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Everything posted by Vach

  1. http://rathena.org/wiki/@go Edit this line: { MAP_PRONTERA, 156, 191 }, // 0=Prontera Make sure you use a map that's in mapindex.h and edit your help files. If you need help feel free to ask more.
  2. I have no experience in Flux CP, but let me know if you need more help getting the serverside and clientside portion working. I'm glad you were able to get your compile and MySQL table issues fixed though! Yay!
  3. And you are using the latest compilation of rAthena? Or a pre-compiled version? That client version uses an older version of the lua files, I'm not sure why it is reading that particular folder. If you are using the most recent rAthena SVN, I would use 2012/04/10 since it is pre-set for that and is known to work.
  4. Oh man! I missed a lot when I didn't log in all day! XD Hmm... well it appears you have already gotten a lot of questions answered and things solved. With that being said, I'll add a little bit here from some things I saw in the thread so far. After checking out the VPS you are renting from, I would make sure you can backup your content and move to a more professional service when you can. You should have your own root directory structure and the host machine is really far from most players. Asura hosting (which can be searched on this forum) is really good, if you don't want to host stuff yourself. As was already stated, if you don't really have any important edits just wipe and delete everything and reinstall. I saw that you were trying to merge tables and was curious if you're planning on using MySQL item_db and mob_db, because those tables will be different then eAthena (especially the rc you were using). The packet_ver you need to update that was mentioned in that thread is in the packet_db.txt file in your db/ folder (listed as packet_db_ver). The most recent SVN has it as default, which should work with client 2012-04-10 by default. Again, michaelsoftman is correct, the latest up to date client before the new lua revisions is 2012-04-10. I would use the data folder here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/54190-release-basic-rathena-client/ And then download the up to date Lua Package here: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide At least that's what I recommend. One thing that wasn't mentioned is that you want pre-re mechanics, and the compilation of rAthena defaults to RE mechanics... you need to recompile by editing the configuration .h files to the pre-re settings that you want. This also ensures the correct databases are used and pointed to with other files (as well as NPC scripts).
  5. your skilldescript.lua file is sending an inappropriate value in one of the variables from one of your skills. What have you edited in the file? Try to revert and see if that helps. If you haven't edited anything, you have the wrong lua files for your version of the client.
  6. Your paste lines have "StatusIconchangeTable" it needs to be "StatusIconChangeTable" (captial C). In regards to LUA, really? I always get errors when I don't edit the commas... perhaps I am using the improper compiler or something. =/ Thanks for the heads up.
  7. You can always put the unlimited poison bottle in as a skill requirement but just have the value as "0“, this prevents any other item from being used, though.
  8. Its a manteau there shouldn't be a sprite called when it is equipped, unless the lua files were edited improperly. It DOES look like some kind of lua error, but I don't recognize the error or supposed file. Did you double check your lua/lub entries?
  9. I thought the quests were translated via lua files after 4/18 exe?
  10. I'm going to be honest with you, transferring between systems is not an easy process and you are going to have to do a considerable amount of editing and bug testing. Be prepared for the endeavor, because "starting over" from scratch with a fresh installation will look better the more you look into your project. That being said, I've been there... I just converted from a version of eAthena that was 8 years old... NIGHTMARE TERRITORY. So, I want to offer my help and expertise in the matter. First, I have some questions. I'm assuming you have complete control of your VPS? Root access, blah blah blah. And it's running on a linux server, you said? How many years old is this server? Now, your questions: 1) You don't have to wipe your databases, but you'll have to update them by adding new columns to many tables and editing certain fields... Manually, to make sure everything works with rAthena. If you have a bajillion players this becomes a much more difficult task. Most of the tables have different values in rAthena and some have different compositions of what is in those values. Main differences are item_db fields in RE mechanics and the mob_db is missing an entire column, but otherwise the database fields are mostly interchangable. Your big task is migrating save data on the MySQL database. 2) As michaelsoftman said, you don't have to update your version of the MySQL software... Just updating the tables (big charts that store the data in lists). If you don't care about your characters saves just delete everything and start fresh. 3) I suggest you learn about editing your MySQL tables and understanding their function before attemping anythng here. You're going to be looking at those tables a lot if you're planning on migrating data. 4) michaelsoftman's got this one. You can use all existing mob sprites for whatever purpose, but just be ready to modify their stats so your pre-re characters don't buy the farm. Do you have any custom databases or custom mods? If you don't, this means you can use a fresh rAthena install and just migrate your data to rAthena compatible MySQL tables. However, the next step is getting a client that works... This is important and often way more difficult than it sounds. You need to compile the rAthena source code to fit the right RagRE client date or make sure you are using a client exe compatible with a pre-compiled rAthena release. What client version are your players using? I hope I gave you information you needed and helped get you started. Feel free to ask more. =P
  11. Vach

