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Antares last won the day on December 6 2022

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About Antares

  • Birthday 12/27/1988

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  • Github: MrAntares
  • Discord: N/A
  • Interests
    Nerding and biking

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Community Answers

  1. Nice, but this is just becaming ridiculous. Even at 3rd job you could pretty much solo 90% of the MVPs, so they added new bosses and arenas with even more ridiculous stats. So what will happen at 4th job? You will be even more powerful and they add even more powerful enemies? You will only see 999 999 as damage and still it will take half an hour to kill the new MVPs, while the old mobs and MVPs will be single hitted? ? If they continue on this path, they will not only cause a ton of INT overflows, but perhaps even run out of double number range as well ??
  2. Hi everyone! In the last few years i have been continuing the development of roBrowser. I implemented many features and effects and also searched the internet for every roBrowser fork and tried to merge and finish every development that was made outside of the main repo. The client became pretty playable compared to other versions, but there is much to be done and I am short handed on people. Some awesome guys already joined and implemented/working on much needed stuff, but there is more required. I am writing to gain some attention and perhaps someone could help us in getting the client in shape. If you are not interested in development, but you can help us in acquiring information about assets/layouts/"how to do it", that would be also a huge help! I have to spend hours listening to effect sounds and watch animations and on top of all translate their names from korean/latin1 gibberish to get exactly what we need and it is a really tiring task. If you are interested in none of those, but you have roBrowser on your server (that is unfortunately pretty outdated now), check out our version and consider using it. Everyone can use this fork and anyone can join the effort. There is only one request I have: if you implement/fix something, don't forget to open a pull request, so everyone can benefit ? The repository is located here: https://github.com/MrAntares/Ragna.roBrowser And finally some screenshots that contain things we implemented/fixed, but keep in mind, everything is WIP and many things are still missing: - Pushcart and related GUIs and other features like Forging, Brewing, Arrow Crafting, Alt+M shortcuts, Weapon sounds, Critical and combo damage display, Taming, and many more - Status effects (coloring) - Map Effects - Hard coded skill and item effects and of course sounds - Sprite based effects - Minimap icons - Skillbar cooldown display (as of yet the old style, but the clock style is also in the barrel) It also works on mobile and we try to improve the experience by adding UI elements/features that support us in the handheld environment, like - Full screen button in the top left corner - Exit battle mode/ open chat on the bottom left side of the ChatBox
  3. This version is my fork of roBrowser and although it is much more advanced that the original repo, it still needs a lot of development. If anyone can help please contribute to it: https://github.com/MrAntares/Ragna.roBrowser
  4. Hi! I really need the list of all packets with hex code and name and the short description about what they do/expect/work like. About 10 years ago there was a packet bible somewehere on the forums or maybe the wiki, unfortunately I don't remember. Can someone help me out where can I find the info on the packets? Unfortunately this https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Packets is not what I need, because it contains no info at all. I can also faintly recall that the list was in the doc folder somewhere in the source but I can't find it, only an empty txt. Thank you! Bonus question: When creating potion weapon, where does the client get the list of requirements from (recipe) when displaying the 2nd window (with the optional 3 places) during crafting/brewing? What I mean: - Using Pharmacy - Server sends 0x18d PACKET.ZC.MAKABLEITEMLIST, with the list of items and 3 materials connecting to them, but for some reason the material list is all empty, so I can't use this part. - The client dislpays the possible item list - After hitting OK the client displays the name of the item to be created on the header, the list of materials it requires (this is what I need) and 3 empty places where you can put additional ingredients in (eg star crumb) - After filling in the additional stuff and hitting okay, the client sends 0x18e PACKET.CZ.REQMAKINGITEM with the requested itemID and the 3 additional ingredients. Thank you!
  5. Antares


    PvP/WoE is the answer. Though these require a well populated server.
  6. I was involved in figuring out the Re ASPD system when the Renewal version came around. You have to think a bit in reverse. ASPD is somewhat the effect and not the cause. The game thinks in animation speed (how long an animation takes), and you can't make it go away, since the client expect this. So ASPD is complicated because of this. You are calculating ASPD, then you calculate animation legth from it (in milisecs if I remember correctly) that is later translated back into the aspd number that you can see on the character window. There are many animations in the game that is somewhat ASPD dependant like damage motion, attack motion, cast animations and they all use animation legth under the hood. It's not that compicated tho if you get to think this way (in reverse) ? Base ASPD amotion (uses status_clac_aspd) : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.cpp#L3017 status_base_amotion_pc() Bonus ASPD amotion (uses status_calc_aspd_rate) : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.cpp#L4830 ASPD amotion function call: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.cpp#L6066 Base ASPD clac: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.cpp#L7864 status_calc_aspd Fixed ASPD bonuses calc: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.cpp#L8008 status_calc_fix_aspd Bonus ASPD calc: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/status.cpp#L8045 status_calc_aspd_rate If you want to change ASPD, then change the ASPD calc parts, not the amotion calcs, but there are many references scattered all over the code, so you might have to check all of them.
  7. Just use a MySQL server as DB instead of the text based. No problems.
  8. Feel free to fork (this is an improved fork of robrowser) https://github.com/MrAntares/Ragna.roBrowser
  9. Is there any info when this will be in rA?
  10. I'm glad I could help ? Maybe in the future when I have time I'll tinker a bit more with it to improve stuff ?
  11. Just came to say hello
  12. Our server uses it tho not much life http://play.ragna.ro It uses my own, improved fork: https://github.com/MrAntares/Ragna.roBrowser Feel free to fork
  13. Hi, I would like to change the default mob name that is shown when spawning or using getmonsterinfo, 0. I want mobs to use iName (english name) ALWAYS in every scenario (eAthena default). Is there a config for this? Reason: This is pretty experience breaking, since mobs with different kro and iro names are confusing, and cards and items are named after the iro(iname/jname) name anyways, so it looks off when a "Mole" drops a "Holden card", and then playing the disguise event, you have to write the odd kro names, instead of the well-known iro names.
  14. I suggest, that if a player uses the commad /w or the who atcommand or any of it's versions, the server should only display the number of players with Equal or Less group level than the command user (so a regular player wouldn't able to see if an Admin or GM is online).
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