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  • Birthday 01/15/1990

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  1. 02/02/25 Update Limit the number of accounts using autoattack simultaneously by IP and/or Gepard unique ID. Set the maximum number of monsters that can target a player before triggering teleportation. Added a cancel option in NPC menus for attack skills, buff skills, and item buff lists. Disabled skills and teleportation on maps with the MF_NOSKILL mapflag. Added compatibility with rAthena revisions from 2020. Allowed warp usage only if it leads to the same map; otherwise, the player walks over it without effect. Autoattack status now disables if the player manually clicks the teleport to save point button.
  2. Enhanced Autoattack System V2: The Ultimate Automation Tool for Mastering Your Game Compatible with rathena revision from 2020 to latest version Take control of your gameplay like never before with the Enhanced Autoattack System V2. Packed with advanced automation, smart features, and customizable options, this tool is designed to elevate your gaming experience while saving you time and effort. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its comprehensive features: Battle Configuration Walking System [New] Path calculator to random coordinates for more natural movement. Walk straight until encountering an obstacle. Randomized walking behavior for unpredictable patterns. Delays [New] Adjustable delay between each item pickup. [New] Adjustable delay between each autoattack status check Set delays between attack skills. Configure delays for buff skills. Player Identification [New] Hat effects for visual feedback when the system is active. Display a prefix on the player’s name for better identification. Detection Features Item detection area: Define the radius to detect nearby items. Monster detection area: Set the range for detecting monsters around the player. Advanced Regeneration System Heal Skills Menu [New] Easily add new healing skills via script or NPC [New] Displayed in a menu Select skill levels to use. Set HP thresholds to trigger healing skills. HP/SP Potions Menu [New] Potions are automatically detected from your inventory and displayed in a menu. [New] Admin can easily remove potions that you don't want the autoattack system be able to use through the NPC script Set specific HP/SP thresholds to trigger potion use. Resting System Configure automatic sitting when HP or SP falls below set thresholds. The character automatically stands up when HP/SP is fully restored. Attack Skills Menu Attack skills are automatically detected [New] Displayed in a menu [New] Add missing skills effortlessly through the NPC script. Buff Management Buff Skills Menu Buff skills are detected [New] Displayed in a menu [New] Manage and configure which buffs to use with ease. Buff Items Menu [New] Buff items are automatically displayed. [New] Status-based activation ensures efficient buffing without timers. [New] Add missing items effortlessly through the NPC script. Item Pickup Menu Options to pick up everything, nothing, or specific items from a customizable list. Monster Selection Menu [New] Detect all monsters on the current map and display them in a menu. Select which monsters to avoid attacking. Teleportation Features Use teleport items (e.g., Fly Wing, Infinite Wing) or teleportation skills. Emergency teleport: Trigger when HP falls below a set threshold. Idle teleport: Trigger teleportation if no monsters are encountered within a specified time. Other Features [New] Start, stop, or configure the system using a designated item. [New] Smart AI to prioritize actions like healing, buffing, or attacking. [New] Automatic use of Token of Siegfried upon death. [New] Teleport to save point after death. [New] Auto accept party invitations. Melee attacks [New] Activate melee attacks only when SP is below a specific value. Ignore aggressive monsters that are not on your attack list. [New] Choose the action to do when the autoattack stop between 3 choices : Do nothing, Warp to the savepoint, Logout [New] Enable or disable autoattack in towns, PvP, GvG, and BG separately through the battle configuration file, allowing you to customize each setting individually. [New] Set up a different exp ratio when autoattack is enabled [New] Set up a different drop ratio when autoattack is enabled Specialized Combat Features Automatically switch ammunition (arrows, bullets, kunai, cannonballs) to prioritize the correct element. Auto spell casting for Sage characters. User-Friendly Configuration A menu item allows you to reset all saved configurations. Easily customize and fine-tune every feature via menus. Product Details The Autoattack System V2 is delivered as a rental item containing the full automation suite. Rental Time: The maximum duration of the autoattack is scaled to the rental time. [New] Integrated Controls: Start, stop, and configure the system directly from the item use [New] Alternatively, you can set the duration based on an account variable
  3. Thank you for your feedback! I don't know who he is, but I have no doubt that there isn't even a single line of code that's similar. I'm glad you find the auto-support system useful and improved. My work is entirely based on my own ideas and implementation. Of course, it's possible that similar ideas exist in other systems, as we all evolve within the same game environment. If some inspirations or concepts are shared within the community, it may simply show that we have similar visions for enhancing the gaming experience You can just take a look at my website and see that I don't need anyone else's work to develop my own features
  4. As the creator of the groundbreaking autoattack feature, I’m thrilled to introduce my latest development—the Autobuff System—an essential tool designed to automate and enhance party support, currently exclusive to Acolyte main class players. What does the Autobuff System offer? Regeneration & Healing Automation Auto-Heal: Configure the skill, its level, and trigger conditions based on HP percentage. Customize the target: self, party leader, specific members, or the entire party. Potion Usage: Similar to autoattack, select usable items and trigger healing or SP recovery when HP or SP falls below a certain percentage. Skill & Item Buffing Buff Skills: Select and customize skill level, and choose who benefits—yourself, party leader, selected members, or the whole party. Buff Items: Use consumables like Awakening Potion, Battle Manuals, and more, all automatically! Advanced Following System Set the distance and player to follow. Enable teleportation when the followed player is far, either within the same map or across different maps. Automatic Resurrection Enable or disable automatic resurrection for fallen party members nearby. PM Command System Control the buff bot via private messages, issuing commands like: “follow me,” “bless me,” “pneuma you,” and “safety me.” Define who can access these commands—whether it’s the party leader or selected members. Party Monitoring & Auto-Shutdown The system can automatically disable itself if the buff player is the last one online in the party. Death Response Configure auto-return to save point upon death or enable Token of Siegfried usage for revival. User-Friendly Configuration The Autobuff System has a seamless menu-driven interface that detects your available items and skills automatically, no need to input item IDs or skill IDs manually. Rental-Based Flexibility Activate, stop, and configure the autobuff system via an item, and enjoy scaling functionality based on remaining rental time. In-Game Notifications Receive alerts in the party chat when the buff player strays too far from the leader, runs out of crucial items (like blue gemstones), and more. Check it out in action Upgrade your Ragnarok experience with smart automation. Perfect for parties that want to stay focused on the fight while being constantly supported by buffs, heals, and more. Unlock the future of party support today!
