_ary[0], 6; //------------> Move testing open-list node to closed-list node. } else { .@mes$ = .@mes$+" Not shorter!"; } } else { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------> Testing open node. "False: Add it to the open-list!" .@mes$ = .@mes$+" Not on the open list... Adding!"; set .@g, getd(".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y+"c[0]")+.@m; //-------------------------------> Testing open node g equals current closed node g plus distance to testing open node g. .@f = .@g + getd(".h_x"+.@x2+"_y"+.@y2); //----------------------------------------> Testing open node f equals g plus heuristic. setarray getd(.@a$), .@g, .@x, .@y, .@f, .@x2, .@y2; //----------------------------> Set testing open list node values. //dispbottom "Adding: "+ .@g+", "+.@x+", "+.@y+", "+.@f+", "+.@x2+", "+.@y2; monster "ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,"Added",1934,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::On"+.@x2+"-"+.@y2; //if( getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$")) >= 32 ) //----------------------------> Is current operating open-list greater than or equal to thirty-two? // .@ar[getarraysize(.@ar)] = .@v++; //-------------------------------------------> Not enough room for child/parent store value in a new open-list. if( getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$")) >= 32 ) { while( getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$")) ) .@v++; .@ar[getarraysize(.@ar)] = .@v; } //debugmes "Adding: ("+.@f+"|"+.@x2+"|"+.@y2+") to @open_list"+.@v+"$ Len: "+getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$")); .@loops = callfunc("AddHeap", (.@f+"|"+.@x2+"|"+.@y2), getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$")); //--------> Adding open node to the heap/open-list. } } } else { .@mes$ = .@mes$+" On Closed List!"; } dispbottom .@mes$; if( .@v == 737/* && .@a == 7*/ ) end; .@a++; jump_zero ( .@a >= .@len ), LOOP4; //.@u = .@cu = .@w_temp = 0; .@u = 0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Current open-list. .@cu = 0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Challenged open-list. .@w_temp = 0; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Smallest f value. .@v_len2 = .@v_len; .@v_len = getarraysize(.@ar); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------> Size of condensed open-lists. if(.@v_len2 < (.@v_len-1)) { debugmes .@v+"Dropped Value! "+.@v_len2+"<"+(.@v_len-1); } while( .@u<.@v_len //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> While testing list within open list range /*|| !.@v_len //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> or open-list doesn't exist >Find shortest open-list f. ( Might not need last parts double check. ) && .@u<=.@v_len*/ ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------> and testing list less than length lists. .@cu = .@ar[.@u]; .@len2 = getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@cu+"$")); .@tmp = atoi(getd("@open_list"+.@cu+"$")); debugmes .@u+" OpenList Array "+.@ar[.@u]; if( .@tmp<.@w_temp || !.@w_temp ) { .@w_temp = .@tmp; .@w_len = .@len2; .@w_ptr = .@u; .@w = .@cu; } //dispbottom "Len: "+.@len2+" "+getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@u+"$"))+"| Temp: "+.@tmp+"| .@w: "+.@w+"| .@u: "+.@u; .@u++; } //dispbottom "Before: "+getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@w+"$")); explode .@array$, getd("@open_list"+.@w+"$"), "|"; copyarray .