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Everything posted by FXFreitas

  1. This GayPink: But if you're creating a act file (with act editor) you can define the transparent collor (Right Click on sprite > Convert to... > in this window you'll see)
  2. I can see the error the jobidentity.lub follow a order and you break it. put the 3650 after the last monster (I think monsters still in 3300~3500) and change monsterlast to 3651. I think NPCIdentity follow the order too
  3. Really? [1101] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "One-Handed Sword", unidentifiedResourceName = "¼Òµå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by ^6A5ACDMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Sword", identifiedResourceName = "¼Òµå", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A basic one-handed sword.", "Class: ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000", "Attack: ^77777725^000000", "Weight: ^77777750^000000", "Weapon Level: ^7777771^000000", "Required Level: ^7777772^000000", "Jobs: ^777777Novice, Swordman, Merchant and Thief^000000" }, slotCount = 3, ClassNum = 2 },
  4. 2012- clients = cartslotcounttable.txt (I think this is the name or is just slotcounttable) 2013+ clients = iteminfo.lua (system folder) in slotcount you add the number os slots the item have.
  5. To fix the black squares change the Video Card in Ragnarok Steup to your standard (it happens with some new video cards, like NVidia ones)
  6. Try W/o Equips or buffs. Maybe Resistance coming from items affects paladin's damage taken
  7. Missing pallete file? Try to use another collor pack. maybe peco-peco rides are missing.
  8. Version 1.1


    This includes some of my NPC's, based in other games and present in my Showcase, here you Find 7 NPC's: X and Zero (From Megaman X / Rockman X) Dark Knight (From Nintendo DS game) Both male and Female Gordon Freeman (From Half-Life Series) Alex Mercer (From Prototype game series) Vampire (A custom Made NPC supposed to be a custom job, but for now I'll release a free NPC)
  9. They have scripters working on doram support.
  10. https://rathena.org/board/topic/104954-renewall-prontera-map-misconfigured/
  11. I don't know how i can open mapcache? mapcache.exe? and how i can edit there? https://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Maps First of all put the data folder and data grf in your grf-files: Grf-files This is a short step, in the 'conf' folder again. Open up grf-files.txt and simply make sure that if your custom map is in a GRF, to add said GRF to the GRF list following the format provided in the file. If your map is in a data folder, make sure to add the correct path to your data folder in the data folder section, but do not include \data in your path. Example: //----------------------------------------- //GRF List //----------------------------------------- // grf: C:\path\to\RO\data.grf // You may add more in this format // grf: <data file path> grf: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gravity\RO\data.grf grf: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gravity\RO\rdata.grf //------ Others --------------------------- // Data Directory (without the actual data\ though) // the below example would use C:\path\to\RO\data\ //data_dir: C:\path\to\RO\ data_dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gravity\RO\ Now with this program: https://rathena.org/board/topic/53424-weemapcache/ Open your mapcache.dat with this program and find Prontera, then delete it, run you mapcache.exe and IF your grf-files is configured right the new prontera will be added. Warps and NPC position need to be configured MANUALLY,
  12. Try do a @refresh. Can be a problem of information between server <> player. If not work, can be a source or client issue.
  13. Because we still with old prontera configs. To fix walkable cell, you need to open you mapcache, remove prontera and readd it (do not forget to configure your grf-files to read your data.grf or your data folder). NPCs and warps need manual change in coordinates.
  14. With me @spawn / @summon Worked, But @disguise not. Looking the files, now @disguise cannot be used while mounted, so mounts do not shown in disguise anymore?
  15. stk não pode reproduzir laminas por requerir katar pra castar, e oficialmente trans skills não podem ser copiadas, mas como foi dito acima, da pra escolher quais skills vc pode copiar.
  16. no more option for us using old client to you use this sprite? Yes, the hard way like I said before, but after you answer, the situation changed, you'll need to cut.each frame from each animation from each existing job to match their bodies, this will take ALOT of time, if you start now, with a bit of pratice, in something close to 3 months it can be finished, or maybe you will be give up in half way. Well your choice, renew the client or take some time with the paint's pencil because you'll need to know how to use him soon as possible. Or you can pay someone to do this, this world.have many lazy people.
  17. Only with GM cloth or you tested the other classes? (Before I see these problem in GM cloth because they didn't made the spr for this special cloth, can be fixed with new client, now the wings can identify the priority, but obviously it coded by the client, if you want a easy fix, change it, the hard way is do a cut in each frame of wings to match with gm cloth, you'll see a standard spr for future sprites.)
  18. Some npcs are in quests, some are in kafras, some are in guides, they are spread in many files, you need to look each.
  19. Its in db part, and restrictions are explained in custom items secion of wiki (in item_db structure)
  20. where to edit or tutorial for private servers? The author of this mod can adapt the client of andRO for your pserver, but it is comissioned. And as sayed before some builds from pservers are spread in intermet, you need to search and find it out.
  21. This skill never been released and never got a icon ^^
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