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Everything posted by Elijah23

  1. You should have changed the if statement rather than putting the else part... The if part is blocking the refinement of +11 equipments above while your else part blocks the refinement of +10 below equipments.. therefore, it will not refine anything.. @TS, what's your error with chilly's refining script?
  2. hope there will be Use custom aura sprites.dll
  3. It is free.. www.jiidesignstudio.com/download-free-stuff/viewdownload/10-game-guard/2-roclient-sheild.html
  4. Is the 2010-06-16 the only stable client for 2010? cause if some people who wants to use the costume system from rathena, i think that client can't support it cause it still does not have the styles tab in alt-q...
  5. *getequiprefinerycnt(<equipment slot>) Returns the current number of pluses for the item in the specified equipment slot. For a list of equipment slots see 'getequipid'. Can be used to check if you have reached a maximum refine value, default for this is +10: if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP) < 10) goto L_Refine_HeadGear; mes "Sorry, it's not possible to refine hats better than +10"; close; L_Refine_HeadGear: mes "I will now upgrade your "+getequipname(EQI_HEAD_TOP);
  6. I just want to ask if there's a way to do some source modifications without losing the ability to update the svn automatically.. Well, sometimes its really hard for fully customized sources and then there are so many updates that you need to update manually.. Hope there's a place where you can put all your custom source files or anything.. Thanks and God bless!..
  7. Hmm.. I think there's no such thing as BL_CHAR... So you need to put the code under BL_PC.. case BL_PC: { struct map_session_data *ssd = (struct map_session_data *)bl; struct party_data *p = NULL; struct guild *g = NULL; char charhp[50], *str_p = charhp; str_p += sprintf(str_p, "[%u/%u] %s\n", ssd->status.base_level,ssd->status.job_level,ssd->status.name); //Requesting your own "shadow" name. [skotlex] if (ssd->fd == fd && ssd->disguise) WBUFL(buf,2) = -bl->id; if( ssd->fakename[0] ) { WBUFW(buf, 0) = cmd = 0x195; memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ssd->fakename, NAME_LENGTH); WBUFB(buf,30) = WBUFB(buf,54) = WBUFB(buf,78) = 0; break; } if( str_p != charhp ) { if( battle_config.show_char_info&1 ){ memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), charhp,NAME_LENGTH); } else { memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ssd->status.name, NAME_LENGTH); } } if( ssd->status.party_id ) { p = party_search(ssd->status.party_id); } if( ssd->status.guild_id ) { if( ( g = guild_search(ssd->status.guild_id) ) != NULL ) { ARR_FIND(0, g->max_member, i, g->member[i].account_id == ssd->status.account_id && g->member[i].char_id == ssd->status.char_id); if( i < g->max_member ) ps = g->member[i].position; } } if( !battle_config.display_party_name && g == NULL ) {// do not display party unless the player is also in a guild p = NULL; } if (p == NULL && g == NULL) break; WBUFW(buf, 0) = cmd = 0x195; if (p) memcpy(WBUFP(buf,30), p->party.name, NAME_LENGTH); else WBUFB(buf,30) = 0; if (g && ps >= 0 && ps < MAX_GUILDPOSITION) { memcpy(WBUFP(buf,54), g->name,NAME_LENGTH); memcpy(WBUFP(buf,78), g->position[ps].name, NAME_LENGTH); } else { //Assume no guild. WBUFB(buf,54) = 0; WBUFB(buf,78) = 0; } } break; try changing your BL_PC with the above code.. The problem I have encountered with this are for names that are very long... You need @refresh and then the level will show then the name will be cut,
  8. It depends on how you are saving the values in your ladder.. if the values saves when the player logouts, you need to do the deleting when all players are not online. You can use the @maintenance command if you have it then do a drop table and create table again..
  9. Maybe you're using 04-10-12 client wherein the navigation system is hard coded in the client, thus changing the msgstringtable.txt will not do anything.. try to use 04-18-12 client, then put the translated msgstringtable.txt in your grf..
  10. yeah this is possible with integration of the language system of eamod,
  11. You guys experiencing random crash with this?.. Thanks
  12. you should made a post in Client Patcher Forum.. Every details..
  13. what's your inter_athena.conf? Why not try changing the IP address there from localhost to the IP address of your machine..
  14. I mean what did you type? 'user'@'localhost' or 'user'@'' or 'user'@'server's IP'?
  15. how did you grant, using or localhost?
  16. Did you create user first? before the grant thing?
  17. You skipped mysql setup? That error means the user don't have any privileges.. Configure your sql first...
  18. bump for this... Just want to add question too... If in the conf files, for example char_athena.conf I have set the char IP to the IP address of the server then at the map_athena.conf I have set the char IP to Will this cause a conflict? thanks
  19. Hello everyone, so we can't find the source of our server's crash and we're finding hard to know because its not creating any core files.. Ulimit -c is alreay unlimited... ./configure --enable-debug=gdb is already set too.. But still no core files when the server crash.. But I noticed something weird... In my config.status I can see this even i have ./configure --enable-debug=gdb Thanks in advance..
  20. just want to ask, how did you do it?.. Already done everything in this thread, but still no core file..
  21. Nope.. You need to use newer clients like 2011-05-17 in order to use all the renewal mounts.. Even you use rathena and you're still using older client, it will not work.. I'm still using 3ceam too,
  22. If you have added a pc bonus script, you should update your const.txt too int the db folder.. Hope that helps...
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