  5. You still need a 2024 client but it still not a new packets, just something hardcoded now in client.
  6. It doesn't need a new packet at all Add this in a mes to show the oridecon image : ^i[984] Like : mes "test ^i[984] test";
  7. Launch your map server in order to get the stack trace of the crash. linux - with gdb : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/GDB windows - from visual studio : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Visual-Studio-Debugger
  8. FYI ; norodex is available on official rathena now : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/6291
  9. Allow players to farm legally xp or drop or both on a map while they are away from computer / game. – Auto heal skill (skill list : Heal, Highness Heal, Potion Pitcher, others can be added on script side) – Auto HP / SP potions use (Configure min HP or SP before using it) – Sit / Regen (Configure min HP or SP before sit, it auto stand to attack if hit) – Auto buff skill (Player can choose between all his support skills, it checked if the player is still under status to rebuff) – Auto attack skill (Player can choose between all his target or ground skills, if ground, the skill is used on ennemie position) – Auto buff item use (item list : Concentration, Awakening, Berserk potions, others can be added on script side, player can choose the delay between each use) – Disallow warp to another map while autoattack running (avoid any issue if used with @afk) – If death, disactivate the auto attack status – Allow player to disable auto melee attack (usefull for job that only want to use skills) – Teleportation configuration (skill and fly wing, ex 1) if no mob meet after x s 2) if low hp)) – Allow player to choose enemies by mob id (+ Allow player to attack or ignore if hit by an aggressive monster not on list) – Allow player to choose item to loot by item id
  10. Services I'm working in IT irl since more than 15 years. Doing some scripts and sources modifications on my free time. I did it first for my server and decided to spare some on them. As it I was sure they was fully working and without bugs for customers. You can find here a list of my work : Anti-bot – Captcha images from server MVP Spawn – Restore MVPs state like it was before server restart @killcounter – Follow the number of monsters killed @nolootid – Prevent dropping chosen items with autoloot @showrare – Show a message when you drop /steal an item under a chosen rate @ltp – Show your last position on minimap before a teleport @session – Experience meter @ping command – Works on windows & linux 1.0.0 Rework of the faction system from Lilith to the last rAthena revision and with some more configurations (Functor Aura, color name and others) Shared zeny between all chars of an account Twilight Alchemy 4 – Create blue potion per 200 with a skill If any of the selling script doesn't work, i'll obviously provide support to help you to install or adapt for your sources.
  11. It's a client side part. Best you can do is changing the button bmp file with all white bmp file so players will not see it.
  12. Change the SQL request then : Number of players online (with shops) SELECT COUNT(*) as online FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1; Number of players online (without shops) SELECT COUNT(*) as online FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 and `char`.`char_id` NOT IN (select vendings.char_id FROM `vendings` INNER JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `vendings`.`char_id`) Number of shops online SELECT COUNT(*) as online FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 and `char`.`char_id` IN (select vendings.char_id FROM `vendings` INNER JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `vendings`.`char_id`)
  13. Check if the packet is in src/map/packets.hpp #if PACKETVER_MAIN_NUM >= 20181212 || PACKETVER_RE_NUM >= 20181212 || PACKETVER_ZERO_NUM >= 20190130 struct PACKET_ZC_USESKILL_ACK { int16 packetType; uint32 srcId; uint32 dstId; uint16 x; uint16 y; uint16 skillId; uint32 element; uint32 delayTime; uint8 disposable; uint32 unknown; } __attribute__((packed)); DEFINE_PACKET_HEADER(ZC_USESKILL_ACK, 0x0b1a); #elif PACKETVER_MAIN_NUM >= 20091124 || PACKETVER_RE_NUM >= 20091124 || defined(PACKETVER_ZERO) struct PACKET_ZC_USESKILL_ACK { int16 packetType; uint32 srcId; uint32 dstId; uint16 x; uint16 y; uint16 skillId; uint32 element; uint32 delayTime; uint8 disposable; } __attribute__((packed)); DEFINE_PACKET_HEADER(ZC_USESKILL_ACK, 0x07fb); #elif PACKETVER_MAIN_NUM >= 20090406 || PACKETVER_SAK_NUM >= 20080618 || PACKETVER_RE_NUM >= 20080827 || defined(PACKETVER_ZERO) struct PACKET_ZC_USESKILL_ACK { int16 packetType; uint32 srcId; uint32 dstId; uint16 x; uint16 y; uint16 skillId; uint32 element; uint32 delayTime; } __attribute__((packed)); DEFINE_PACKET_HEADER(ZC_USESKILL_ACK, 0x013e); #endif
  14. src/map/instance.cpp comment those lines : clif_instance_create(instance_id, instance_wait.id.size()); clif_instance_create(instance_id, i + 1);
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