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Everything posted by Flaid

  1. Seems like a good idea, you got my support.
  2. Es scheint mir das du etwas in atcommand_athena.conf geändert hast, da werden die ganzen atcommand aliases definiert. Schau am besten da rein, wird wohl dein Problem lösen soweit ich das richtig verstanden habe...
  3. My favorite Brian ever <3

  4. That weird, my PIN is set since sometime in 2011, I guess? And never was forced to change it. As you can see there's no button for deleting it either. I didn't have a change testing yet, haven't been home for 2 days and probably won't be for another 1-2 but if everything is working fine, I'd say go ahead and commit if nobody minds. Good job on this by the way.
  5. How often does a user on kRO have to change his PIN code? - You don't have to change it ever if you don't want. The PIN code system checks for the KSSN on AEGIS, I would say we leave that out or do a birthday check instead. Which would mess up the client translation, because that one says "You cant use your KSSN". - Leaving it out for now is fine, I guess. Other opinions? How can a user delete his PIN? - You cannot delete your PIN, you MUST use it when enabled. When is the button for the pincode system displayed in char select? Send state 7 to find it there. - Right after getting to char select Has anybody got an UI translation for that system? - This are the translations, I can come up with all the buttons - if needed. How often can a user enter his PIN code wrong and what happens then? - 3x, nothing really, you get kicked back to the login screen and have to log back in to char select.
  6. I told Maki about this last night already
  7. @item2 ist kein command mit dem du bestimmen kannst wie viele slots ein item hat. item2 <item name/ID> <quantity> <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> Das ist das einzige was du mit dem command machen kannst, um slots zu bestimmen brauchst du nen custom edit.
  8. I have to agree with DeePee, yC worked that out, she put effort into everything and you just rip it? I wouldn't want you to just reword it but also take the screenshots yourself. And if the spam thing is true, I don't get why you're not banned in the first place.
  9. Let it be the past, we are in the present and we don't need anymore drama around here. I see it that way, we've lost staff members in the past few weeks but also have won some new members.
  10. You can control it with rA commands? (script_commands) No, but I've mentioned this on IRC a while ago already.
  11. I really don't see why we should drop pre-renewal... It's runing stable and doesn't need much work anymore anyways. I don't see why you people have a problem with it, you can change it on or off to your needs.
  12. Flaid

    Renewal ATK

    We still are in need of more information regarding this.
  13. I haven't seen it disappearing, however you seem to have solved the problem. Therefor I will close this now.
  14. The page will be back up very soon.
  15. So erst einmal, ein bisschen kannst du doch wohl selbst suchen, du brauchst nicht direkt anzufangen rumzuflamen. Jemand macht sich die Mühe das ganze zu schreiben und du findest etwas zum rummeckern, ist ein Link kaputt fragt man höflich nach nem reupload. Außerdem ist das hier rAthena und nicht eAthena, wenn du Probleme mit einer anderen Software als rAthena hast, geh bitte und frag da nach Hilfe.
  16. Da wir keinen Moderator für diese Section hatten konnte leider nichts gemacht werden. Ich habe jetzt einmal alle Posts hidden. Falls dein Problem immernoch nicht gelöst sein sollte, update mal deine SVN falls es dann nicht läuft sag an was du in deiner source edited hast.
  17. Flaid

    Max Level 160

    I am sure they didn't higher the exp gained from monsters but lowered the exp needed for each level.
  18. eAthena = englishAthena rAthena = renewalAthena Zu den unterschieden, rAthena is sehr viel weiter entwickelt als eAthena. Bei rAthena gibt es keine GM level mehr sondern groups, alles ist besser strukturiert und einfacher zu bedienen, haben jetzt zum Beispiel auch eine combo database. Ja, rAthena hat die third classes und ist auf renewal, kannst du aber nach Lust und Laune auch zurück auf pre-renewal stellen.
  19. Flaid

    Renewal ATK

    Finally someone made a thread about this! I've been asking about this on IRC a couple of times but never really got an answer regarding this. bRO runs under levelupgames as well and has the same formula, too. What information do you need and I'll try to get everything possible. Regarding your second question, if I am not mistaken lighta said something about this, I am not sure if it was the attack formular or the EDP formular though, my memory kinda sucks today.
  20. So cool, the moon needs another panty though.
  21. Nur unknown items oder auch funktionierende items? Hat nur er das Problem oder jeder?
  22. http://rathena.org/board/topic/53900-woe-status-and-time-script-v2with-count-down-uses-sql/page__pid__147367
  23. Halt ein zweites item was benötigt ist. Bei item id1 und id2 trägst du die normal item ids ein und bei der Anzahl halt so viel wie von dem jeweiligen Item gebraucht wird.
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