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Everything posted by Boom

  1. I'm getting this weird message too before you get to the Character Select Screen for this specific client: 2015-10-29. This pop up may need to be hexed on the client. Still researching.
  2. The event will end depending on the number of rounds. Out-of-the box, i think the disguise event doesn't have functionality to check whether if players are around the Disguise NPC. Maybe try to customize the event so that players would need to register first. Check if there is no player registered and just end the game.
  3. I believe it's the .Rounds variable that controls how many rounds the event will run. OnInit: set .EventON,0; set .Wait,0; set .Winner,0; set .ResetCounter,0; set .Rounds,10; set .Prize,512; set .PrizeAmt,1; set .Rule,1;
  4. Hi Capuche, just wanted to ask if the src bug is already fixed? Oh, I think it's being tracked here. Still an open issue. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/324
  5. Yes, it seems it doesn't work on 2012-04-10. It worked on 2013-08-07...
  6. Thanks Tokei for sharing... might just be a network issue from where I'm in...
  7. Normally you would need a newer client, but if you download the above link it'll run fine on any version. Hi Tokeiburu, I think the mediafire link is not downloading anything at the moment... Cheers!
  8. Version v.1


    This is a free NeonCube Skin. NeonCube is a lightweight Ragnarok Online patcher. More information about the patcher via http://rathena.org/wiki/NeonCube Enjoy!
  9. Version v.1


    This is a free NeonCube Skin. NeonCube is a lightweight Ragnarok Online patcher. More information about the patcher via http://rathena.org/wiki/NeonCube Enjoy!
  10. Oh, I think postimage.org lowered the resolution for some reason. Anyway the PDO error was: Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active. Consider using PDOStatement::fetchAll(). Alternatively, if your code is only ever going to run against mysql, you may enable query buffering by setting the PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY attribute. I think the problem was with the PDO extension loaded on the PHP version I'm using which was PHP 5.2.17. I upgraded the version to the latest and the problem went away. This control panel's requirement was PHP5.x so I guess it may have some problems with versions lower than 5.2.17 or so.
  11. Hi! After a long hiatus (because of schoolwork), I'm coming back to the rA community. Seen new things coming and one of which is the new FluxCP-rA: http://rathena.github.io/FluxCP/ Upon installing, I've encountered this error: So, after looking for round-about, I used this method: on \lib\Flux\Installer\Schema.php public function install($version) { if (!array_key_exists($version, $this->schemaInfo['versions']) || !$this->schemaInfo['versions'][$version]) { // Switch database. $this->connection->useDatabase($this->databaseName); // Get schema content. $sql = file_get_contents($this->schemaInfo['files'][$version]); $sth = $this->connection->getStatement($sql); // Execute. $sth->execute(); unset($sth); //ADDED THIS LINE I'm using the required versions of PHP and MySQL and PDO BTW. Not quite sure if this is a bug or anything. Just wanted to post it so it can be looked at if it is a bug or not.
  12. This would be of great help to future developers who want to dig in more to rA source. Thank you very much for the hardwork.. Cheers!
  13. thumbs up!! /no1 ... much more cleaner and more informative.. hope this gets to the wiki soon for faster reference.
  14. Never thought of using an image processing sofware for extracting the texts (can be used also in other things aside from RO). That software is really cool. Your post is very informative. Thanks.
  15. If you're using a client version below 2013-07-24, just disable the bank feature: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/feature.conf
  16. Aside from the sprite files and accname/accessoryid lua files, there are other lua files connected to the arcangel/fallenangel wing sprites. They might be missing and thus the reason why it's being displayed incorrectly. Try downloading the latest translation GRF around. It might fix the issue on those sprites. I got that problem too when I tried implementing the robe-wings myself. It just didn't work out until I used a GRF that has the complete lua files related to those sprites. Some of those related luas: data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\spriterobeid.lua data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\spriterobename.lua
  17. If your issue is on the pink smudgy edges, you just need to make the outside edges of your work more exact and pixel-blocked.
  18. Tried using this one? //this will extract patch1.gpf into the data folder 1 FLD patch1.gpf //here, patch2.gpf will be mergegd with grf_file 2 GRF patch2.gpf //You can also delete files from the data folder. 3 FLD data\filenametodelete.xml* //Deleting files inside a GRF archive is still supported 4 GRF data\i_will_delete_you.txt* http://rathena.org/wiki/NeonCube
  19. Try adding this on the specific group id of the gm concerned? can_trade_bounded: true
  20. (1) Check your folder if it has a dinput.ini file.. if there's a file named like that, there should be an option as to how the resolution of the client should be. (2) What client version are you using? You need to have the correct msgstring.txt depending on your client version. For the items, I guess you're running a client that already reads the System/itemInfo.lub file. You need to get a translated version of that and place it inside your RO Folder/System/itemInfo.lub
  21. As what TheFinalEpisode said, the Izlude map should depend on whether you are using Pre-renewal (Izlude has a big tent at the center) or Renewal (No tent on the center but just some merchant carts with fruits/etc.). You need to use on your GRF to the corresponding izlude map files as well as update your mapcache.dat with the one you will be using inside your GRF to fix any un-walkable cells.
  22. Can you send a screenshot of any notice appearing as the client crashes?
  23. For 2013 clients, the aura will show when Third Jobs are Level 175.
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