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Everything posted by Start_

  1. You can add new YAML parser in src try to use 'find all' EquipLevelMin in Visual Studio then you can duplicate it to INREMsSpecialAttribute variables.
  2. What's your Windows, did you often updating Windows? And VGA drivers, some runtimes too.
  3. Try install data from Chris again. I found when I edited prefix, postfix and some card related stuffs, client will auto close after it open for 0.1s
  4. Costume Digital Space -> Try paste this into your data folder. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/tree/master/Renewal/data
  5. Correct formula for Apple Juice 1.) setarray .formula_applie_juice[0],713,507,512,512; 2.) Use OnSellItem: (4 times or 1 time in sell order) (Store it as Character variables) 3.) Compare variable 1 2 3 4 to array[0] [1] [2] [3] I think that's it. --- I had done 50,000 Items that can be craft with 5 material (Different amount each recipes) before. You can find it here but it's Thai language https://github.com/kaninhot004/rathena/blob/7ce92c2097110b251bd8872740fd8dc731c6d1ab/npc/team_craft/craft.txt Commit: https://github.com/kaninhot004/rathena/commit/98f137b681235f423d7d277e624b851468da4227
  6. It should have some error when you compile login-server. Try see the logs when compling.
  7. As error said it not enable in that client date.
  8. \rathena\db\re\item_noequip.txt There are examples in file.
  9. Leave an error pop in message box if it won't crash the game. But if there are error dialog pop, you need to use client date that can patch 'Ignore error' to prevent error dialog pop. So player can play along without game freezing.
  10. prontera,1,1,1 script Hello,66,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: npctalk "Hello world"; end; }
  11. Nice, I remember my first day playing RO. I saw a great intro and I miss it. Also it's good to hear you can replace it.
  12. I used these minimum. https://github.com/kaninhot004/rathena/blob/39e1ac052d1e911d148cf56e3b5a0a45851a300d/src/map/battle.cpp#L704 You can set it to 10 or 100 and test.
  13. Try go to data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\TB_Layer_Priority.lub and edit your costume layer priority. *Not sure it's correct file to edit or not.
  14. For each skill damage in GvG, PvP, Normal, etc. Go to \doc\mapflags.txt And use skill_damage mapflag.
  15. Yes, try research 'bonus_script' and use bonus2 bSkillCooldown,sk,t; Increases cooldown of skill sk by t milliseconds to adjust skill cooldown when enter specific maps.
  16. Use bonus_script and add cooldown item bonuses.
  17. 20211103 should already set in \rathena\src\config\packets.hpp lines 16 If it wasn't, you may have to update your rAthena.
  18. Go to '\conf\channels.conf' and adjust settings.
  19. For 4th classes -> Just use latest rAthena. They're already merge 4CrAM into rAthena. --- For guild emblem -> You need to research how to pull from other branch into your current branch. (Git) Example: git pull https://github.com/vstumpf/rathena.git feature/webservice After merged guild emblem -> You need to 1.) Import required .sql files for guild emblem. 2.) Config inter_athena for guild emblem. 3.) Config ExternalSettings_kr.lub for guild emblem. (See screenshot) 4.) For linux -> This is my used commands. (Execute it on server directory) (If anyone knew correct commands please post it.) ./configure --enable-web-service cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DALLOW_SAME_DIRECTORY=ON -DINSTALL_TO_SOURCE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo .. cmake -DENABLE_WEB_SERVER=ON make clean && make server 5.) For linux -> Added webserver to chmod chmod a+x login-server && chmod a+x char-server && chmod a+x map-server && chmod a+x web-server && chmod a+x athena-start ./athena-start start If it doesn't work please check out firewall and some other requirements from Secret's and vstumpf's.
  20. That's each country data folder. You don't need to replace it to your data folder. Just use Chris data folder. Another point is mediafire link. That contain missing sprites and textures. (You don't need it if you only use kRO items in your server.)
  21. Did you use atcommand outside item bonus script? (Maybe post whole related things here.) But try use it directly on item bonus script first.
  22. No comma on that command. "@refine 4 +1"
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