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Everything posted by Derceto

  1. sorry, had lots of stuff come up in real life, so I'm taking a break from everything else. I'll update it when I'm free again/feel like doing it, so don't get your hopes up
  2. Derceto

    How to..

    Make one revolver a shield, and change the other to one-handed? But that's not quite how assassin works
  3. http://ratemyserver....db&item_id=4427
  4. you have to paste the code snippet here then, else figure out on your own
  5. Are you testing it from a GM character? Probably you have the bypass-the-cooldown-setting on?
  6. You loaded same script twice. Restart map server or remove duplicate entry in scripts_custom.conf (or wherever you put it)
  7. If you compare player location to npc location before code in OnNPCKillEvent, you'll have your desired event.
  8. Oh yea, I think I might have a SQL version somewhere, I'll upload if I find it
  9. Quest data (quest/reward) global arrays, data on players' progress/taken missions in perm.char variables, if that's what you mean
  10. So here's my half-a-year-old script I decided to finally release to public, it wasn't ever used anyway - mission boards, like many others, with a half-assed documentation and crapload of functions you never would use (and/or understand). But you're free to have a look. missions v02.txt Now for those brave warriors who would dare to check it - a little helping guide to what the hell it is. Missions are: Globally set Can be hardcoded in source. Can be added by GM-s of appropriate level in runtime (up to 128 missions) Missions have: Name Description Base exp reward Job exp reward Required item (one or none) Required mob (one or none) Required item count Required mob count Reward item (one or none) Reward item quantity Minimal level Maximal level "Enabled" flag Players have: Up to 128 slots for filling their missions (global setup in script) Lots of time Additional features: Weight check Lots of possible NPC implementations: by level (3 types!), by "what-you-can-get", split between number of npcs and so on. See example chickens in Louyang lol~ Self-announce reminder on killing mobs Cute interface with auto-generated menus o/ Documented script o/ God it's awful. More stupid interface o/ enjoy Inferiority to other boards like AnnieRuru's one with only one possible requirement/reward and no settings like days or class restrictions, but heck - stupid interface pays off o/ p.s. feedback still appreciated Possible TODO, if someone/I am motivated enough: Expand reward/requirements list Add Class restriction Add time restriction Add repeatability settings
  11. showinfo() is an extension (remake) of printf(). syntax: showinfo(formatString, ...) Normally you would write ShowInfo("useatcmd: somevariable = %d n", somevariable); for integers. For floating point you use "%f" instead of "%d", for strings "%s". But if you're asking it this far, I suppose you won't know what to do after that anyway. Wait for someone less lazy than me come by.
  12. bonus bMatkRate,2; if (getrefine()>5) bonus bMatkRate,3; if (getrefine()>7) bonus bMatkRate,3; if (isequipped(2286)) bonus bUseSpRate, -3;
  13. it will only spawn if ($@ran == 8) set .MVPID,"1511"; if ($@ran == 7) set .MVPID,"1647"; if ($@ran == 6) set .MVPID,"1785"; if ($@ran == 5) set .MVPID,"1630"; if ($@ran == 4) set .MVPID,"1039"; if ($@ran == 3) set .MVPID,"1874"; if ($@ran == 2) set .MVPID,"1272"; if ($@ran == 1) set .MVPID,"1719"; these, even when you fix ".MVPID" to ".MVPID$". reason - you're checking $@ran (rand(1,8))after assigning $@ran2(rand (1,30)) P.S. why not .@rand anyway?
  14. I mean, find the function "useatcmd" and fill it with ShowInfo() watches to see what happens when it crashes
  15. @ts might be the excessive branching nowadays. Previously when you google "make my server ragnarok" whatnot you would get a few, but detailed and direct guides with links to updating resources (ea, games-service svn). Now that all this stuff is happening around with renewal/3ceam/ra/ea/clients it's gotten harder to find a good guide (not to mention that even before that starting a server, even not a public one, could be challenging). IMHO.
  16. Nice, I was wondering how it would look like with all minimaps. (rms version has padding and no background >: )
  17. prontera,160,160,5 script Skill points quest 800,{ set .@n$,"[skill Points Exchanger]"; mes .@n$; mes "Hi, I can exchange 3 Yellow Gemstones and 20 Sticky Mucus to 1 skill point!"; next; if (countitem(715) < 3 || countitem(938) < 20) { mes .@n$; mes "But you don't have'm!"; close; } mes .@n$; mes "Do you want to exchange them?" next; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes .@n$; mes "Okay then."; close; } else { delitem 715,3; delitem 938,20; set SkillPoint, SkillPoint + 1; mes .@n$; mes "All's done!"; } close; } P.S. when you want it, you say "please", not "I want it"
  18. Derceto

    Quest Maker?

    I don't think anyone has done this yet. You can use AnnieRuru's mission boards as quests for now.
  19. atcommand.c, in functions ATCMD_FUNC("something"), below "nullpo_retr()" line. "client_tick" should already be there (literally. it's a variable declaration). The only line you have to add is the line with "+" before it (others should already be there; find them, then add the one line.)
  20. Probably has something to do with attached player when checking and "useatcmd"-ing, probably null reference in useatcmd. Put some console debug writers in that function and see what you get. My guess is that it doesn't check whether <charname> is actually a character.
  21. It's the naming that was wrong here, "Error" is a too disturbing thing to write in debug. Should have been "Info:" or something, If there's any need for it at all, that is.
  22. vim --> @windows :set fileencoding = cp1251 :set fileformat = dos @unix :set fileencoding = koi8-r :set fileformat = unix or you can change your encoding from notepad (see save as options)
  23. So can it be afk-abused with 2 crusader-classes poking each other with Shrink on. Anything can be abused in some way, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't implement anything. Just make sure the abuses aren't fatal.
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