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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/11 in all areas

  1. I love the idea about to just ditch pre-renewal, and just keep with Renewal and leave pre-renewal for eAthena, but mainly i'm most interested in stuff like: - The complete removal of TXT from rAthena. - Stop supporting old clients, (The amount of #if is insane on clif.c due the support of old clients). - Drop the support of VC 6, 7, 8, since "almost" no one uses that except for a few guys which i can count with my hand. - Removal of unused code as the effect rain and other stuff. - Improve the eAthena script engine with some mods which were added time ago by a few users which greatly improve the way to make scripts. - Decide if we're going to follow kRO or iRO, cause eAthena is a mix between kRO and iRO. I didn't see anything added from kRO to eAthena since 2006 far as i remember, except by a few items. Since mostly of information and data has been gathered from iRO and leaks of cRO, Regards,
    4 points
  2. Of course there is demand for pre-Renewal servers. However, if an admin wants a pre-Renewal server, they should use eAthena. That is its goal, after-all. This is - supposedly - Renewal Athena. The focus should not be pre-Renewal. As stated - developers will soon realize how difficult it is to maintain a pre-Renewal branch (and keep it updated) - simply because all updates are meant for Renewal. There is no pre-Renewal equivalent for any of the new content. (You may notice in eAthena, many new items with verified itemscripts are left out, because there is no pre-Renewal equivalent.) My point is that keeping a pre-Renewal branch is unnecessary and counter-productive. However, the admins/developers/community are free to do as they wish. (Yes, if rAthena developers are able to pull it off - great!)
    2 points
  3. Hi All, Here is a rather simple quest template based on arrays. It will tell users what they're missing among other things, and makes for a good way to quickly get a quest in game. //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Super Awesome Quest Template //===== By: ================================================== //= CalciumKid //= & Okira //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 1.0 Final + //===== Description: ========================================= //= Quest Template //============================================================ <map>,<x>,<y>,<facing> script <npcname> <npcsprite>,{ //===== Config: ============================================== set .npcname$,"[^FF0000 <npcname> ^000000]"; //Change to whatever you want the NPC name to be setarray .reqid[1],<id>,<id>,<id>; //Item IDs for the items, required for item checks setarray .reqn$[1],"<name>","<name>","<name>"; //These are names of the required items, for the dialogue setarray .reqa[1],<amount>,<amount>,<amount>; //These are how many of each item is required set .prize,<rewardid>; //Change this to the Item ID of the item reward set .prizen$,"<rewardname>"; //Change this to the name of your reward set .prizea,<rewardamount>; //Change this to the amount of the prize item set .zeny,20000000; //Amount of zeny for quest (set to 0 to disable) L_QUEST: mes .npcname$; mes "Hah! Hello there "+strcharinfo(0); next; mes .npcname$; mes "I don't get many visitors, so I assume you're after my legendary ^FF0000"+.prizen$+"^000000?"; menu "Of course",-,"No way",L_EXIT; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Great! I love business. I can make you a ^FF0000"+.prizen$+"^000000, but only if you bring me the materials required."; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Would you like me to make one for you?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_EXIT; next; mes .npcname$; mes "I'll need the following:"; for (set .@x,1; .@x < getarraysize(.reqid); set .@x,.@x + 1) { mes .reqa[.@x]+" ^FF0000"+.reqn$[.@x]+"^000000"; } if (.zeny > 0) { mes .zeny+" ^FF0000Zeny^000000"; } next; mes .npcname$; mes "Do you have those items?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_EXIT; next; mes .npcname$; for (set .@x,1; .@x < getarraysize(.reqid); set .@x,.@x + 1) { if(countitem(.reqid[.@x]) >= .reqa[.@x]) {mes "You've got enough ^00FF00"+.reqn$[.@x]+"^000000";} else {mes "You need more ^FF0000"+.reqn$[.@x]+"^000000";} } if (.zeny > 0) { if (Zeny < .zeny) {mes "You're missing ^FF0000Zeny^000000";} else {mes "You've got enough ^00FF00Zeny^000000";} } next; mes .npcname$; mes "Would you like to complete the quest?"; menu "Yes please!",-,"No Thanks",L_EXIT; next; for (set .@x,1; .@x < getarraysize(.reqid); set .@x,.@x + 1) { if(countitem(.reqid[.@x]) < .reqa[.@x]) goto L_EXIT2; } if (.zeny > 0) { if (Zeny < .zeny) goto L_EXIT2; } mes .npcname$; mes "Brilliant! Fantastic! Here you go."; for (set .@x,1; .@x < getarraysize(.reqid); set .@x,.@x + 1) { delitem .reqid[.@x],.reqa[.@x]; } if (.zeny > 0) { set Zeny, Zeny - .zeny; } goto L_FINAL2; close; L_EXIT: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Eh. I don't need you either. Bah!"; close; L_EXIT2: next; mes .npcname$; mes "I'm sorry, you don't have enough!"; close; L_FINAL2: next; mes .npcname$; mes "Brilliant! Fantastic! Here you go."; getitem .prize,1; close; } Just edit everywhere it has placeholders wrapped in <>. You can expand the NPC to contain as many required items as you wish, just keep adding entries to the arrays. I also have a version that doesn't require the input of item names. This version however I don't have laying around because the servers I have used this template on often have strange names for items in their item_dbs. I can recode release this version if requested. If you like my work, please rate the topic and give reputation! Thanks!
