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Everything posted by Boom

  1. Try this one and copy it on your item_db.txt (replace the original one!) 5592,Sigrun's_Wings,Sigrun's Wings,5,20,,100,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,80,0,568,{ bonus bAgi,6; bonus bDex,6; bonus bVit,6; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bSubEle,1,5; bonus2 bSubEle,7,5; bonus2 bSubEle,2,5; bonus2 bSubEle,5,5; bonus bMaxSP,100; if(getrefine()>=16 && getrefine()<=20) { bonus bAgi,2; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVit,2; bonus bMatkRate,3; }},{},{} That code works for me.
  2. To turn off WoE, use these two script commands: WoE FE AgitEnd; WoE SE AgitEnd2; I recommend using Toasty's WoE Controller for automated WoEs for which there are only specific castles that are open (not all castles; @agitstart/@agitstart2).
  3. Download the files on that link via TortoiseSVN or each manually and copy them inside your <RO Folder>\System\Font
  4. rAthena is a continuation of eAthena. What does that imply? It means eAthena is now encompassed by rAthena (with more updates, fixes, stability, etc.). If you disable renewal settings of rAthena, you'll be able to get back to most of the original settings of eAthena.
  5. Follow these steps thoroughly and you'll not get any errors. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items
  6. For infi For infinite Increase Agi and Blessing, use this item script: skilleffect "AL_BLESSING",0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,-1,10; skilleffect "AL_INCAGI",0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,-1,10; Hope this helps!
  7. Unfortunately, no in your case. You need to have access on those server-side files
  8. I think those maps are already duplicated within data.grf /rdata.grf. Run mapcache.exe and make sure the correct grf files are pointed to on the grf-files.txt inside \conf folder.
  9. You can distribute client files to the players with default settings on the OptionInfo.lua (inside <RO Folder>\savedata) with 0 on /monsterhp: CmdOnOffList["/monsterhp"] = 0
  10. It's an official feature, hopefully it'll soon be here in rAthena! Waiting for this one... but personally, I still like the Banker type NPC.
  11. (1) Create a snow.txt file inside \npc\mapflag (2) Type this code inside the snow.txt file prontera <tab> mapflag <tab> snow (3) Edit the script_mapflag.conf file inside \npc Add this line just below the other ones: npc: npc/mapflag/snow.txt (4) Check the snow on Prontera. Don't forget to reload scripts or restart your server. Hope this helps!
  12. I think you're looking for a Flux CP Theme with animations on it right? You can check out this one: http://rathena.org/board/topic/86336-download-drawmove-free-flux-cp-theme-revamped/?hl=drawmove There's a brief installation guide once you click the Download link, hope this helps.
  13. so cool! Pokemon Center as a Game Master HQ!
  14. What errors are you receiving? This is the script already and should be saved on another txt file (Include it on the NPC scripts to be loaded on npc/scripts_custom.conf file) or inserted within the script you mentioned.
  15. Can you copy what's inside your clientinfo.xml? Is the clientinfo.xml inside the ownserver.grf? As said by iraciz, why isn't the rdata.grf included.. although that'll be unnecessary for your problem in client-server connection since ownserver.grf is read first before the other grf files. Make sure that the right IP provided by the host server is correct as well as the the login port number. I think you are using your own computer as a server (since you used whatismyip.org right?), are your port forwarding configuration correct? You have to check lots of things carefully if they are setup correctly.
  16. Hi, I followed the steps as posted and have successfully converted to a 2013 client with the english translations, but I have a problem with the character auras. When a character is at level 150, the blue aura doesn't show as well as when at 160, the yellow aura doesn't. Tried all jobs and it seems that only Kagerou and Oboro had yellow auras at level 160. The blue aura at 150 on Kagerou and Oboro doesn't show. Anyone encountered this problem too? I hope someone can give an advice what step I can do to correct this. P.S. Tried changing the max_lvl and aura_lvl on client.conf but this doesn't solve my problem. @Concussion the .xdiff extension should be retained. On this site: http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/Diffs/, RIGHT CLICK >> Save Link As >> and a pop-up window should appear to save the .xdiff files
  17. Hello guys, I downloaded the latest rAthena revision 17435. I'm using the 2013-07-03 Client as suggested here. Updated the packet_db.txt also with the suggested packets above. But when I log-in my character, this error happens. Is there any way I can fix this? I'm not really that knowledgeable about packets. EDIT: Solved by checking Disable Packet Encryption on the xdiff patcher.
  18. Boom

    NPC Refund

    Of course.. as Green said... The items that can be bought by that NPC is limited on the items sold on the Donation Shop. It is another issue. (ex. Assassin Cross Card sold on the Donation Shop is dropped by the monster also). The management of the server economy needs to be planned out if there will be such NPC that can buy donation items and convert it to lower cost PODs. My solution to that is a bit complex and can be used for future developments though.. actually I already did this.. (ex. making a new server with customed items (for donation purposes) without editing the official ones). Duplicate the items on the database with a new item ID. This goes as well for the grf contents. By that we can check if a donation SinX Card #30001 cannot be bought by that refund NPC.
  19. Boom

    NPC Refund

    You can create a Universal NPC Donation Refund NPC that buys donation items, gets it, and gives back PODS at a lower cost.
  20. Hi, can you post a screen shot of the errors on the emulator screen. So we can check validate what really is happening. Failure to connect has a lot of factors.
  21. Add another check before the warping command. It should check whether the character is still on the job3_arch01 map. If true, continue the warp, otherwise.. end the script.
  22. Hi, I suggest you just compress the data folder into a grf file so it'll be much more easier to distribute for players when they need to download it. Just look at the DATA.INI txt file inside the RO folder and type in the hierarchy of which of the grfs will be read first.
  23. Try to read this: http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Jobs
  24. You might have entered an incorrect IP address for your SQL host on /config/ server.php. Check your application.php as well.
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