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Everything posted by Nipsino

  1. Quick script that I did. It's modified to fit your thing. There's also a 30 second timer. - script FUBOTTERS -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: set @botz, @botz+1; if (@botz < 100) end; else set @botz, 0; atcommand "@option 2"; atcommand "@battleignore"; atcommand "@mute 1337"+strcharinfo(0); mes "[Anti-Botting System]"; mes "Dun-dun-dun! Seems like the server suspects that you're a bot."; mes "You will have 30 seconds to enter in my special codes otherwise you'll be kicked."; mes "Ready? Go!"; next; mes "[Anti-Botting System]"; mes "^FF0000Please enter the following numbers:^000000"; set @random,rand(100000,999999); mes @random; initnpctimer; attachnpctimer strcharinfo(0); input @value; if (@value == @random){ next; mes "[Anti-Botting System]"; mes "You may now continue playing!"; atcommand "@option 2"; atcommand "@battleignore"; atcommand "@unmute 1337"+strcharinfo(0); close; stopnpctimer; }else{ next; set @player$,strcharinfo(0); mes "[Anti-Botting System]"; mes "Incorrect numbers have been inputted. You will now be kicked from the server."; next; atcommand "@kick "+@player$; close; stopnpctimer; } OnTimer30000: set @player$,strcharinfo(0); dispbottom "You failed to answer the question within 30 seconds."; goto L_Fail; L_Fail: mes "[Anti-Botting System]"; mes "You have been detected as a bot and will now be kicked off the server."; next; announce "Anti-Botting System : "+@player$" has failed to answer the codes within 10 seconds and is suspected a bot! He is now kicked."; atcommand "@kick "+@player$; close; }
  2. I usually just make changes into the import folder. Why can't you connect to the SQL Database? Does it allow incoming connections? Is there a user set in the privileges of MySQL? Make sure that you have your IP under the MySQL user.
  3. Use cached versions. Lol. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wnHNV7frRq8J:www.eathena.ws/board/index.php%3Fshowtopic%3D264094+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  4. Could anybody help me create this table in MySql. The code is below. query_sql "INSERT INTO question(player,type,time,playermap,playerx,playery,feedback) VALUES('"+getcharid(3)+"','"+@supportnum+"',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'"+@map$+"',"+@mapx+","+@mapy+",'"+@question$+"')";
  5. The rAthena team should make their own type of security system. And once they're done with their product they should sell it. That way people could choose whether to purchase Harmony or rAthena Security.
  6. Oh sorry about that. That wasn't the actual script, but yeah. It relates to that one. I didn't mean to put the extra ) there. Mmhm, alright. I'll let you know if it's an success. Thanks for the tip, btw. So I used addtoskill 426,10,0; and it worked. Only problem now is too delete the skill when they exit the map. Any ideas?
  7. So I was working on an NPC and I was thinking is it possible to give a skill when the player is in a certain map, then once they leave the map, the skills go away. So far this is what I have on the OnPCLoadMapEvent. - script Skills -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(strcharinfo(3)) = "prontera") { skill 28,10; skill 29,10; skill 34,10; } else { end; } } prontera mapflag loadevent Map server doesn't show any script errors, however when I enter the map it wouldn't give me the skills.
  8. I like to stay up to date with the SVN so every now and then I usually update my server. However after the SVN update I've been getting this weird Character info size:136 error lately, I've already recompiled my mmo.h, and I've checked the client's date too which is 2011-03-15. Here's the error. Fixed! What the heck. I just did another SVN Update and it just worked.
  9. if you are using the calciumkid-fluxcp-renewal. you can't edit the account level there. you changed it on your database. about on the item_db?what is the problem you get there?try to load the item_db.sql to your database. Fixed. Thanks for the help, I've just re-installed a new version of Calciumkid's thing. I'm guessing I accidentally messed with one files in modules/items.
  10. Could anybody help me out with FluxCP I've installed it correctly. However it wouldn't read any items from the item_db. And everytime I try to edit the account level it'll always make it 0 instead of the number I want it to be.
