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  1. try with this - script KillMon2Cash -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2); if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) { getitem 50001,1; @delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "check", "KillMon2Cash::OnCheckTime"; end; OnCheckTime: if (( @delay - gettimetick(2)) <=0 ) message strcharinfo(0),"Your next drop is ready!"; else message strcharinfo(0),"Next drop in "+ ( @delay - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds."; end; }
    1 point
  2. my bad - script KillMon2Cash -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: .@gettimetick = gettimetick(2); if (rand(100) < 1 && .@gettimetick > @delay) { getitem 50001,1; @delay = .@gettimetick + 60; // 60 seconds } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "check", "KillMon2Cash::OnCheckTime"; end; OnCheckTime: message strcharinfo(0),"Next drop in "+ ( @delay - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds."; end; }
    1 point
  3. in the mob_dead(...) search for drop_rate = mob_getdroprate(src, md->db, md->db->dropitem[i].rate, drop_modifier); replace with if (it->type == IT_CARD) drop_rate = md->db->dropitem[i].rate; else drop_rate = mob_getdroprate(src, md->db, md->db->dropitem[i].rate, drop_modifier); hmm... nvm this actually removed all modifier. it probably better if you pass the item type into drop_rate = mob_getdroprate(src, md->db, md->db->dropitem[i].rate, drop_modifier, it); then int mob_getdroprate(struct block_list *src, std::shared_ptr<s_mob_db> mob, int base_rate, int drop_modifier,struct item_data it) then add the item type checking to skip if its card and is vip if (pc_isvip(sd) && it->type != IT_CARD) { // Increase item drop rate for VIP.
    1 point
  4. Here is my solution. All thanks to @Litro Endemic for the idea.. goto pc.cpp look for /*========================================== * Invoked once after the char/account/account2 registry variables are received. [Skotlex] * We didn't receive item information at this point so DO NOT attempt to do item operations here. * See intif_parse_StorageReceived() for item operations [lighta] *------------------------------------------*/ void pc_reg_received(struct map_session_data *sd) Add this : // Cash shop sd->cashPoints = pc_readaccountreg(sd, add_str(CASHPOINT_VAR)); sd->kafraPoints = pc_readaccountreg(sd, add_str(KAFRAPOINT_VAR)); + if ( pc_readaccountreg(sd, add_str("#BLOCKPASS")) ) + sd->state.protection_acc = 1; + else + sd->state.protection_acc = 0; Dont include + compile and done.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This system is already activated in the source of the brAthena. It was created by Orce, and with my friend's help, we converted to rA, and it's working perfectly with the last revision Language: PT-BR, EN-US Ps. Sorry my english
    1 point
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