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Hayate Yoshida

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Everything posted by Hayate Yoshida

  1. I'm not sure this is relevant to the topic, please create a new topic.
  2. TXT is no longer needed, use rASQL. Mainly just support for 3rd jobs as well as ability to use newer clients.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's because of your setup not being correct, use the setup.exe also how did you get the serial there? The serial was diffed out of this client. where do i find some diff files by "diff team" or some good diff files to fix this ? i've found mostly clients.exe and .7z files but i havent found the diff files I think i need to use 2011-01-05aRagexe.diff but im not sure src/common/mmo.h // 20061023 - 2006-10-23aSakexe+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20070521 - 2007-05-21aSakexe+ - 0x283 // 20070821 - 2007-08-21aSakexe+ - 0x2c5 // 20070918 - 2007-09-18aSakexe+ - 0x2d7, 0x2d9, 0x2da // 20071106 - 2007-11-06aSakexe+ - 0x78, 0x7c, 0x22c // 20080102 - 2008-01-02aSakexe+ - 0x2ec, 0x2ed , 0x2ee // 20081126 - 2008-11-26aSakexe+ - 0x1a2 // 20090408 - 2009-04-08aSakexe+ - 0x44a (dont use as it overlaps with RE client packets) // 20080827 - 2008-08-27aRagexeRE+ - First RE Client // 20081217 - 2008-12-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: This one still use old Char Info Packet Structure) // 20081218 - 2008-12-17bRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: From this one client use new Char Info Packet Structure) // 20090603 - 2009-06-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d7, 0x7d8, 0x7d9, 0x7da // 20090617 - 2009-06-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d9 // 20090922 - 2009-09-22aRagexeRE+ - 0x7e5, 0x7e7, 0x7e8, 0x7e9 // 20091103 - 2009-11-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7f7, 0x7f8, 0x7f9 // 20100105 - 2010-01-05aRagexeRE+ - 0x133, 0x800, 0x801 // 20100126 - 2010-01-26aRagexeRE+ - 0x80e // 20100223 - 2010-02-23aRagexeRE+ - 0x80f // 20100413 - 2010-04-13aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b // 20100629 - 2010-06-29aRagexeRE+ - 0x2d0, 0xaa, 0x2d1, 0x2d2 // 20100721 - 2010-07-21aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20100727 - 2010-07-27aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20100803 - 2010-08-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x827, 0x828, 0x829, 0x82a, 0x82b, 0x82c, 0x842, 0x843 // 20101124 - 2010-11-24aRagexeRE+ - 0x856, 0x857, 0x858 // 20110111 - 2011-01-11aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20110928 - 2011-09-28aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20111025 - 2011-10-25aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20120307 - 2012-03-07aRagexeRE+ - 0x970 #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20111116 //#define PACKETVER 20100730 #endif Diffteam is no longer active. You use Shin's Diff Patcher and the WeeDiffGen plugin in it.
  4. Of course the installation packages may differ for their names depending on the distro though but since Ubuntu is based on Debian, I'm pretty sure they're the same.
  5. Chicken Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis?
  6. Welcome to rAthena Jen, those were the good days, that's when I started in Ragnarok Online as well!
  7. This is AMAZING! Syouji this is a great help to me and several others. I thank you for your generosity/effort/time.
  8. Nice guide! Very descriptive, this probably would work for Ubuntu Server as well.
  9. Great work Matrixfox! A wonderful resource for those in need! I will point to this often! Is it alright if I use your signature to point to this? "Suck @ Google I Haz all~ the Resources!"
  10. Marvel Free Weights or P90X?
  11. Google sql injection prevention or something of the likes. It really depends on several specifics of your situation.
  12. You can do it. Just get the client from here. Then use Shinryo's diff patcher and use the WeeDiffGen plugin that it has.
  13. Well I say you are wrong. Just sayin.
  14. Deviling Day or Night? (I wasn't speaking about digitally remastering btw, the keyword was reproduce, in otherwords, a recorded instrument that is played back versus a live playing of an instrument/ music. Just thought I should clarify that.)
  15. Yeah, too many people posting for support here, makes it difficult to find any fixes that are unofficial.
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