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Everything posted by Cretino

  1. You can use these script commands: And you need to configure your 'conf/battle/misc.conf' at this part:
  2. Look the content in the spoiler in my first post here. There has a solution with an example how to use it... You'll need change the range of rand from '100' to '10000'. Rate (1 = 0.01%, 10 = 0.10%, 100 = 1.00%, 1000 = 10.00%, 10000 = 100.00%) And change the 'if' from: if (.chance >= 1 && .chance <= 5){ To: if (rand(10000) < .chance){ And change the value of variable '.chance' to the rate you want: From: set .chance, rand(100); To: set .chance, 500; // 500 = 5.00%
  3. Yes, just change the 'range of rand' and you got it. Like this:
  4. You're trying to use a pointer variable without initialization, this is why you're receiving this errors/crashes. Just uncommend the rest of script command and this error is fixed... Or let the script command like this: And don't forget to change this to be like: And the script command will work, don't forget to compile the emulator too.
  5. Here is the problem: The script command 'countitem' is receiving a invalid item id, because you're passing the wrong variable... '$QuestItem1HM' instead of '$QuestItem1', '$QuestItem2HM' instead of '$QuestItem2' and '$QuestItem3HM' instead of '$QuestItem3'. Just change to this and the error will probably stops:
  6. Yes, but I think is better you use the second solution I showed to you, you'll never change the rand always you add new items.
  7. Here is the problem: The array '.i1' size is '2', and the '.i1rand' randomize values from '0' to '2' instead of '0' to '1'... so when you trying to give the common items prize, when '.i1rand' get value the random value '2', the array '.i1[2]' has empty values because the array has declared values until 'i1[1]'. You can do this to fix: Or this:
  8. I think is it: Tested and working. I hope it helps you. ?
  9. I think is it: killmonsterall_mod_by_cretino_rathena.diff I hope helped you. ?
  10. I really don't know why you need this rank, but you can do this: To solve the 'delay' problem getting the rank information you'll need create one table and make the changes in the script to 'save' and 'load' the 'points' there, so when you access the new table not will have so many 'characters' or 'guilds' to 'search'. I made some changes, but I think your 'delay' problem not will change. I hope it's help you. ?
  11. No, this one is because you trying to use the command 'getcharid(3)' without rid attached. What you are trying to do? Show the full script.
  12. Você pode executas essas queries no seu banco de dados: Lembre-se: Executar essas queries com o servidor desligado!! Elas irão zerar todo o zeny de todos os personagens e qualquer quantia que tenha nos 'e-mails (RoDex)' e caso use algum tipo de 'banqueiro' que se encontra no emulador, será apagado todas as variáveis que armazenam o zeny. (Se seu emulador for rAthena execute somente as 3 primeiras queries, se for Hercules só copiar tudo e executar no banco de dados) Espero ter ajudado. ?
  13. Open your 'db\castle_db.txt' and search for these values: If don't have, this is the problem. xD This error occurs because the function 'getcastledata' can't found the guild castle information located in 'db\castle_db.txt'.
  14. Sorry, but I don't want, you can search in 'doc\script_commands.txt' and 'src\map\' to understand how it works and make it yourself. Probably you'll need make some source modification.
  15. Hey guys, how are you doing? I've seen some scripts similar, but nothing like this. This is my version of this event, 'Crack The Code'. Description: Video showing how the script works: Crack The Code V1.1 Some changes were made after this video. Features: I have one 'limited' version what I want to share with you guys. crack_the_code_v1.0_rathena.txt Limitations of this version: I'm accepting suggestions. (I'll not make changes in limited version) Sorry for my english and thank you for the attention. ? I hope you guys like. Special thanks to @Radian, for helping me with feedback and support me. ?
  16. Não funcionou por que você não fez da maneira correta... Eu postei no formato para usar no emulador do rAthena... e você tá usando Hercules... Também esqueci de colocar um detalhe mas isso não muda muita coisa. Você tem que falar essas coisas antes de pedir ajuda... se não fica complicado os emuladores são um pouco diferentes... Tenta assim: Dessa vez eu testei e está funcionando. Lembrando que esse soul link está só configurado para mercenários se você deseja colocar para outra classe, você vai ter que procurar para entender como funciona.
  17. Não testei mas deve ser isto que você quer: @EDIT Pequena correção.
  18. Just read the file.... Example using Type 'Armors'. Original rate: Modified to 75% all refine levels of 'Armors': Now just follow the example and modify to values you want for other types.
  19. Try look in 'db\pre-re\refine_db.yml' or 'db\re\refine_db.yml' depending the configuration you choosed. You don't need change anything in the script, just in the 'refine_db.yml'.
  20. I think is it: Now the Summon npc has the function to summon last MvP and Mini-Boss, the option only appears after you choose one of them, I tested and is working well. I hope it helps you. ?
  21. I think is it: Read the description to understand how configure, I tested and is working well. I hope it helps you. ?
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