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About Kamion

  • Birthday 02/15/1989

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    New York
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    Almost anything that has to do with computers, how stuff works, and programming... among other things.

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  1. Thanks for the feedback with the map I did :P I really appreciate it.

    1. Kamion


      My pleasure! That was just how amazed I was at seeing that map. I mean, I knew you were good at mapping, but that was like... wow. No wonder you're always so bogged down with map requests. ^u^ Keep up the awesome work!

  2. YOU. HAVE GOT. TO BE. KIDDING. ME. HOW DO YOU KEEP OUTDOING YOURSELF?! Excuse me, pardon the random yelling. But... wow! It's like... every time I see one of your maps, and I think it's awesome, I see another map you do, and it's like... what was that last map, again? XDD Maybe I should start predicting it, since that's where things seem to be going... But this is incredible. The 3D effect and everything, both in the screenshots, and the YouTube video you posted of you running through it. It's like, seriously... what are you still doing here?! (and I really mean that as a compliment, not like I'm so incredibly angry at you for doing this, and... well, I'm sure you know) XD I've been looking at quite a few things, to see how exactly it's possible to push the limits of Ragnarok Online, in all sorts of ways, and... Gravity's maps have nothing on this. Seriously. You should be teaching them a thing or two about mapping! I'm just lost in the colors, on the floor, on the walls... good night!! Basically, what I'm trying to say, is... phenomenal! If that even begins to describe it...
  3. You don't? That's interesting. It's usually in data.grf, whether your client is using a data folder or not. Hmm... Well, either way, here's one you can use: mp3nametable.txt That one's from a pretty recent kRO data.grf, from around August, 2012. I haven't changed it, or anything. If there's already background music playing in-game, then mp3nametable.txt should be in one of the GRFs your client uses. If it's not in data.grf, does your server have its own custom GRF, or does it use a data folder? I think you either wouldn't have any music, or the game would keep playing the logon screen BGM over and over again on every map, if one of the GRFs your client uses, or its data folder, didn't have that file.
  4. Well, if your server doesn't have its own custom GRF, it'll be in the data folder, but it should also be in the data.grf file, too, either way. All you'd need to do is pull it out with a GRF editor (like Gryff, or GRF Builder, for example), and put it into your client's data folder, or your own custom GRF, after you throw it into Notepad, and edit it however you want to. And actually, the folder name should be in all-caps ("BGM"). What folder did you put it into? Did it stop playing background music just in Prontera, or everywhere (like other maps, and the login screen)?
  5. True. Most of Gravity's BGM files (the songs by SoundTeMP, Warren, Denis Koishi, etc.) are sampled at 22050Hz, with an 80Kbps bitrate, but the custom songs that I use are 44100Hz sampling rate with a 192Kbps bitrate, and the client plays those just fine, too. So I guess either of those should work, unless someone knows of any other sampling/bitrate combos that work, too.
  6. Yeah, you can. It's actually pretty easy, too. All you gotta do is make the song into an MP3 file, name it whatever you like (I'd suggest giving it a name that has a word in it, like "server01", for example, so if Gravity decides to add more in-game music, you won't have to worry about the kRO patcher replacing it with something different), and put it in the BGM folder in your client. Then, in either your client's data folder, or your server's GRF, look for the mp3nametable.txt file, and open it. Scroll down to the bottom of the file, hit Enter to make a new line, then type something like this in, at the bottom: mapname.rsw#bgm\\songname.mp3# Where mapname.rsw is the name of the map filename (it'd be the same name as the GAT file; it's like how geffen.gat has a matching geffen.rsw file, as well, for example), and songname.mp3 is the name of the MP3 file you just made. The same would go for changing Prontera's background music to Canon Rock, except after putting Canon Rock's MP3 file into the BGM folder, in mp3nametable.txt, you'd look for this line, instead: prontera.rsw#bgm\\08.mp3# And you'd change 08.mp3 to whatever the name of Canon Rock's MP3 file is. Hope that helps.
  7. I would also double-check the number in-between the <version></version> tags in your client's clientinfo.xml file, and make sure that it's 27. If that doesn't work, double-check db/packet_db.txt in your server's files, and make sure that, 1) the packet_db_ver: setting near the top has default next to it, and 2) the packets for the client you're using are in there, near the bottom (just hit CTRL-F and type in 2011-10-05, and see if it finds anything). If they aren't, you can find them in the latest packet_db.txt file on the SVN.
  8. Quick question, if you don't mind my asking: doesn't a C&D from Gravity usually have a bunch of lawyer-speak in it (like "your server name or URL" (hereafter referred to as "rogue website") or something like that)? And this might be a stupid question, but aren't companies that hunt down private servers usually more forgiving, especially if their only income is donation money? I notice they say "shut down your server AND we'll press charges", instead of "shut down your server OR we'll press charges". Just curious.
  9. That does look good, but I would be careful with something like that, though. I once tried to host my server's website on a host that worked almost like that one, but had different branding in places. If iwebs.ws is like that one (and it looks almost like it might be, just from how the website looks), it'll pretend to be unlimited space and bandwidth, but what they don't tell you is that they have a file cap, usually around 10,000 or 20,000 files. I mean, you might be able to get around it, if they have a website importer, or something like that, but some hosts will still make that count toward it. So, if you have a small website, or are just starting out, that probably won't hurt you that much (if at all), but if you try to move a website (and the website you're moving has quite a few things on it, already) to a server like that, it could hit you hard. But who knows? Maybe you won't run into something like that. But 000webhost is good, because that's what I use. They just have a fun thing with domains (like .tk, .co.cc, .co.nr, .cu.cc, etc.), from my experience.
  10. Kamion


    ...I'm not cleaning that up... But hiya! I'm not sure if I should give points for the... "interesting" title, or what... but welcome to rAthena, anyway. Hope you like it here.
  11. -wave wave- Kami-kun! :3 -huggie-

    1. Kamion


      *waves back* Hey Lena! =3 *huggies you back*

    2. DeAmascus


      -nod nods- I should keep in touch with some of you guys more often. Who all is with you? o: How're you and your bro?

  12. Kamion


    I agree with Elven about RO private server communities dropping dramatically, if P2P gets implemented. For example, if something like this did happen, who's to say that the hundreds of private servers that run a server as a source of income, rather than as a hobby, or as an alternative to the official servers, won't implement this as another way to get money? And yeah, about the legalities: most (if not all) of us know that sometimes Gravity sends cease-and-desist letters to private server owners, once they find out about them. What if they find out that a private server is charging players just to play their game? Won't they decide to step it up, and rather than a cease-and-desist letter, they file a lawsuit, instead? I might be totally wrong about this, but that's just what I think might happen.
  13. The funny thing is, even eA themselves got attacked, too (the site is down, again...), so this makes me wonder... is there someone out there that doesn't like eAthena, and even attacked us, because we were originally trying to be the new eAthena, or in one way, associated with eAthena?
  14. I've got almost the same here, if I'm lucky. The fastest I've ever recorded (and sorry, I don't have pics to prove it) was around 1.4MB/sec-1.5MB/sec. If I can get a time when my brother isn't playing World of Warcraft, I'll do one of those SpeedTest.net things, too.
  15. Kamion

    Hai Der.

    Why, hello there! Welcome to these fine boards. I bet you've gotten better at scripting ever since you started, anyway.
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