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Everything posted by Nipsino

  1. Try checking permissions in access.php within your config folder.
  2. Go inside the 'config' folder and open access.php and look for this line "'resetlook' => AccountLevel::NORMAL," set it to UNAUTH
  3. Such an amazing project! Hope all goes well!
  4. Hello, rAthena. I was wondering if anybody could help me out. What I have done is go inside skill_require_db.txt and made another entry for EDP. 378,0,0,60:70:80:90:100,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,678,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //ASC_EDP 378,0,0,60:70:80:90:100,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,608,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //ASC_EDP The first one being the original and the second one being a test. I've @item'd 678 in game, and was able to use Enchant Deadly Poison, however when I've @item'd 608, it wouldn't work. Please help me with my problem, thank you.
  5. I was wondering does anybody know how to do this? What it'll basically do is when a player donates it'll be turned into the #CASHPOINTS variable instead of donation credits.
  6. Still no luck. Mind helping me via Teamviewer? Nevermind, I've purchased someone's client setup services. That way I can get more server side work done.
  7. Hello rAthena, I'm requesting a little bit of help. I'm currently in a tight hole right now, I have a couple of problems with my client.exe file. Here are the problems that I am currently encountering. Client won't save Hotkey/BGM Settings. Client stays minimize(Setup.exe not working) The lub/lua files I am using is 2011-10-19. Could anybody help? Could anybody help me?
  8. Nipsino


    It's just an application where users could create their own profiles and post up pictures of their daily life and stuff.~ Yah. Lol.
  9. Nipsino


    There's probably something wrong with the web-host. Either that they're improving it. :3
  10. Nipsino


    q_q. I am not thy troll! Hehe. Here's the link. http://instapromote.com/refer/4243 I thought it'd work in my signature.
  11. Nipsino


    If anybody uses Instagram, please feel free to post their usernames. Also you can get Instagram followers by visiting the link in my signature.
  12. He basically just told you. And I'm pretty sure there's plenty of 2nd passwords out there, you just have to look.
  13. You should refer to this topic. http://rathena.org/board/topic/65579-judas-client-side-area/
  14. Where it says, "Offline" at the top it doesn't look right at all. Red on a darkish red doesn't really go together. I don't really like your color scheme, :3. It's too darkish, haha. You should change some of the fonts, like the "Cool" doesn't really go right with Old English. In the News & Updates box, you should line up the Events prior to News & Updates. Overall; 5.5/10, good job though.
  15. Looks great. However I don't think the words, "Website, Register, Forum" looks right. You should change the font. It kinda looks too big for a thor patcher but hey that's up to you. Overall; 7/10
  16. You'd need to have the psd file.
  17. Soo... I need help! I don't have any good names that'll qualify for my server name. If somebody could please send me a list via PM, that'll be nice. Help a brotha out! D: The website name will be *servername*-gaming.com
  18. Nipsino


    Add this in the equippable jobs area. 0x3FFFFFFB
  19. http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/raijero/trunk/npc/custom/sign_your_items.txt
  20. You could set a variable after OnAgitBreak: like... set empbrk,empbrk+1; And then you could have a TCG Exchanger that'll be based on the 'empbrk' variable. if(empbrk >= 1) goto menu; mes "I'm sorry but you haven't broke an emperium yet. Come talk to me when you do."; close; menu: mes "Current exchange rates are 1 Emp Break for 10 TCGs. Would you like to trade?"; switch(select("Yes:No thanks!")) { case 1: mes "Here ya go!"; set empbrk,empbrk-1; getitem xxx,10; // Change xxx to item id of TCG. close; case 2: close; } }
  21. This was my first time setting up my server using SSH/Putty(Usually do it via VNC), so I followed some guides. Judas said that the most stable client out there was 2010-06-16, managed to get the server running but whenever I would try to connect to the server it would say, "Rejected from server." I'm using MD5 hash, and I've already took out <passwordencrypt> inside the clientinfo.xml. I've already enabled 2010-06-16 in mmo.h. Triple checked char/login/map.conf. I'm also getting this on the map server. I don't know why, but I enabled access already. @Judas could ya help me? D; Could anybody help me? Nevermind just going to re-install everything. Gotta learn from trial and error! Hehe.
  22. +1 for EdenRO! I like your designs, hehe.
  23. Add a " after Cancel. switch(select("Cashpoints to Zeny: TCG to Cashpoint:Zeny to TCG:TCG to Zeny: Cancel")) {
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