  11. Indeed. I forgot what which server I think char, but it needs some time to save up all of the character's data before it can actually be closed.
  12. Like this... - script Shutdown -1,{ end; OnWhisperGlobal: if( getgmlevel() < 60 ) end; if( @whispervar0$ == "stop" ) { stopnpctimer; announce "-- Server Shutdown canceled by Game Master --",0,0xFFA500; end; } if( set(.Minutes, atoi(@whispervar0$)) <= 0 ) end; initnpctimer; announce "-- Server Shutdown in " + .Minutes + " minute(s) --",0,0xFFA500; end; OnTimer60000: set .Minutes, .Minutes - 1; announce "-- Server Shutdown in " + .Minutes + " minute(s) --",0,0xFFA500; if( .Minutes == 1 ) {. end; } initnpctimer; end; OnTimer90000: announce "-- Server Shutdown in 30 seconds --",0,0xFFA500; end; OnTimer100000: announce "-- Server Shutdown in 20 seconds --",0,0xFFA500; end; OnTimer110000: announce "-- Server Shutdown in 10 seconds --",0,0xFFA500; end; OnTimer115000: announce "-- We will be back soon. Bye bye --",0,0x00BFFF; end; OnTimer120000: atcommand "@mapexit"; end; }
  13. Definitely Intel.
  14. Last time I checked JayPee's had a lot of errors. But I'll re-check today once I'm at home.
  15. Had a lot of resource errors. Next time just use google and type in eathena:: "resource error here" and press enter. I've used that method a lot
  16. Bump for this secksi beast!
  17. I usually leave the define RENEWAL alone, but the rest I uncomment since I know that most players won't be used to it. Doesn't show any errors for me.
  18. my @go 36 = mall. it works it warps me to the mall. but when i type @go mall it brings me to the other map. Make sure you've edited this part. // try to identify the map name if (strncmp(map_name, "prontera", 3) == 0) { town = 0; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "morocc", 3) == 0) { town = 1; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "geffen", 3) == 0) { town = 2; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "payon", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "paion", 3) == 0) { town = 3; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "alberta", 3) == 0) { town = 4; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "izlude", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "islude", 3) == 0) { town = 5; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "aldebaran", 3) == 0 || strcmp(map_name, "al") == 0) { town = 6; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "lutie", 3) == 0 || strcmp(map_name, "christmas") == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "xmas", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "x-mas", 3) == 0) { town = 7; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "comodo", 3) == 0) { town = 8; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "yuno", 3) == 0) { town = 9; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "amatsu", 3) == 0) { town = 10; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "gonryun", 3) == 0) { town = 11; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "umbala", 3) == 0) { town = 12; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "niflheim", 3) == 0) { town = 13; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "louyang", 3) == 0) { town = 14; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "new_1-1", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "startpoint", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "begining", 3) == 0) { town = 15; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "sec_pri", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "prison", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "jails", 3) == 0) { town = 16; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "jawaii", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "jawai", 3) == 0) { town = 17; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "ayothaya", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "ayotaya", 3) == 0) { town = 18; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbroch", 5) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "ainbroch", 5) == 0) { town = 19; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "lighthalzen", 3) == 0) { town = 20; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbech", 3) == 0) { town = 21; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "hugel", 3) == 0) { town = 22; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "rachel", 3) == 0) { town = 23; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "veins", 3) == 0) { town = 24; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "moscovia", 3) == 0) { town = 25; }
  19. Yeah. I've added it in castle_db
  20. That looks good. Uhmm I'm thinking around 300-400 players? I don't really know. That's a bargain for $18.
  21. Have you created a new mysql user under your websites IP? Make sure it has all access. Also if you're using debian. Put a # near bind-networking= in my.cnf
  22. So, I've managed to put in all of my custom WoE Castle scripts in correctly. But the only problem that I have now is @agitstart/@agitend, everytime I try to start up the custom castle it wouldn't start. I've tried configuring it in WoE Setter v3 but my castle doesn't show up there. Any help?
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