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  1. File Name: Ringing Phone File Submitter: DevilEvil File Submitted: 30 Jul 2013 File Category: Animated Headgears Content Author: DevilEvil A constantly ringing phone ! Click here to download this file
    6 points
  2. ROChargenPHP Features Core Support for .spr, .act, .pal, .grf, ... .act file completed support (transparency, scale, color, rotate, ...) Characters fully implemented ( body, head, hats, weapon, shield, robe, mount) with palettes support. Can modify action, animation and direction. Class to generate : Full Character / Character Head only / Monster-NPC-Homunculus / Avatar / Signature. Cache system available (and can be set off) with configurable time to cache. Emblem Loader available. Client Data.ini file support (to list your GRFs) Support GRF (0x200 version only without DES encryption - repack before uploading) - the data folder is always read first. Auto-Extract files from GRF if needed (optimize performance) Updater script available to convert some lua files to PHP. How to use Really url-friendly: myserver.com/chargen/<controller>/<data> // with url-rewriting myserver.com/chargen/index.php/<controller>/<data> // without url-rewriting Example for my character called "KeyWorld": myserver.com/chargen/avatar/KeyWorld // avatar myserver.com/chargen/signature/KeyWorld // signature myserver.com/chargen/character/KeyWorld // full Character myserver.com/chargen/characterhead/KeyWorld // Character's head You can change the default link by modify the array $routes in the index.php file: // $routes['url'] = controller $routes['/avatar/(.*)'] = 'Avatar'; $routes['/character/(.*)'] = 'Character'; $routes['/characterhead/(.*)'] = 'CharacterHead'; $routes['/monster/(\d+)'] = 'Monster'; $routes['/signature/(.*)'] = 'Signature'; Custom display At least, the tool is really easy to use, here an example on how to display a static character: $chargen = new CharacterRender(); $chargen->action = CharacterRender::ACTION_READYFIGHT; $chargen->direction = CharacterRender::DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; $chargen->body_animation = 0; $chargen->doridori = 0; // Custom data: $chargen->sex = "M"; $chargen->class = 4002; $chargen->clothes_color = 0; $chargen->hair = 5; $chargen->hair_color = 12; // ... head_top, head_mid, head_bottom, robe, weapon, shield, ... // Generate Image $img = $chargen->render(); imagepng($img); Examples / Demos Sources Get the source (Thanks to report all bugs) License Instead of selling it, I give a try to "Open Source project with Donation". So if you think, you would have buy it if i was selling it, think to give a donation ? Notes A directory "client" is in the project, it will be a good idea to move it to a directory not accessible by the user (for example /home/client/). If you use generate images from GRFs you have to know it's a little slower, i recommend you in this case to allow the "AutoExtract" option to gain performance. GRFs have to be save as 0x200 version without any encryption (even the official DES), good idea is to remove unused folders ( textures, wav, models).. If you use the options Cache and AutoExtract, don't forget the script need to have a write access to the client and cache folder. Thanks to Khazou for the acces to his server to fully testing the tool
    1 point
  3. Item Bound System r17351 adds in a new feature which allows characters to have specific items bounded to their account, guild, or party. Suggestion topic: http://rathena.org/board/topic/70372-item-account-bound-proposal/ Features: Items can be bounded 3 different ways. New script commands 'getitembound' and 'getitembound2' creates bounded items. New script command 'countbound' counts number of bounded items, also placing them automatically into an array. New at commands @itembound and @itembound2 used to create bounded items on the fly. Account bound items can be stored in account storage and in cart. Guild bound items can be stored in guild storage and traded to other guild members.When a character leaves or is expelled from the guild, these bounded items are automatically returned to guild storage. Party bound items cannot be stored but only traded to other party members. These are temporary and will be deleted on party deletion or when leaving the party. Credits to Xantara for the initial diff and Lighta for helping with the guild bound system. Please report all issues/bugs in the proper bug report section. Don't forget to update your SQL tables with upgrade_svn17351.sql!
    1 point
  4. What's this? A mapflag. If any map that has noconsume mapflag, every players are at that map can't use any usable items. I said, any usable items. *Except player that has Group ID below noconsume_belowgroupid. This is written on conf/battle/noconsume.conf.* What's the first idea I made this? I hate cheater(s) when I made an event when I asked "Don't use any usable items, healing, pot, etc!" How to use this? Just make new mapflag file, the patch file including the mapflag. prontera[TAB]mapflag[TAB]noconsume Is this mod working on latest rAthena svn? I hope so, because I just tried it on my 17101. Any proof that it is working and tested? Where I can download the .patch file? mf_noconsume (Mediafire) *Better add the patch file manually. LOL* How if I want to the exception by group_level not by group_id? mf_noconsume-bygrouplv-rA.patch
    1 point
  5. Nice sprite Devil! i like your sprites =)
    1 point
  6. bonus bAspd,3; bonus bAtkRate,3; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus2 bSubRace2,7,7; bonus2 bSkillHeal,478,5; I don't think Aspd works for eAthena... I could be wrong... and I can't remember if it was MatkRate or Matk that didn't work for eAthena...
    1 point
  7. jobname does take the class's gender into account. For example: jobname(Job_Bard) will return Bard whereas jobname(Job_Dancer) will return Dancer.
    1 point
  8. @_@..... Sugoi hakuryoku wa subarashīdesu ne! watashi wa ima sore o tameshite mitai! i mean Woah looks awesome! i want to try it now! Nice work DevilEvil and thank you for sharing.
    1 point
  9. So cute, I love it! I can hear it ringing in my head!
    1 point
  10. @Gerome I didn't see your post, sorry. Thank you, what are the next updates you want to see in this tool ? @AngelRO Yeah, check the DATA.INI name and the GRF name, it's maybe case sensitive. If you don't see, PM me and we will do some tests to figure out what's your problem. @BBaking I never use nginx to do rewrite url, but by checking google it should be something like this: server { # basic configs before... # unless the request is for a valid file, send to bootstrap if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 last; } # Avoid user to read .htaccess/.htpasswd files location ~ /\.ht { deny all; } } But I have no idea if it will work. @All I'm planning to do a debug mode (or an installation mode) to help configuring it. If you have some idea for this tool, don't hesitate and share it.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. prontera,167,196,3 script nRO Server Time 864,{ end; OnInit: while( 1 ){ delwaitingroom; waitingroom " "+gettimestr( "%r",21 ),0; sleep 1000; } end; }
    1 point
  13. By default, group 99 can trade bounded items: 'can_trade_bounded' trunk/conf/groups.conf
    1 point
  14. Name: Napster Badge: Bug Tracker Lv 1 Reason: bugreport: 7710 ,bugreport: 7706 ,bugreport: 7580 ,bugreport: 7731 Status: Rejected (you're getting there; keep it up!). [Euphy]
    1 point
  15. Hey Guys here are some of my designs, i hope you like it and rate it =) (1-10) Banners: 468x80 animated 468x60 (with Shadows) 468x80 468x60 (with Shadows) Flux Themes: Splash Enter Site: Thor-Patcher: (One of my first Works) Neoncube: (3 Work) Triad Patcher: Logos: Greetings Musashi444
    1 point
  16. In r17361: Added configuration option to disable Guild/Party bound retrieval/removal system in core.h Added support for Character Bound items
    1 point
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