    1 point
  4. Currently it is not possible to edit bugs you've reported. Could editing own reports be enabled?
    1 point
  5. Name: Vincent NickName: KeyWorld Age: 21 (22 in ~one month) Location: Paris, France About RO: I started playing RO (in 2006) on FRO (a french pserver administrated by MagicalTux (you know the man who created GRF Builder)). I join officially eathena.ws on 2008 - even if I started working on eathena in 2007 on some projects. About me: I'm a web developer enthusiast with new (web) technologies and also a good designer when I'm inspired (yeah I'm not just a no-life coder with a white code in a black screen ! I love colors ). I'm someone who love open-source projects and release stuff for free; I'm here to have fun and contribute not to gain money and abusing people. I'm a bad guitarist since I was 9 year old (and I continue to make the noize 8D !) and also have a pretty girlfriend whom I am madly in love <3
    1 point
  6. If I remember it's 1024x768, if you're using another format it'll fit it to the requiered size. So you can use also 640x480 ... 24 bits for coulors. But it's really permissive, try you can surely use biggest loadscreens.
    1 point
  7. Server Originally set to 10 Location - Already 20 Server - Made to 20 Marked as Done
    1 point
  8. src/map/skill.c case BA_FROSTJOKER: sc_start(bl,SC_FREEZE,(15+5*skilllv),skilllv,skill_get_time2(skillid,skilllv)); Change the (15+5*skilllv) to what you want
    1 point
  9. For something like this you'd be better off using FluxCP rather than CeresCP as it has native support. However, there is a modification diff file available here: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=204227&view=findpost&p=1126237 If you know how to diff this will add the support you need. I strongly recommend moving to FluxCP though.
    1 point
  10. 1. it's a phpMyAdmin bug, more info here 2. ohhh That's in this file /themes/default/main/balance.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?> <div class="credit-balance"> <span class="balance-text">Donation Credits</span> <span class="balance-amount"><?php echo number_format((int)$session->account->balance) ?></span> </div>
    1 point
  11. If you explain it like that it's logic ...., my stupid brain didn't wanted to think logically o.o. Thanks for the info Brian . Regards, Chris
    1 point
  12. 1. import the latest RAthena SQL item/mob databases: https://rathena.svn....runk/sql-files/ - item_db.sql - item_db2.sql - mob_db.sql - mob_db2.sql 2. the file is ../themes/default/purchase/index.php <p>Items in this shop are purchased using <span class="keyword">donation credits</span> and not real money. Donation Credits are rewarded to players who <a href="<?php echo $this->url('donate') ?>">make a donation to our server</a>, helping us cover the costs of maintaining and running the server.</p>
    1 point
  13. Renewal mechanics should be top (read: only) priority for the main development team. Not to be disrespectful to those who want non-renewal mechanics, but everything is Renewal now - bonus scripts, items, mobs, etc. It is much more work than anyone anticipates to keep a non-Renewal branch. I don't think this should take the time of the main developers. Their goal should be rapid (and accurate) implementation of new Aegis features. Perhaps a 'secondary' development team can manage the non-Renewal branch (if there is to be one). Personally, I don't think there should be a non-Renewal branch simply because it'll be out of date, there is less demand for it, and not many people will maintain it. Non-Renewal admins could simply use eAthena. (The new logo is great, by the way. There are still some old eA icons being used in various areas.)
    1 point
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