    Damage Question

    What'd you end up doing?
  12. Vach

    Damage Question

    After checking, I see the same result on my server. I don't think anything is wrong on your end. Are you doing less than 7K with hits?
  13. Scare tactics have been common among legal proceedings for years, many people are so uneducated among what is and isn't legal any kind of "scare" will provoke them to action.
  14. -smacks forehead- BAHH! I totally misread that file! It works now, thanks a lot for your help.
  15. I'm not sure why, but if I run it on clean code no penalties occur unless it is by a player. It has something to do with the following line, it somehow affects how the penalties are run: if (src && src->type == BL_PC) { struct map_session_data *ssd = (struct map_session_data *)src; pc_setparam(ssd, SP_KILLEDRID, sd->bl.id); npc_script_event(ssd, NPCE_KILLPC); Bah, I don't know enough about the code yet, I don't feel like I could speculate.
  16. There isn't a script command that supports that, yet.
  17. I see, yea I converted mine to text and went from there... ended up being less difficult. Sorry.
  18. Vach

    MVP Pets

    I believe the folder is: data/sprite/¸ó½ºÅÍ
  19. So it works for you on a clean file? That is really confusing. I'll copy over a clean pc.c and check it out... I remember testing it before I even touched the code to make sure I wasn't wasting my time... hmmm. From what I saw in the code, all the penalty triggers only flipped (activated) after a check if the source of death was "Player." I actually do think the conf documentation is incorrect because the XP penalty has never worked on my server. Are you using an uo to date revision?
  20. It gets complicated because of the way servers run and how Gravity has never actually asked for compensation for the Client (it's always been free to download). Like you mentioned with Apple and Jailbreakers... you own your device you can do whatever you want with it - most countries are long past the automatic plastic EULA that used to be assumed with digital products.
  21. If all I need to do to get it to work is apply 2.0 then I must be doing something else wrong, during the patch process, because when I recompile there is no effect. I checked with Mammonite to make it all zeros (0% damage) and it still did full damage even at level 50 (my mammonite goes to 50).
  22. In regards to the second solution, which I preferred because it sort of works within the code, I receive multiple map-server errors, including but not limited to: Map server crashes (random) OnPCKill events are being called by monsters killing players which causes numerous errors, including Debug messages saying scripts using the OnPCKill have no RID attached (because there wouldn't be, it's a monster) Most of the time the zeny or XP isn't even penalized, and instead I lose 100z or nothing. Unable to login if killed by a monster recently (random). Excessive lag. As you can see, the code is expecting only player kills, so something special would have to be programmed in. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express, as recommended by the Wiki. After I moved the variable declaration everything worked fine, but I thank you for letting me know. I'm not 100% up to C-Standards, as I've been programming with C++ all my life so this is a tad different.
  23. Vach

    MVP Pets

    Yea, it's really not that hard. You can theoretically add any monster as a pet - just add it as you would any pet. I've added many pets, give it a try and post here if you have any issues and I'll help you out.
  24. I just dealt with something very similar to this. You're converting text files, right?
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