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Everything posted by Elijah23

  1. This bug happens when a player stoods in the portal spawn before killing the last monster in that floor... No one can enter the portal.. xD
  2. Hello everyone, just wanted to know on how to do this in game.. Don't know if this belongs here or in the scripting section, sorry if I'm wrong.. I have an npc which looks for the guild id of a specific guild which will be an input in the npc.. I have use this sql query and its working: The problem is, I want the name to be exact. For example, I was looking for the guild id of test, and I have input in the npc test123. It would still be able to get the ID of test guild but instead I want the npc to input it as not existing since there is really a no guild name of test123 and it should be test only. Another example again for guild test, If I input tes only, It would still be able to get the ID of test guild but instead I want the npc to input it as not existing since there is really a no guild name of tes and it should be test. So what I am aiming is a sql query with an exact match of the input.. I have searched in google how to do this and find this: add % before and after the string and use LIKE Example: But I can't integrate it with the script: or Doesn't work for me.. xD So if anyone knows how to do what I wanted to do, please share it to me.. xD Advance thanks!..
  3. Good in Windows XP, but output GRF/GPF always broken in Windows 7. I'm using Windows 7 too, no problem here.. hmmm
  4. seems to be unsafe.. you can use the link I gave to you.. same as the diff patcher..
  5. or you can use this one http://rathena.org/tools/diff_patcher.php
  6. What I did is using @lostskill command, it will work.. You can try copying its source and make a new script command like delskil Will try to look into my old server files..
  7. This is already possible by the lua files So how to do it?.. thanks..
  8. wow this update is really awesome, can i have another request? a diff for adding custom status icons in game (if its possible) thanks!
  9. does your grf is included in your data.ini?.. Could you please post it here
  10. What are the exact files you have extracted?.. and the map icons, i believe lua files is what you need there..
  11. why not add the kagerou and oboro files from KRO to your server's grf so whether they used PRO or KRO grf files, they will see it because its in your grf..
  12. maybe you have enabled renewal drop.. /// renewal drop rate algorithms /// (disable by commenting the line) /// /// leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied /// based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table #define RENEWAL_DROP you can find that line in src/config/renewal.h, just put // before it and recompile then try it again..
  13. You can close this thread now, found it out already with playing around with codes.. xD
  14. yeah you can merge the changes in tortoise that's why I do it on my own computer.. When the changes merged, I'll then commit the changes in my own svn where in my working copy in linux will get the updates..
  15. so this can be used to restrict a certain @command in a certain map? this would be helpful additon with rathena:)
  16. What I usually do is checkout 2 SVNs.. One who gets the updates automatically and one for my customizations.. Make a patch for your source files and make your own svn..
  17. were this settings based on battle conf? if they are based there, the best thing to do is copy all the custom settings you have made in the battle.txt in import folder same with other settings that can be place there
  18. i'll check the codes again to find where it was defined,
  19. wow! totally awesome! i'll try this definitely, thanks!
  20. this is really a problem regarding somd renewal formulas are still not implemented, you can find alternatives with playing with other formulas from other svn,
  21. After removing the custom prontera, did you delete the map_cache.dat and run the mapcache again?..
  22. Change getmapmob with mobcount.. It's the counterpart script of getmapmob in rathena.. --------------------------------------- *mobcount("<map name>","<event label>") This function will count all the monsters on the specified map that have a given event label and return the number or 0 if it can't find any. Naturally, only monsters spawned with 'monster' and 'areamonster' script commands can have non-empty event label. If you pass this function an empty string for the event label, it will return the total count of monster without event label, including permanently spawning monsters. With the dynamic mobs system enabled, where mobs are not kept in memory for maps with no actual people playing on them, this will return a 0 for any such map. If the event label is given as "all", all monsters will be counted, regardless of having any event label attached. If the map name is given as "this", the map the invoking character is on will be used. If the map is not found, or the invoker is not a character while the map is "this", it will return -1. ---------------------------------------
  23. Still the same error.. sorry for the late reply..
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