@temp[0], getd(".@node_x"+.@array$[1]+"y"+.@array$[2]+"o[0]"), 6; //if(!(.@w_len-1)) { dispbottom "Deleteing: "+.@ar[.@w_ptr]+" | Array Size: "+getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@w+"$"))+" | Array: "+getd("@open_list"+.@ar[.@w_ptr]+"$"); } callfunc "DelHeap", 0, getd("@open_list"+.@w+"$"), .@w_len; if( .@w_len==1 ) { deletearray .@ar[.@w_ptr],1; } if( !getd(".@node_x"+.@array$[1]+"y"+.@array$[2]+"c[0]") ) { if(.@temp) { viewpoint 2, .@x, .@y, /*(*/.@q/*+.@a)*/, 0xFF0000; .@x = .@temp[4]; .@y = .@temp[5]; copyarray getd(".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y+"c[0]"), .@temp, 6; deletearray getd(".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y+"o"); setarray .@temp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; ////monster "ama_dun01",.@x,.@y,"Using",1934,1; } } set(.@a,0); if(.@x==.@e_x&&.@y==.@e_y) { dispbottom "We did it"; break; } //We've reached the end. //if(.@x==.@l_x&&.@y==.@l_y) { dispbottom "Can't be solved!"; end; } //This puzzle can't be solved. .@l_x = .@x; .@l_y = .@y; .@q++; if(.stop) end; if(!(.@q%1000)/*.@v2 != .@v*/ ) { .@v2 = .@v; //viewpoint 1, .@x, .@y, /*(*/.@q/*+.@a)*/, 0xFF0000; //dispbottom "Still Working: .@q="+.@q+" | @open_list"+.@v+"$ Len="+getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$"))+" | .@ar Size: "+getarraysize(.@ar)+" | Cords: "+.@x+", "+.@y; sleep2(1); } if( getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$")) > 32 ) end; //dispbottom "Still Working: .@q="+.@q+" | @open_list"+.@v+"$ Len="+getarraysize(getd("@open_list"+.@v+"$"))+" | .@ar Size: "+getarraysize(.@ar)+" | Cords: "+.@x+", "+.@y; } LOOP3: .@x2 = getd(".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y+"c[1]"); .@y2 = getd(".@node_x"+.@x+"y"+.@y+"c[2]"); monster "ama_dun01",.@x2,.@y2,"Path",1934,1; viewpoint 1, .@x, .@y, .@ii++, 0x00FF00; if(.@p_len>=128) { .@j++; .@p_len=0; } setd ".@p_l"+.@j+"$["+.@p_len+"]", .@x2+"|"+.@y2; .@p_len++; .@x = .@x2; .@y = .@y2; if( .@x == .@s_x && .@y == .@s_y ) GOTO L_1; if( !.@x && !.@y ) end; GOTO LOOP3; L_1: while(.@t<=.@j/*getarraysize(getd(".@p_l"+.@t+"$"))*/) { if(.@t<.@j) { .@len=64; .@i_len=128; } else { .@i_len = getarraysize(getd(".@p_l"+.@t+"$")); .@len =.@i_len/2; } for(.@y = 0; .@y < .@len; .@y++) { .@temp$ = getd(".@p_l"+.@t+"$["+.@y+"]"); setd(".@p_l"+.@t+"$["+.@y+"]",getd(".@p_l"+.@t+"$["+(.@i_len-.@y-1)+"]")); setd(".@p_l"+.@t+"$["+(.@i_len-.@y-1)+"]",.@temp$); } .@t++; } dispbottom "This process took: "+(gettimetick(0)-.@time)+" ms"; Clear: while(.@cu<=.@v) { deletearray getd("@open_list"+.@cu+"$"); .@cu++; } if(.@clear){ dispbottom "Cache Cleared"; end; } .@gid = bg_monster(.@a,"ama_dun01",233,8,"--ja--",3999,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDeadMob"); getmapxy(.@map$,.@m_x,.@m_y,3,""+.@gid); sleep2(100); set(.@z,.@t-1); while(getarraysize(getd(".@p_l"+.@z+"$"))) { while(.@k<getarraysize(getd(".@p_l"+.@z+"$"))) { explode(.@array$,getd(".@p_l"+.@z+"$["+.@k+"]"),"|"); unitwalk(.@gid,atoi(.@array$),atoi(.@array$[1])); sleep2(500); .@k++; } .@k=0; set(.@z,.@z-1); } end; OnGoHome: .stop = 1; end; OnGoClear: .