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Everything posted by Start_

  1. - Id: 504 AegisName: White_Potion Name: White Potion Type: Delayconsume Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | percentheal 20,0; If still not working - Id: 504 AegisName: White_Potion Name: White Potion Type: Delayconsume Flags: NoConsume: true Buy: 1200 Weight: 150 Script: | percentheal 20,0;
  2. If your item had 'itemskill' that will consume otherwise it will infinite.
  3. Map: \rathena\db\re\item_noequip.txt NPC Strip once enter a map: Use OnPCLoadMapEvent then use condition getequipisequiped then call unequip unequip (\rathena\doc\script_commands.txt line 955, 2735 and 5429)
  4. Fix still in process, it will get merge into master branch soon.
  5. Error log already told you the problem. Try look at top of document you will see how many column required and what it used.
  6. You can also use setunitdata to adjust HP and MaxHP.
  7. Use OnPCBaseLvUpEvent \doc\script_commands.txt lines 934 You need to implement this on any scripts. (Example: \npc\test\OnInterInit.txt)
  8. Use gettime command to remember day. (Both players / NPC) If day != day reset players variables to 0
  9. Try using getunitdata command \doc\script_commands.txt lines 8182 You can test it with masteraid or slavecpycmd. Not sure it will work
  10. Maybe there are import files that had overwritten drop rates. But if still not working, try use latest rAthena.
  11. achievementcomplete(200003); will give you TitleId: 1003 (Not test yet but you can try)
  12. See any quest with achivement that had title as tutorial. You can add more title here data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\titletable.lub
  13. Try remove ; after bg_create_team;
  14. I think about src mod. Can think about other ways to do it.
  15. Adjust those cards item script if(getequipid(7) != val_arm_id){ // card bonus here }
  16. Look at \rathena\doc\item_bonus.txt You can copy these bonuses to your item script. ( \rathena\db\re\item_db_equip.yml )
  17. I don't remember any action to choose which files to read. When you want to use any of that translated just renamed it.
  18. As far as I know, hair style in character creation is fixed.
  19. I prefer you to use 'number of players in maps' to checking instead of range checking. Then enable pvp mapflag.
  20. If you using Notepad++ you can try find in files functions. (Ctrl + F)
  21. You can use my scripts (Make sure you modify it to your own way) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaninhot004/rathena/team-craft/npc/utilities/die_event.txt
  22. He mean when you leeching the monster (Ex. There are tons of high orc behind you) And anybody kill that orcs. Leecher will get EXP. This is possible when you had a party and use even share exp. Then modify EXP received from share will boost EXP by cards.
  23. Do you mean you had changed the image of items but it doesn't change. Right? If so try look at itemInfo again.
  24. My way is remember 'Day' that players logged in. (gettimestr) When player login again on next days, you just use OnPCLoginEvent to check and reset those variables.
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