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Everything posted by Scylla

  1. Try this: //--------------Script by : Akbar'e--------------------- //---------------http://forum.akbare.com---------------- // Thanks to // ROCREW //======================================================= - script login -1,{ if (getgmlevel() >= 99){ close; } else { OnPCLoginEvent: announce "Welcome , [ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] | Play get u'r Friends and Love.",bc_yellow|bc_all; close; } }
  2. Hello, i would like to ask if there's a function / way to define damage that depends on its range to the target Thank you!
  3. Nope I'm not using GM_ALL_SKILL But fortunately, it is not functional which means if i tried putting items on that imaginary cart, it wont go in there but still it's a bug and it needs to be fixed.
  4. So I'm using 2012-04-10 client and just saw this error now, whenever i switch characters from whitesmith class, that rent a cart item appears in every character i switch. So basically i logged on a stalker first: And then switch to my whitesmith character which has a cart: And switch back to my stalker and here's what happens: The same function of when you have a cart appears suddenly, and it's the same for all of my toons unless i relog by restarting my client. Anyone knows the solution of this? thanks!
  5. Yeah so it is that Required Equipment? cause when i checked rebellion's Platinum Alter skill which is you need to equip 1 Silver Bullet to make it work, i did not see anything written on that RequiredEquipment line at the right. If i put Silver Bullet's ID in one of those RequiredItemID, the Rapid Shower will still cast but only if you have Silver Bullets in your inventory, which means it can still be casted if you're equipping any bullets. So exactly where and what should i put?
  6. I don't know if this is the correct place to ask this but here's my question: How do i make rapid shower work only if i'm equipping Silver Bullets? Which means if i equipped Bullet or Bloody Shell, the skill will fail I dunno what else i could do on skill_require.db so I'm totally confused on where to set it up
  7. This is really a dumb question but i'm just really confused on doing this, once you've done beta testing with your players, will you still make a wipe or no? Or what's a good guide to do a proper beta test? Thanks!
  8. Oh i see it now, didn't know that part until you said it lol, Thank you very much!
  9. So i tried making a custom NPC using the GM sprite created by Zill and a head from the custom hairstyle pack (credits to the one who made that) but turns out after making it as a spr file, the eyes of the NPC is transparent, but when i convert that custom npc sprite into a bmp, there's nothing wrong, the eyes are black. Screenshots: On SPRconview: as BMP image: What do i do to make it black?
  10. So is there any way i could recolor them? I already saw their 3d files in models but i could not find where to download granny 3d so i was thinking if i could somehow recolor them on photoshop or in any other softwares. Is there anything you know i could use? EDIT: NVM, i found it now.
  11. Oh i see now! Thank you very much!
  12. This is 2012-04-10 client, and i kinda don't get what you mean lol So how do i exactly do that?
  13. Ok so i wanna change Ninja's name on client-side by Magic Summoner for example, problem is it won't fit (and if i did override it the gunslinger's name will be affected as well). I also tried editing msgstringtable and it's not working. Also tried searching various topics about it but it doesn't answer my question. EDIT: Also tried doing this: Find: 4e 69 6e 6a 61 Replace: 4d 61 67 69 63 20 53 75 6d 6d 6f 6e 65 72 but still didn't worked, client crashes. Anyone know what to do? Screenshot:
  14. Tried setting a wav for my custom skill under skilleffectinfolist.lua but it seems it's not working, anyone know how to solve this? skilleffectinfolist.lua [SKID.JS_LAUFEN] = { beginMotionType = ACTOR_STATE.ST_SKILL, waveFileName = "effect\\invisibility.wav", },
  15. Well I'm actually using eAthena before but now just transferred to 3ceam [ still eAthena with just 3rd classes, no renewal features ] My reason? It's only because I'm not familiar with rAthena (also hercules) and also I'm not familiar with the renewal system (even i only know a little about 3rd jobs) so yeah i thought to myself i should just stay on what emulator i am familiar with to avoid errors and stuff i do not know. Also to upgrade my client to 2012+ Sorry my bad english
  16. You can change their damage calculation on src/battle.c Example: battle.c case WS_CARTTERMINATION: i = 10 * (16 - skill_lv); if (i < 1) i = 1; //Preserve damage ratio when max cart weight is changed. if(sd && sd->cart_weight) skillratio += sd->cart_weight/i * 80000/battle_config.max_cart_weight - 100; else if (!sd) skillratio += 80000 / i - 100; break; After editing recompile and it's good. EDIT: For the other skills, just search them using ctrl f inside battle.c
  17. Hello, would someone please recolor this one to brown? Since there isn't a brown one on the recolored compilation of Hokage Hat. Thank you! EDIT: I would only want the sprite to be recolored since I've already made for the collection and item images. hokagehat.rar
  18. Ayusin mo yung .act ng item mo, subukan mo kunin yung .act ng sakkat tapos rename mo sa item name ng Assassin Sakkat na yan.
  19. Yeah i also thought about that but the question is where can i possibly set / edit it
  20. My source info is here: battle.c case EX_GOSPEL_STRIKE: skillratio += 100*(skill_lv+2); break; skill.h EX_GOSPEL_STRIKE = 1025, skill.c case EX_GOSPEL_STRIKE: skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skillid,skilllv,tick,flag); //clif_specialeffect(src,34,AREA); // clif_specialeffect(bl,800,AREA); // Special effects clif_specialeffect(bl,8,AREA); // Special Effects break; And i followed this guide: https://rathena.org/wiki/Adding_new_skills
  21. [ I'm sorry if this wasn't the right thread to post to since i don't know where's the right place to post this ] So i actually made a custom skill that's similar to swordman's bash skill but the animation of the skill is not the attacking animation instead it's like you're just casting a buff or something like this (I used the priest sprite as an example): And i would like to make it the attack animation and i have no idea how to do it like this one: Additionally, whenever i cast it, the delay of the skill doesn't depend on your agi / dex. My setup on skill_db is: skill_db: 1025,-1,6,1,-1,0,0,10,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, EX_CUSTOM_SKILL,Custom Skill I'm really sorry for my bad english.
  22. Oh damn it what a noob of me, i didn't read that codepage you posted in there, thank you very much i got it now.
  23. try grf editor I actually tried doing this one: https://rathena.org/board/topic/77080-grf-grf-editor/ making the encoding into 950 but i think it didn't work.
  24. Hello, So yeah I'm having trouble with japanese sprite filenames and i wanted to ask if there's a tool that can convert japanese filename into korean unicode filename like unbollox does, tried searching lots of times on google and i guess i just dunno what's the correct word to input Additionally i can't also view them on the sprite conviewer and the client doesn't read them as well.
  25. Your questions as followed: #1 Question: Try editing your idnum2itemdesctable.txt at your data folder. #2 Question: For EXP, go to conf/battle/exp.conf For Drop Rate, go to conf/battle/drops.conf For editing the max level, read http://rathena.org/wiki/Edit_Max_Level For editing the max stats and aspd, go to conf/battle/player.conf For more informations, read http://rathena.org/wiki/Category:Configuration
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