@clear = 1; goto Clear; OnGoStart: warp "ama_dun01",233,9; end; OnList: getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); if(checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkwall) || checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkcliff) || checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chknopass) || checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chknoreach)) { dispbottom "Failed"; } else dispbottom "Added"; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "@stop",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGoHome"; bindatcmd "@clear",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGoClear"; bindatcmd "@list",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnList"; bindatcmd "@start",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGoStart"; setarray .@map_max, 240, 0; .e_x = 232; //End Pos .e_y = 144; //End Pos freeloop(1); set(.@time,gettimetick(0)); if(!.h_switch) { .@x = 0; .@y = 240; LOOP1: LOOP2: if(checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x,.@y,cell_chkwall) || checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x,.@y,cell_chkcliff) || checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x,.@y,cell_chknopass) || checkcell("ama_dun01",.@x,.@y,cell_chknoreach)) {} else setd(".h_x"+.@x+"_y"+.@y, (10*(abs([email protected]_x ) + abs([email protected]_y )))); jump_zero ((.@y--)<.@map_max[1]),LOOP2; .@y = 240; jump_zero (.@x++>.@map_max),LOOP1; npctalk "This process took: "+(gettimetick(0)-.@time)+" ms"; } else { .@x_d = abs(.@x2-.@e_x); .@y_d = abs(.@y2-.@e_y); if(.@x_d > .@y_d) .@h = 14*.@y_d + 10*(.@x_d-.@y_d); else .@h = 14*.@x_d + 10*(.@x_d-.@x_d); //.@x_d = abs(.@x2 - .@e_x); //.@y_d = abs(.@y2 - .@e_y); //.@h = /*.@m*/14 * max(.@x_d, .@y_d); } } function script AddLeaf { .@key = getarg(0,0); .@ptr = getarg(1,0); if(!getstrlen(@node$)) @node$ = getarg(0)+"||"; else if(getarg(0) < atoi(@node$[.@ptr])) { if(getarraysize(@node$)>=(2*.@ptr)+1) { if(@node$[(2*.@ptr)+1]!="") //charat(.@node$[.@ptr],strpos(.@node$[.@ptr],"|")+1) callfunc("AddLeaf",((2*.@ptr)+1)); else @node$[(2*.@ptr)+1] = getarg(0)+"||"; } else { @node$[(2*.@ptr)+1] = getarg(0)+"||"; } } else if(getarg(0) > atoi(@node$[.@ptr])) { if(getarraysize(@node$)>=(2*.@ptr)+2) { if(@node$[(2*.@ptr)+2]!="") //charat(.@node$[.@ptr],strpos(.@node$[.@ptr],"|")+1) callfunc("AddLeaf",((2*.@ptr)+2)); else @node$[(2*.@ptr)+2] = getarg(0)+"||"; } else { @node$[(2*.@ptr)+2] = getarg(0)+"||"; } } else { dispbottom "The key has already been added to the tree."; } } //AddHeap({<value>,<array>,<pointer>}); function script AddHeap { .@key = getarg(0,0); .@ke$ = getarg(0,0); .@ptr = getarg(2,getarraysize(getarg(1,@node$))); copyarray .@ar$, getarg(1,@node$), .@ptr; LOOP: .@loops++; ///if(.@ptr>64) return 1; if(.@ptr) { .@pnt = (.@ptr-1)>>1; } if( getarraysize(.@ar$) ) if( countstr("#"+implode(.@ar$,"#")+"#", "#"+.@ke$+"#", 0) > 1 ) { debugmes .@ke$+" exists in "+implode(.@ar$,"#")+" loops "+.@loops; } if(!/*getstrlen(*/getarraysize(.@ar$)/*)*/) { .@ar$ = .@ke$; } else if(atoi(.@ar$[.@pnt]) > .@key) { .@temp$ = .@ar$[.@pnt]; .@ar$[.@pnt] = .@ke$; .@ar$[.@ptr] = .@temp$; .@ptr = .@pnt; goto LOOP; } else if(getarraysize(.@ar$)<=.@ptr) { .@ar$[.@ptr] = .@ke$; } copyarray getarg(1,@node$), .@ar$, getarraysize(.@ar$); return .@loops; } function script DelHeap { .@ptr = getarg(0,0); .@len = getarg(2,getarraysize(getarg(1,@node$)))-1; if( .@len < 0 ) end; copyarray .@ar$, getarg(1,@node$), .@len+1; .@ar$[.@ptr] = .@ar$[.@len]; .@ar$[.@len] = ""; deletearray getelementofarray(getarg(1,@node$),.@len),1; LOOP: .@cn1 = (.@ptr<<1)+1; //.@cn1 = (.@ptr*2)+1; .@cn2 = .@cn1+1; .@ptn = atoi(.@ar$[.@ptr]); .@cd1 = atoi(.@ar$[.@cn1]); if(.@len>.@cn2) { .