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Everything posted by Scylla

  1. So what client date should i use to have the Shadow Gear feature? Thank you!
  2. Just make the patcher background image as bmp file not jpg.
  3. Hello there Jogz, I have here a very trusty friend named ' google ' and you can ask him anything by clicking this: https://www.google.com/ That friend of mine helped me alot and because of him, i learned how to make RO, how to script and do source codes as well, not only that google also helps me with my projects and school home works. So yeah, better ask him " How to make ragnarok private server rathena " and " How to script rathena ", trust me he'll give you alot of helpful answers! Good luck! P.S I gave you a helpful troll lol
  4. how do you make a patcher skin background @_@ Well you just go edit any image or use any image you want for your patcher background, then just arrange the buttons and stuff on the config file. More info for arranging them here: https://rathena.org/wiki/Thor_Patcher
  5. Yeah it's just really confusing because it's ' duration ' after all, It's meant for time not for hits so i didn't take a looked on skill_cast_db. Anyways thanks again!
  6. LOL it worked by changing duration1 from 1000 to 500 And i was like " It worked by i don't have any idea how " lol Thank you very much! It is really mysterious lol
  7. I don't understand it at all. I've checked stuffs in skill_db and skill.c and i don't see anything that says " it does maximum of 10 hits " because i wanted to make it 5 hits only. So on skill_db: It says it does multiple hits and the number of hits is only 1 If i changed 8 to 6 it's not working And if i changed the number of hits to 5 for example, then It'll become 50 hits in total. Now on skill.c skill.c case GS_DESPERADO: if (rand()%100 < src->val1) skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,ss,&src->bl,bl,sg->skill_id,sg->skill_lv,tick,0); break; That's the line where it says it will do random number of hits with a maximum of 10 hits but i don't know where it defines that it does a maximum of 10 hits The other line only defines the Area of Effect formula and the other one is that feature where you can't equip for a short period of time after using the skill. So where do i change desperado's hits?
  8. So i was actually gonna update my thor patcher from a version since 2008 to version Now what happened is like this: The notice became like that. I've also tried other images of bg.jpg for notice ( even the original ) and it's still like that. Anyone knows? Thank you! EDIT: Solved, just made the patcher skin background from jpg to bmp.
  9. Find: case RK_ENCHANTBLADE: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv, sc_start2(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,(100+20*skill_lv)*(status_get_lv(src)/150)+sstatus->int_,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))); break; Change to: case RK_ENCHANTBLADE: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv, sc_start2(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,(100+20*skill_lv)*(status_get_lv(src)/150)+sstatus->int_,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))); clif_specialeffect(bl,756,AREA); break; bl = to target 756 = effect ID (you can change this if you want, find the existing effects at your rathena folder/doc/effect_list.txt) AREA = where it will be seen
  10. Scylla


    Yeah, 3CeAM is actually eAthena with 3rd classes (Stands for: 3rd Class eAthena Modification) and i think it only supports upto 2013 client.
  11. Try doing this: char_athena.conf: map_athena.conf:
  12. Scylla


    Use 3CeAM instead: http://sourceforge.net/projects/v1-3ceam/
  13. Go on, but i don't need the money. Since you're already in discord many people will help there.
  14. If you're going to host your server yourself, then you should use your WAN ip: https://www.whatismyip.com/ And you should forward your ports as well. If you're going to officially open it, then you'll need to buy a VPS hosting for it. Also, you can use Hamachi for you and your friends to connect. Steps for using hamachi: - Download hamachi here (click me) [ Download Unmanaged ] then install. - After installing, press that power button you see at the upper right corner ( You'll need to register first ) - After that, you should be seeing Create a new network / Join an existing network. Click Create a new network - Then just input any network ID together with any password [ For our example, my network id is 123testro123 and passwords are all 12345 ] - After that, you should have your own network room, now modify your IP's on your clientinfo.xml, char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf with your hamachi IP [ So mine is, then I'll put that IP onto those files i mentioned. ] - After that, try running your server, it should run fine. Now for your friends, let them install hamachi as well, but this time, they should click Join an existing network then all they have to do is input the network ID and the password of your created network, also their IP on their clientinfo.xml should be the same as your network's IP address.
  15. Could you please elaborate more about your problem? Post screenshots of your config and etc so we would know the problem.
  16. https://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/ And also there's alot by just searching How to make ragnarok private server at https://www.google.com
  17. Let's talk that more about here: https://discord.gg/0XP9qqhUV9FqRCA5 The other devs are also here so we could help you. EDIT: Also what revision are you using?
  18. Oh too bad, the links are dead, yeah was asking if you were using toasty's WoE controller.
  19. >..< i wanted it to give level 1 12 additional attack per level level 2 13 additional attack per level level 3 15 additional attack per level level 4 17 additional attack per level but whatever i do it wont change in game :/ can anyone explain to me how this works XD TIA Uh yeah, that's actually right. Maybe you did it via using @reloadscript? Try restarting your server.
  20. Well so far i tested it and made it to ' target-friendly ' type skill. And yeah it does grant me damage. Could you please tell me what was its original effect?
  21. You mean a custom effect where it gives additional bonus other than its original effect?
  22. What were you using? Did you used Toasty's WoE controller?
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