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Everything posted by FXFreitas

  1. Like the champion monsters aura, it is client sided but isn't implemented here yet.
  2. Very cute, for me one of the best spriters here.
  3. need to align in act file, just use act editor and mark the body reference, then move the sprite to correct position in each frame of each direction of each animation ^^
  4. To show the third jobs in rms you need to click in "renewal" button. Searching... Everything looks fine... tested here and worked
  5. Update your packet_db to fix this error. This happens because one packet is missing.
  6. I see... Its a problem with you character max slots you already checked the max_slots, but maybe missing something...
  7. Tried double-click in empty character slot, put the char name/hair and press enter?
  8. Its fixed in my hairpack, can be found in showcase section (I'm on mobile now so can't put the link). If the issue persists can be a client issue (maybe a problem with the anchors).
  9. You really want a automatic put-in-file, This is not "script" you just adding the item visual information, name, id, sprite, type, slot and description
  10. Open you system/iteminfo.lua (if you don't have one, just download him here in rathena). Add in last line of the file (to make more easy to found, or you can add following the item id order) [<item id>] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = <item name to show when not magnified>, unidentifiedResourceName = <file name prefix used for all the images and drop sprite when not magnified>, unidentifiedDescriptionName = { <comma separated list of strings>,<to get multiple lines>,<in item description> }, identifiedDisplayName = <item name to show when magnified>, identifiedResourceName = <file name prefix used for all the images and drop sprite when magnified>, identifiedDescriptionName = { <same format as unidentifiedDescriptionName but for magnified items> }, slotCount = <number of slots>, ClassNum = <View ID - yes the same one that was there item_db> }, Example: [20302] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "ĸ", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by ^6A5ACDMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Costume Beelzebub Crown", identifiedResourceName = "Cº£¸£Á¦ºêºêÀÇ¿Õ°ü", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A crown of MVP Beelzebub from nameless island. Its give noble atmosphere.", "Class: ^777777Costume^000000", "Defense: ^7777770^000000", "Location: ^777777Upper^000000", "Weight: ^7777770^000000", "Required Level: ^7777771^000000", "Jobs: ^777777All^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 1343 },
  11. In game character creation only support the 23 standards. To use them in-game you need a stylist (in rathena you have one for standard)
  12. This question already made so much times. But try go to this file and search for this line: "min_hair_style", &battle_config.min_hair_style, 0, 0, INT_MAX, }, { "max_hair_style", &battle_config.max_hair_style, 23, 0, INT_MAX, },
  13. If you want a npc/monster sprite will be great, but if you want like a job sprite, need to drop out the head rsrs
  14. Aconselho que estude pelo menos 4 anos o projeto do rAthena e como funciona antes de pensar em abrir um servidor, do modo mais try hard que puder.
  15. You can't download something if it not been released.
  16. I believe you can download it in rms, I downloaded in one thread of rathena or hercules.
  17. Maybe in jRO data.grf. This sprites have a japanese look for me rsrsrs
  18. Mob Sprites: mer_pope_casual mer_pope_normal pope_bishop pope_guard pope_luwmin They are so Awesome
  19. Pack Updated, 12 female heads added, 15 male heads added (old are female heads placed in male folder, it changed into unique heads), Sasuke head updated. Works with all custom palletes, but most of them are incompetible with the 8 oficial colors.
  20. Cronus e brathena estão com o banco de dados em ingles, o brA esta trabalhando na tradução. Alem disso traduzir na mob_db não vai traduzir o nome dos monstros nas fields, para conseguir precisa ir na pasta npc/(pre-)re/mobs e traduzir CADA UM DOS ARQUIVOS contidos nas pastas. Não acredito que vá conseguir tudo pronto, fazer por conta própria pode levar tempo mas é a opção mais viável.
  21. Because its oficial, with any enchanted item te slot adition will remove them, the slot "addition" remove your current item and give a new one. Same with refine.
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