@cd2 = atoi(.@ar$[.@cn2]); if(.@cd1>.@cd2) { if(.@ptn>.@cd2) { .@temp$ = .@ar$[.@ptr]; .@ar$[.@ptr] = .@ar$[.@cn2]; .@ar$[.@cn2] = .@temp$; .@len = getarraysize(.@ar$); .@ptr = .@cn2; goto LOOP; } } else { if(.@ptn>.@cd1) { .@temp$ = .@ar$[.@ptr]; .@ar$[.@ptr] = .@ar$[.@cn1]; .@ar$[.@cn1] = .@temp$; .@len = getarraysize(.@ar$); .@ptr = .@cn1; goto LOOP; } } } else if(.@ptn>.@cd1&&.@len==2) { .@temp$ = .@ar$[.@ptr]; .@ar$[.@ptr] = .@ar$[.@cn1]; .@ar$[.@cn1] = .@temp$; } else if(!.@ptn&&.@len==2) { .@temp$ = .@ar$[.@ptr]; .@ar$[.@ptr] = .@ar$[.@cn1]; .@ar$[.@cn1] = .@temp$; } copyarray getarg(1,@node$), .@ar$, getarraysize(.@ar$); return; } function script PrintInOrder { .@ptr = getarg(0); if(getarraysize(@node$)) { if(getarraysize(@node$)>=(2*.@ptr)+1) { if(@node$[(2*.@ptr)+1]!="") callfunc("PrintInOrder",((2*.@ptr)+1)); } .@message = .@message + @node$[.@ptr]; if(getarraysize(@node$)>=(2*.@ptr)+2) { if(@node$[(2*.@ptr)+2]!="") callfunc("PrintInOrder",((2*.@ptr)+2)); } } else { dispbottom "The tree is empty."; } } function script test { copyarray .@array$, getarg(0), getarraysize(getarg(0)); for(.@a=0;.@a<getarraysize(getarg(0));.@a++) { //dispbottom ""+getelementofarray(getarg(0),.@a); dispbottom .@array$[.@a]; } //return; dispbottom "done"; } test_map,7,82,5 script AtoI-Test 100,{ /*freeloop(1); .@time=gettimetick(0); for(.@a=0;.@a<1000;.@a++) { .@b = atoi("100|32432|10"); //.@b = atoi("100#32432#10"); //.@b = atoi("100a32432a10"); } npctalk "Test 1 "+(gettimetick(0)-.@time)+"ms"; Sleep(100); .@time=gettimetick(0); for(.@a=0;.@a<1000;.@a++) { explode(.@a$,"100|32432|10","|"); //explode(.@a$,"100#32432#10","#"); //explode(.@a$,"100a32432a10","a"); } npctalk "Test 2 "+(gettimetick(0)-.@time)+"ms";*/ deletearray @node$; ///setarray .@keys$, "50", "76", "21", "4", "32", "64", "15", "52", "14", "100", "83", "2", "3", "70", "87", "80"; ///setarray .@keys, 410, 705, 732, 23, 195, 78, 452, 970, 804, 970; setarray .@keys$, "9212", "7387", "1821", "4979", "9241", "1309", "4870", "4946", "707", "3081", "2141", "2135", "5324", "9566", "9638", "8759", "8749", "5620", "8667", "7287", "8", "668", "4899", "3688", "5614", "2754", "8833", "8783", "1682", "2781", "2720", "7709", "2120", "306", "6410", "4590", "6040", "3933", "2124", "5542", "6361", "7499", "3610", "155", "35", "9936", "1935", "8725", "9049", "4406", "5905", "4539", "6843", "9243", "3569", "5038", "2712", "8041", "2181", "796", "9083", "3534", "891", "1687"; dispbottom "Len "+getarraysize(.@keys$); ///callfunc("test",.@keys$); debugmes implode(@node$,"#"); .@tick = gettimetick(0); for(.@a=0;.@a<getarraysize(.@keys$);.@a++) callfunc("AddHeap",(.@keys$[.@a]),.@node$); ///callfunc("PrintInOrder"); debugmes implode(.@node$,"#"); for(.@a=0;.@a<getarraysize(.@keys$);.@a++) { callfunc("DelHeap",0,.@node$); debugmes implode(.@node$,"#"); } .@tock = gettimetick(0); debugmes ( .@tick-.@tock )+"ms"; }
  14. yeah it worked fine for me the message was a little offset but that doesn't matter... izlude,100,100,4 script Test 844,5,5,{ getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if( distance( .x, .y, .@x, .@y ) <= 5 ) if( hp != maxhp ) percentheal 100,100; end; OnInit: getmapxy( .@map$, .x, .y, 1 ); }
  15. izlude,100,100,4 script Test 844,5,5,{ getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if( distance( .x, .y, .@x, .@y ) <= 5 ) if( hp != maxhp ) percentheal 100,100; else dispbottom "Come closer for heal."; end; OnInit: getmapxy( .@map$, .x, .y, 1 ); }
