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Everything posted by Vach

  1. What client are you using? Because I am able to reproduce this issue with 06-18.
  2. @Annie Yea, that's what I was thinking... Will that method work with a global function NPC? And okay, I'll take a look.
  3. I actually use setd and getd for the temporary variables used in the function call, as it makes it dynamic and I never need to change anything. I need them global, or at least thought I did, because my function matrix (bunch of nested functions) calls them and explodes them/reads them for data... But if I can make a single function have access to .Variables and pass that to the other functions which then use temporary scope variables... Viola. No globals. So my question to you, if I put ".Var$,"String"" inside a "- script function {" NPC... Setting it with OnInit, will those variables stay for the duration of map server load even though its just a function NPC? @Annie - I don't understand... You want me to test your script?
  4. The permanent global variables are avoidable, it will just drastically slow the script down, and I can't set npc "permanent" .Variables in the script because of how the script is primarily a function... although that could work since its technically still an "NPC."
  5. lol no this is the account bound items you were asking about.
  6. Account bound items is located here: http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2558-account-bound-items/ My function is as follows: function<TAB>script<TAB>GetBoundItem<TAB>{ // Gives the player a bound item but checks if its stackable and just does regular give item // if it is. // One Arg (zero), the item ID. set .@ItemType,getiteminfo(getarg(0),2); if (.@ItemType == 0 || .@ItemType == 2 || .@ItemType == 3 || .@ItemType == 6 || .@ItemType == 7 || .@ItemType == 8 || .@ItemType == 10 || .@ItemType == 11 || .@ItemType == 18) { getitem getarg(0),1; } else { getitembound getarg(0),1; } return; }
  7. I like the blue critical myself, I don't mind that it looks slightly off... only thing is how it repeats and doesn't bounce like the other criticals; but like you said that's a client issue.
  8. Hmm... well based on my situation... This worries me, I have a TON of $Variables$ for my quest system, and many #variables$... what should I do to minimize problems? Should I move all my $variables$ to some kind of temporary function call pretending to be global variables? More specifically, should I change that ASAP?
  9. And this happens when installing the updated version? The 2.0?
  10. Yea, something strange is going on with those quest based lua files... if I edit any of them nothing shows up. They hard coded something into the client to make it function that way and I have no idea what that was.
  11. I'm still a little confused, which us embarassing because I'm usually pretty versed in the sql stuff. So I would want to execute that sql script on top of main.sql as soon as possible? Should that be in the wiki?
  12. You mean from making it accessible at all? I don't think that's possible.
  13. Also, there is an account bound item mod in the downloads section. I use it and it's great - I even have a special set of functions I programmed for it. I can't find it at the moment but let me kniw if you need ut later and I'll get everything together.
  14. I think it is more reliable and useful. There are technically less lines of text being used even though it's one big file and it becomes easier to format and see errors (at least to me).
  15. The battle configurations?? What in those files affects the cart??? Strange. You might have to diff your own files to see whats different within the conf's. But as far as the available sprites for different carts, I'm at a loss. I didn't even know they had new ones to be honest.
  16. Yea, that's essentially what I was thinking/saying. This provides a lot more control then the script command.
  17. It does, but in my opinion this will become undesireable without a large amount of control functions. Without being labeled as platinum skills, these skills could become free skill points if a skill resetter on your server. Also, if they are skills the class actually has then your NPC could easily either do nothing or grant additional points that that character would be considered to "have", again if a reset were to ever happen (or a stored build, such as Emistry's script). You'd have to have a large amount of class checks going on for each skill via the NPC, and write a variable that prevents resetting and ensures the skill isn't taken already and/or otherwise ever available for that job path. I would recommend using items for something like this, because then the server knows in advance those skills are truly (misc) and you have way more control. This is just my opinion.
  18. This is impossible within the current structure of the skill database(s). In order for a class to have a skill, it needs to be in that particular classes' skill tree, configured in the lua files, and you need to be sure that class has access to its requirements. The last one becomes an issue with something like a passive skill for a weapon that class can't use. Class == Job. =P There is a script command to give skills, but it won't function properly if it isn't in their skill list.
  19. I had to delete entries to get new ones to work, and use a vastly huge number (100XXX). I deleted almost half the quests in the file and on the serverside.
  20. To be honest, I'm not sure. I had absolutely no problems with 04-24 except the weapon sprite issue that I recently posted about. I just very much dislike the old text file system compared to the itemInfo.lua structure. I am actually using a stabilized 06-18 now. I don't, I used the same converter that is available here on the forum downloads. I only had about 200 or so custom items. My recommendation is to use that file but parse it into sections of the highest it can manage. And copy/paste to your own itemInfo.lua. That's a lot of custom items! XD
  21. Oh! Yea, I saw similarities in the code and knew this would fix it... but based on how this forces the size to small and the other issues with this I was talking about earlier... I'd rather see if Goddameit will update it himself before I start messing with it. Thanks though.
  22. Which version are you installing and on which SVN version?
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