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TiMz last won the day on December 30 2016

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About TiMz

  • Birthday February 22

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  • Github: t1m

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  1. I've seem to reproduce the cause of the crash. Whenever I execute the command @time . The map server crashes without showing any other important information. Just this " [ Error ] : Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters!" Has anyone have any ideas why this happens?
  2. When I replace the skill name with "all" it doesn't seem to work anymore.
  3. I'm experiencing problems with the script. It usually works in the beginning then after a few days suddenly stops giving rewards to everyone.
  4. @Stolao Odd thing here. Rewards keep resetting to day 1. The furthest I've gone was day 3 out of 14. No console errors too.
  5. You might have forgotten to update your db/re/map_cache.dat
  6. I'm unsure if this is the right section for this. Location: item_db Using the latest version it seems equip_script and unequip_script doesn't work for cards placed at slots 2, 3 and 4 tested in footgear. e.g. Eddga Card's "Endure Effect" doesn't work when Eddga Card is placed on slot 2, 3 or 4 but the item script" bonus bMaxHPrate,-25; " works for all slots. { bonus bMaxHPrate,-25; },{ sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; },{ sc_end SC_ENDURE; } This is important for those who wish to use equip and unequip script for servers with more than 1 slot or for those wanting to use enchantment orbs. Side note: Not sure if it's related to this: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/1464
  7. Superb job! rA board looks stunning.
  8. The list I gave was just an example. I plan to use ids really far apart from each other in the db. Any other ideas?
  9. This NPC shows a menu list of orbs you have in your inventory from 4700-4862. I'm having troubles switching from enchant orb range to enchantment orb list as seen below. Instead of using 4700-4862 I intend to just use the IDS 4703, 4723, 30001,505,4800,507. Any ideas? setarray .en_orb, 4700, 4862; // Range of IDs selected for enchanting. Menu of .en_orb set .@menu$, ""; set .@a, .en_orb[0]; while((set(.@a,.@a+1)-1)<=.en_orb[1]) if(getiteminfo(.@a-1,2)>-1) if(set(.@c,countitem(.@a-1))) { set .@menu$, .@menu$+getitemname(.@a-1)+" x"+.@c+":"; set .@b,.@b+1; set .@item[.@b], .@a-1; } Here's the entire script: prontera,194,188,4 script Enchant 712,{ mes .npc$; mes "Hello there!"; mes "I can enchant your items,"; mes "for a small fee of "+.pric+"z."; emotion e_no1,0; next; if(select("Yes:No")&2) { mes .npc$; mes "Alright, thanks anyways!"; close; } if(Zeny<.pric) { mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry you don't have enough Zeny, please come back later."; close; } mes .npc$; mes "Which item would you like to enchant?"; next; while(set(.@a,.@a+1)<=.e_len) { if(getequipid(.@a)>-1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+.eqp$[.@a-1]+"- [^0000FF"+getitemname(getequipid(.@a))+"^000000]:"; else set .@menu$, .@menu$+"^adb4be"+.eqp$[.@a-1]+"- [Empty]^000000:"; } select(.@menu$); set .@eq_loc, @menu; set .@eq_itm, getequipid(.@eq_loc); if(.@eq_itm<0) { mes .npc$; mes "Hmm, I don't think you have anything equipped there."; close; } set .@menu$, ""; set .@a, .en_orb[0]; while((set(.@a,.@a+1)-1)<=.en_orb[1]) if(getiteminfo(.@a-1,2)>-1) if(set(.@c,countitem(.@a-1))) { set .@menu$, .@menu$+getitemname(.@a-1)+" x"+.@c+":"; set .@b,.@b+1; set .@item[.@b], .@a-1; } if(.@menu$=="") { mes .npc$; mes "Hmm, you don't seem to have any enchantment orbs."; close; } mes .npc$; mes "Please, select an enchantment from the menu."; next; select(.@menu$); set .@itm, .@item[@menu]; set .@menu$, ""; set .@a, 0; while((set(.@a,.@a+1))<4) { if(getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,.@a)) set .@menu$, .@menu$+(.@a+1)+.crd_c$[.@a]+" Slot- [^a92435"+getitemname(getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,.@a))+"^000000]:"; else set .@menu$, .@menu$+(.@a+1)+.crd_c$[.@a]+" Slot- [^30ad25Empty^000000]:"; } setarray .@card, getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,0), getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,1), getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,2), getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,3); mes .npc$; mes "Select a slot."; next; set .@men, select(.@menu$); set .@eqrf, getequiprefinerycnt(.@eq_loc); if(getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,@menu)) { mes .npc$; mes "Would you like me to remove this card?"; next; if(select("Yes:No")&2) { mes .npc$; mes "Alright, thanks anyways!"; close; } getitem getequipcardid(.@eq_loc,.@men),1; unequip(.@eq_loc); delitem2 .@eq_itm, 1, 1, .@eqrf, 0, .@card[0], .@card[1], .@card[2], .@card[3]; set .@card[.@men], 0; getitem2 .@eq_itm, 1, 1, .@eqrf, 0, .@card[0], .@card[1], .@card[2], .@card[3]; } if(rand(100)>.perc) { mes .npc$; mes "I'm sorry but I've failed you!"; misceffect 155; emotion e_sob,0; set Zeny,Zeny-.pric; close; } set Zeny,Zeny-.pric; delitem .@itm,1; delitem2 .@eq_itm, 1, 1, .@eqrf, 0, .@card[0], .@card[1], .@card[2], .@card[3]; set .@card[.@men], .@itm; getitem2 .@eq_itm, 1, 1, .@eqrf, 0, .@card[0], .@card[1], .@card[2], .@card[3]; misceffect .efet; emotion e_no1,0; mes .npc$; mes "All done!"; equip .@eq_itm; close; //NPC Constants OnInit: //=-=-=-=-=-=-=Configuration=-=-=-=-=-=-= set .npc$ , "[^0000FFEnchant Expert^000000]"; // NPC Name set .pric , 1000000; // Price set .efet , 154; // Effect Number set .perc , rand(50,80); // Percent setarray .crd_c$, "st", "nd", "rd", "th"; // Count setarray .en_orb, 4700, 4862; // Range of IDs selected for enchanting. setarray .eqp$ , "Upper Headgear", "Armor", "Left Hand", "Right Hand", "Garment", "Shoes", "Accessory1", "Accessory2", "Mid Headgear", "Low Headgear"; set .e_len , getarraysize(.eqp$); //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Skorm-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }
  10. Change this: item: [true, true] to item: [false, false] Also add an item line to id: 99 and set to false.
  11. theres no error in putty. i put the script and restart my server and i use knight soul link nothing happen.. bump Try this. - script sample_soullink_hp -1,{ OnPCStatCalcEvent: if ( getstatus( SC_SPIRIT ) ) { bonus bMaxHPrate,20; } end; }
  12. Can you provide the error that shows up on your console?
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