  16. Maybe you wanted it area restricted?... izlude,100,100,4 script Test 844,5,5,{ getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if( distance( .x, .y, .@x, .@y ) <= 5 ) percentheal 100,100; else dispbottom "Come closer for heal."; end; OnInit: getmapxy( .@map$, .x, .y, 1 ); }
  17. That's really interesting, I can't remember if I've tested that. I always work from the the main npc and branch out... Edit: Yup they do indeed xD prontera,157,183,4 script Array_test#401 859,{ if( "401" == strnpcinfo(2) ) dispbottom ""+.npc_variable[4]; else set .npc_variable[4], atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); end; OnInit: set .npc_variable[4], 900; } prontera,155,183,5 duplicate(Array_test#401) Array_test#502 406
  18. I don't really wanna go all in-depth but yeah I'm pretty sure you can... Because I've done it before... copyarray .some_array[0], getvariableofnpc( .array_name[0], "NPC_A" ), 8; If you want to have a more dynamic way to get the length just have the previous npc set that prior and call the length before the copyarray... Also another really interesting way to do this seamlessly is to make NPC_B a duplicate of NPC_A remember duplicated npcs share NPC variables and thus arrays too. Similarly but somewhat off-topic... You can also send arrays to functions by just passing the variable as a parameter. copyarray .@some_array[0], getelementofarray( getarg(0), 0 ), getarraysize( getarg(0) ); It looks kinda funny but works!
  19. You need to add the view id and modify you lua files.
  20. I like to see that you're not dead, Annie~ /ho

  21. I love the color on this map it's very inviting and fantasy like.
  22. Personally I hate it when commands use global variables to store these types of things... /*========================================== *------------------------------------------*/ static int buildin_getareausers_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { int *users=va_arg(ap,int *); struct map_session_data *sd = (TBL_PC *)bl; struct script_state* st; st=va_arg(ap,struct script_state*); if( *users < 128 ) setd_sub(st, NULL, ".@account_ids", *users, (void *)__64BPRTSIZE(sd->status.account_id), NULL); (*users)++; return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(getareausers) { const char *str; int16 m,x0,y0,x1,y1,users=0; //doubt we can have more then 32k users on str=script_getstr(st,2); x0=script_getnum(st,3); y0=script_getnum(st,4); x1=script_getnum(st,5); y1=script_getnum(st,6); if( (m=map_mapname2mapid(str))< 0){ script_pushint(st,-1); return 0; } map_foreachinarea(buildin_getareausers_sub, m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_PC,&users,st); script_pushint(st,users); return 0; } NPC Example... prontera,148,177,5 script getareausers 100,{ .@len = getareausers("prontera",148,175,163,164); for( .@a = 0; .@a < .@len; .@a++ ) npctalk ""+.@account_ids[.@a]; end; }
  23. Ok so I was looking for the things that you wanted and I finally remember that they were called charms and I guess we didn't have the topic on rathena and eathena went down so here... http://rathena.org/board/topic/97172-charms-items-effect-to-work-while-in-inventory/
  24. Lol Maybe auto counter? Or this SC_CP_WEAPON?
  25. Wow all the times I've searched those conf files and yet I still manage to miss things. Thanks for pointing that out, friend.
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