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FatalEror last won the day on December 25 2019

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About FatalEror

  • Birthday 01/20/1996

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Community Answers

  1. Curly brace should be added at the end of '3rd Class items' NPCs script and before NPC shop. prontera,164,172,4 script 3rd Class items 501,{ mes "3rd Class Item Warper"; mes "Hello,"; mes "Would you like to go to the 3rd Class Item shops"; menu "Yes Please!",yes,"No thanks!",no; yes: warp "mora", 121, 179; end; close; no: close; } mora,115,184,4 shop RK & GX shop 946,127172000,127182000,127192000,127202000,127212000,127212000,127222000,127232000,127242000,127252000,127262000,127272000,127282000,127295000000,127302000,127315000000,127322000,127331000000 mora,118,184,4 shop Warlock shop 743,6189100000,6190100000,6191100000,6192100000,6193100000,6194100000,6197100000,6198100000,6199100000,6200100000,6201100000,6202100000,6203100000,6204100000,6205100000 mora,121,184,4 shop Mechanic shop 813,154910000,213920000,2800100000,2801100000,2802500000,2803100000,2804100000,2805100000,2806150000,2807200000,280825000 mora,123,184,4 shop Mechanic Ammo 813,6145100,6146300,6147100,12392220,12393500,123941100,18000100,18001200,18002200,18003200,18004500 mora,125,184,4 shop Genetic shop 731,6210100,6211100,6212100,62131000,62141000,62151000,62162000,62174000,6244100,6245100,6246100,6247100,6248600,6249100,6253100,6254100,6255500,6256100,6257100 mora,127,184,4 shop Genetic Shop 2 731,6258800,6259100,6260100,6261500;6262400,6263100,6264100,6265100,62791000,62801000,62811000,62821000,62831000,62841500,62851000,6297100,1102210000,1102310000,1102410000
  2. yes it's possible, try his script and input this as your new name: asd', `zeny`='99999999 and bamm! you got 99m zeny..
  3. Add this at the top of your script: function script isContain { set .@str$, getarg(0, ""); set .@exc$, getarg(1, ""); if (.@str$ == "" || .@exc$ == "") return 0; for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getstrlen(.@exc$); set .@i, .@i+1) if (countstr(.@str$, charat(.@exc$, .@i)) > 0) return 1; return 0; } Then in your script, above if(getstrlen(.@newname$)>23){, add: if (isContain(.@newname$, "!@#$%^&*()-=+_[]{}")) { mes .@npcname$; mes "Your name contains illegal characters."; select("Back"); goto Firstcase;end; } PS: You should add escape_sql to prevent sql injection.. here is the full script: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xUhxVaC5
  4. It's a Hexadecimal Number Taekwon(2) + StarGladiator(4) + Soul Linker(8) = 14 (decimal) → E (hex) you can calculate it manually, use Windows Calculator, or try this
  5. Taekwon (2^21): 0x00200000 StarGladiator (2^22): 0x00400000 Soul Linker (2^23): 0x00800000 Gunslinger (2^24): 0x01000000 Ninja (2^25): 0x02000000 -------------------------------------- 0x03E00000
  6. should be: +vitgain = val * status->vit/100; +if( (val + vitgain) >= battle_config.max_hp - 1000000 ) vitgap = 1; val += val * status->vit/100; // +1% per each point of VIT +if( vitgap ) val = battle_config.max_hp - 1000000; or you can also try: static unsigned int status_base_pc_maxhp(struct map_session_data* sd, struct status_data* status) { ... return cap_value(val, 0, battle_config.max_hp - 1000000); } but it will also "gap" trans/baby class hp bonus/penalty..
