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Everything posted by Balfear

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Fixed RSW files for new instance: 1@thts 2@thts 3@thts 4@thts 5@thts 6@thts 7@thts 8@thts requare latest data files kRo news: The Tower Of Thanatos
  2. Try to get maps from this clietnt (official setup from 2018-12-14) gefenia.rar
  3. I've changed src to support high item id, but for this need to update server side to support 2018-11+ clients or 2019-01+ (I don't remember, need to check it). Until Rathena updates the server side to support the 2019 client, high IDs will not work in the game, because old clients can read only 65k ids from iteminfo and high items showed as "Apple" -unknown item.
  4. Hi, you can edit\delete all navi data from files in folder: data\luafiles514\lua files\worldviewdata\... I delete all maps info and routes, try this: Clean_World_Map.rar
  5. Looks like Purple Maya card. Maybe you enable this patch in nemo
  6. https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/blob/master/themes/default/account/create.php at line 7 <p><strong>Note:</strong> <?php echo sprintf("Your password must be between %d and %d characters.", Flux::config('MinPasswordLength'), Flux::config('MaxPasswordLength')) ?></p>
  7. Add this file to pre-re folder and load it. In thise file some maps need to comment like Verus, mora and other because pre-re don`t have it.
  8. information.rar @JaranSwitch0101 You can write me in pm if you have any problems.
  9. no, i have only monsters id, race, element, size, spawn count on the maps.
  10. If you use rdata.grf then you need to replace maps in there. Because rdata have higher priority and have this maps too.
  11. You can use "setunitdata" in your script when spawn monsters. script_commands
  12. Are you sure that the grf has priority in the "data.ini" download order? [Data] 0=ep17.2_maps.grf 1=rdata.grf 2=data.grf
  13. View File Episode 17.2: maps Requared the latest kRo data (2019-10-02+)! New maps now don`t crash client. Fixed some 3D models and their position. Thanks Tokei for converting (rsm2 to rsm) models. Textures for models: EP_17.2-textures.grf Include only: fixed maps (rsw) @Balfear fixed models @Tokei Submitter Balfear Submitted 11/02/2019 Category Maps & 3D Resources Video Content Author -  
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Requared the latest kRo data (2019-10-02+)! New maps now don`t crash client. Fixed some 3D models and their position. Thanks Tokei for converting (rsm2 to rsm) models. Textures for models: EP_17.2-textures.grf Include only: fixed maps (rsw) @Balfear fixed models @Tokei
  15. - script Bossnia_kicker -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == "bossnia_01" || strcharinfo(3) == "bossnia_02" || strcharinfo(3) == "bossnia_03" || strcharinfo(3) == "bossnia_04") atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; } Something like this.
  16. getpartymember getcharid(1),0; .@count = $@partymembercount; copyarray .@name$[0], $@partymembername$[0], $@partymembercount; // list the party member name - ip for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++) mes .@name$[.@i]+" - ^0000FF" + getcharip(.@name$[.@i]) + "^000000"; close;
  17. I think there is no way, because "Costume" used as character name.
  18. find in map.cpp next line and change it clif_solved_charname(sd->fd, charid, "Costume"); to clif_solved_charname(sd->fd, charid, "[C]"); If you want to remove 's then edit your msgstringtable at line 451 change 's# to #
  19. SELECT sum(`value`) FROM acc_reg_num where `key` = '#CASHPOINTS';
  20. install - put this maps in your grf (use GRF Editor) and update mapchache. novice sprite - use new game exe (2018-05+). skills - they are not implented yet. You can try use this pull (https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/4386)
  21. It is maps for job change quests for Star Emperor and Soul Reaper. Put it in your grf and update mapchache.
  22. You need uncomment this line in core.hpp //#define VIP_ENABLE VIP_SCRIPT used for some extra reward in quests (like on iRo): "scripts"
  23. Maybe this is it: data\sprite\몬스터\워그.spt
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