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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/22 in all areas

  1. maybe many here know mir4 nft (or maybe not lol), but I found their mining system pretty cool and I'm developing it for rag. a lot of problems appeared, a lot of headache lol, I have friends who also help me both on the client and src side. much of it is already functional including @autofarm. I've been running out of time lately but I have several cool projects that I'll bring to the community soon @Edit rarity effect more similar to the original idea Current system operation#1 This script is currently in a fundraising campaign to make it free. I cannot post a link to the campaign to avoid breaking the community rule. If you want to contribute, call me on discord: Hyroshima#1621
    2 points
  2. I started this idea because rag has a lot of limitations, and for things to get interesting there are a lot of obstacles, I had help from some friends in parts that I don't have enough knowledge in the src part and in the client part. After a long time working on this idea, I'm finalizing it.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is a tiny FluxCP theme for rAthena, inherited from the pre-integrated "bootstrap" theme by Akkarinage. [ Installation ] Download the .zip or .rar file, then extract it to your `[FluxCP's root] > themes`. Since the "bootstrap" theme is inherited from the default theme, this theme also requires the default. So, your `ThemeName` in `config/application.php` should be something like this: 'ThemeName' => array('bootstrap-zero', 'default', 'bootstrap') Not like this: 'ThemeName' => array('bootstrap-zero') [ Configuration ] You can adjust the Jumbotron's content in: `[theme's root] > parts > jumbotron.php`. ______ I know this theme is still small, don't know if I will develop it further or not. My goal is to share, so that it doesn't go to waste on my computer, and hopefully can be used by the community. This theme is provided as is. Use as you wish at your own risk.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.1.0


    It's updated to current emulators. Original mod by @Xantara
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This mapflag sets more drops for monsters at the map that it's been attached. You can set up to ~50 more items for mobs. "drop_per" is the chance of drop, from 1 (0,01%) to 10000 (100%). There's an example at the screenshot, I setted a Yggdrasil Berry with 100% of chance for the Poring at prt_fild08 map. You can set a lot of mobs, but you have to set more mapflags for your maps. Original mod by @zephyr Example: mapname<TAB>mapflag<TAB>mobitemadder<TAB>mob_id,item_id,drop_per{,item_id,drop_per(...)}
    1 point
  6. 1 - edit message (data/msgstringtable.txt) use notpad++ for search 2 - edit cash banner link ( data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/tb_cashshop_banner.lub )
    1 point
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