  7. ../src/map/atcommand.c put this above atcommand_basecommands function static int count_mob(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) // [FE] { struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data*)bl; short id = va_arg(ap, short); if (md->class_ == id) return 1; return 0; } ACMD_FUNC(mapmoblist) // [FE] { char temp[100]; bool mob_searched[MAX_MOB_DB]; bool mob_mvp[MAX_MOB_DB]; // Store mvp data.. struct s_mapiterator* it; unsigned short count = 0, i, mapindex = 0; int m = 0; memset(mob_searched, 0, MAX_MOB_DB); memset(mob_mvp, 0, MAX_MOB_DB); if (message && *message) { // Player input map name, search mob list for that map mapindex = mapindex_name2id(message); if (!mapindex) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Map not found"); return -1; } m = map_mapindex2mapid(mapindex); } else { // Player doesn't input map name, search mob list in player current map mapindex = sd->mapindex; m = sd->bl.m; } clif_displaymessage(fd, "--------Monster List--------"); sprintf(temp, "Mapname: %s", mapindex_id2name(mapindex)); clif_displaymessage(fd, temp); clif_displaymessage(fd, "Monsters: "); //Looping and search for mobs it = mapit_geteachmob(); while (true) { TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)mapit_next(it); if (md == NULL) break; if (md->bl.m != m || md->status.hp <= 0) continue; if (mob_searched[md->class_] == true) continue; // Already found, skip it if (mob_db(md->class_)->mexp) { mob_searched[md->class_] = true; mob_mvp[md->class_] = true; // Save id for later continue; // It's MVP! } mob_searched[md->class_] = true; count = map_foreachinmap(count_mob, m, BL_MOB, md->class_); sprintf(temp, " %s[%d] : %d", mob_db(md->class_)->jname, md->class_, count); clif_displaymessage(fd, temp); } mapit_free(it); clif_displaymessage(fd, "MVP: "); // Looping again and search for mvp, not sure if this is the best way.. for (i = 1000; i < MAX_MOB_DB; i++) { //First monster start at 1001 (Scorpion) if (mob_mvp[i] == true) { count = map_foreachinmap(count_mob, m, BL_MOB, i); sprintf(temp, " %s[%d] : %d", mob_db(i)->jname, i, count); clif_displaymessage(fd, temp); } } return 0; } below ACMD_DEF(set), ACMD_DEF(mapmoblist), ../conf/atcommand_athena.conf mapmoblist: ["ml"] ../conf/groups.conf commands: { ... mapmoblist: true ... }
  8. umm.. please read my post above.. you can't declare a function that is outside of npc script..
  9. Please read this: ../doc/script_commands.txt for function outside npc script, it must use "callfunc"
  10. I think he want to call the function without the "callfunc" function script plus { return getarg(0) + getarg(1); } prontera,100,100,4 script Plus NPC 508,{ mes "5 + 6 = " + plus(5, 6); close; } yes you can't do that, but.. whats wrong with "callfunc"? function script plus { return getarg(0) + getarg(1); } prontera,100,100,4 script Plus NPC 508,{ mes "5 + 6 = " + callfunc("plus", 5, 6); close; }
  11. rAthena: Find: if( runflag != CHARSERVER_ST_RUNNING && (runflag != CHARSERVER_ST_MAINTENANCE || group_id != 99) ) Change to: if( runflag != CHARSERVER_ST_RUNNING && (runflag != CHARSERVER_ST_MAINTENANCE || group_id < 80) ) // Below 80 can't enter.. Find: if( (runflag == CHARSERVER_ST_RUNNING || (runflag == CHARSERVER_ST_MAINTENANCE && node->group_id == 99)) && Change to: if( (runflag == CHARSERVER_ST_RUNNING || (runflag == CHARSERVER_ST_MAINTENANCE && node->group_id >= 80)) && // Equal/Above 80 can login Find: if (atoi(data) != 99) { Change to: if (atoi(data) < 80) { //Below 80 can't login Find: if (pc_get_group_level(pl_sd) != 99) { // Only Admin(99) that will stay in maintenance Change to: if (pc_get_group_level(pl_sd) < 80) { // Kick player with group id below 80 eAthena: Find: < 99 Change to: < 80 Find: >= 99 Change to: >= 80
  12. If someone want to add this diff to rAthena, then yes.. we need to add PACKETVER check in this.. Maybe this?
  13. in ../src/map/status.c search for status_base_pc_maxhp function static unsigned int status_base_pc_maxhp(struct map_session_data* sd, struct status_data* status) { ... if (sd->class_&JOBL_UPPER) val += val * 25/100; //Trans classes get a 25% hp bonus else if (sd->class_&JOBL_BABY) val -= val * 30/100; //Baby classes get a 30% hp penalty ... }
  14. That cart diffs seems like have pretty much problems.. ------ cart.patch
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